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This line is fun. I got una Bongo last night. Had fun taking picks of the mini figures with Black Series. Then I just sat there and admired the sculpt and design of the Bongo. It’s loverly as Jar Jar might say. I do scratch my head as to why they design crafts to hold loads of figures like 7 for Bongo but only include two. This one should have had three with Qui Gon being included. I have to think Qui Gon is going to come with Amidaka, Panaka, Astro mech droid for the queen’s ship they will do. 


Super Camel
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I got the Bongo as well, and the Naboo fighter with Ani today.  Always happy to get EPI stuff, and both ships are very nicely done.  You're right prophet924.  I can't believe the Bongo didn't come with Qui Gon.  

Hopefully they do make the Queens Royal Starship, and we get Qui Gon there.  Maybe they will do a Deluxe scene pack for Wal-Mart or Amazon that has the Queens ship, as well as Darth Maul and his speeder from when he attacks.

The Scarecrow Guy
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Looks like Jazwares announced a limited edition box set with some chase variants in it. I know a lot of folks are bummed at having to buy another Anakin and Obi-Wan, but I'm super stoked for it- something tells me it's gonna be hard to get, but it's so far my clearest chance at snagging Plo and Aayla. Would love to be able to knock out 4 Jedi starfighters in one go. If I'm not able to get one and someone else does and finds themselves not needing that Plo, feel free to shoot me a buzz. 🤪 

The Scarecrow Guy
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Well, in the off-time, I managed to luck out and actually get one of the Jedi Starfighter sets, so 2 of my big wants were able to be checked off! I know what a fiasco it turned out to be, so I count myself pretty lucky. Of course, my other big wants are also the rare ones- Kit Fisto, both Grievous ships, etc., but I'll get those somehow.

Think I may try and offload the First Order TIE that came with the set, along with maybe the fancy box they all came in. Is there even really any demand for the TIE (or the big box the set came in)? I don't know how easy/hard it is to find- I never see it in my area, but it seems like one that could potentially pegwarm, or could be bought up for army building. I'm not really looking to make a huge profit, if any, I just don't need the ship and figure if it could go to a better home, why not?

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I got the Kenobi and Skywalker Jedi interceptors for my son's birthday during the May 4th sale. I think movie updates were where I missed Fwoosh the most the last few weeks, but may 4th was a close second.

TheGillMan reacted
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I grabbed the Imperial Shuttle on clearance at Target last week.  It's the first MGS I've opened and I'm both blown away and let down.  The detail is fantastic and I love the weathering and all of the movement in the guns and the ratcheting wings.  But man does it make me nervous to move most of the big pieces.  Out of the box I couldn't get the landing gear, ramp, or canopy to open completely, to the point where I was convinced they weren't meant to.  But then I watched a review and yeah, I wasn't getting full ROM out of these parts.  So I forced the landing gear and now those work fine, but the ramp still doesn't seem like it's going down all the way.  It's much more brittle feeling so I'm not going to force it. I also couldn't get the canopy open until I removed the top panel (which was also quite difficult) and now I can't get it to close again for fear of snapping those two small plastic pieces.  I also can't get the top "fin" to go all the way in. 

I really didn't expect this thing to be so finicky and brittle feeling.  Are they all like this?

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Mine doesn't have any of those issues, all of the pieces snap into place or move as they should.

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@mikeysee I have the same issues with mine. I've just left the ramp up on it, since it felt like it was going to break.

mikeysee reacted
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What's the general vibe on this line? I got into a research spiral with the line the past day or two, thinking of tracking down a Falcon or a few fighters. They look fun and I love tiny figures. Is there a Falcon iteration folks like best? 

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@docsilence I think they started out with great intentions but as is usually the case the reality changed things up, and not for the better in my opinion.

They were trying to be as faithful to a scale as possible, and they did a pretty good job of it.  However reality got in the way and they have had to fudge the scale between vehicles because some ships would just be too damn big, or small, to be in scale with one another.

Then there is the issue of the chase variants and how some were pretty easy to acquire, while others were all but impossible to find.  That also plays into the issue of distribution.  The usual problems for most lines occurred for them as well with some areas getting lots of product, and others getting next to nothing.  Just recently some of the rarer stuff has shown up at Ross.   Not a good look for a line that goes heavy into chase variants.

Finally, for me, price is an issue.   I find the line is not over priced per se, but I do feel it is a bit more on the expensive side for the scale.   Now part of that is offset by the features they include, especially in the larger vehicles.  So it doesn't feel too bad, but I do feel it could be a bit cheaper.

As to the product itself.  Well most of it is pretty great, again my opinion.   Are there issues?  Of course as is common with any toy brand/line.   However overall the design and production is quality.  

I don't have much from the line, and most of what I have I picked up on sale or clearance.   However I am waiting to hopefully get in an order for their upcoming Ghost set (Ghost, Phantom and 2 Y-Wings that can attach to the sides of the Ghost like in the show).   I passed on the Ghost Haslab and this would be a great substitute, and cheaper by far.

The Scarecrow Guy
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I got an order in for the Ghost, and that was my reasoning too- as big and bulky as this one is bound to be, it was nothing compared to the Haslab. Nice that it comes with the full crew as well (though AP-5 would've been the cherry on top- they're always leaving my guy out!) Don't know if I really need 2 Y-Wings, though I do love the design of the ship. Though now I feel compelled to track down an X Wing. It's a slippery slope, collecting.

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Damnit. Once again I feel the pull... That Ghost is awesome and the Sith Infiltrator is also a major temptation. Probably my favorite prequel ship.

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Alright you F%&#*#$, I had to do a Target run and thought I would see what they have from this line. The damned shuttle was half off!!!

So. I dunno. I mean, I bought it, but I really gotta decide if I'm definitely going there. May have to sell off some more BS figures to commit here.

canprime reacted
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@canprime Thanks for the detailed response. I've been tempted to take a flyer on one but I worry I'll fall completely down the rabbit hole after the first bite. 

And similar to what a lot of folks have mentioned, I skipped the haslab because of the size of the ship and would love a manageably big Ghost to display. I do keep hoping for a re-release of Ghost in Lego since it's so hard to find much Rebels stuff there but who knows if/when that'll happen. I've had the Falcon in my cart on a few sites for a few days, but part of me is like "just but a 15 dollar single fighter dude, small bite first!" 

canprime reacted
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Guys if you are waffling, just think of Sidious' voice in your head......"Feel the power of the dark side!"  

Just do it.  Jump in the water is fine.   I mean it's not my money you'll be spending so I say SPEND AWAY!!!!!!  😆 

I'm kidding of course, don't spend money you don't have to spend. 

If it's any consolation, distribution and price might do a good enough job to keep your collections at a reasonable level.   Now I say that as a Canadian, so I can't just walk into a Target and find a Lambda shuttle half off (I can't find one period).  So you may have more options which could tempt you. 

However so far I have been able to be strong and only get a few.    That is a combination of many factors including price, availability and already having a lot of the ships at different scales.

Ru1977 reacted
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