That's how I was when the Action Fleet happened. I was an adult and I went TO TOWN on those ships, buying up all the ships I never had as a kid, then buying even more. By the end of it, I had a full squadron of X-Wings and I'd customized several of them to have the correct wing markings for which number they were. In fact, it was the action fleet X-Wings that clued me in to the fighters having wing stripes corresponding with which Red # they were.
I STILL covet these toys, and could probably make the spending work but I just don't have space anymore. I'd probably have to get rid of all my Black Series figures, which is kinda tempting. The ships were always a massive draw of Star Wars collecting. but it reminds me of when I wanted to get into the micro die cast figures and playsets but my mom told me only if I got rid of all the 3 3/4" figures I had, since I couldn't have both. Star Wars collecting has always been a Sophie's Choice for me apparently.
To update, I've still never bought one of these... but my son has. He got a Gunship, and actually has the AT-TE from the old Action Fleet series that I'd given him years ago so he's already building a grand army of the republic.
He's on the verge of 'too old for toys', so I'm not discouraging him. I'm not anxious for any of them to grow up, damnit.
Also, I get some vicarious thing from this.
What stores are you guys seeing Wave 4 at? Does anybody have wave 5?
I hadn't bought any of these for a bit, but lately I've been able to find some at retail or Amazon. But mostly Amazon.
I recently picked up the Y Wing, A Wing, Imperial Shuttle, TIE Bomber, Ahsoka Jedi Starfighter 2 Pack (Amazon exclusive), and The AT AT Walker (Hoth version)
I still really enjoy these, as they are a lot of fun. I wish they were a little easier to find at retail though. it seems in my area anyways, that Wal-Mart and Target don't often put out much new.
Hard to put up anything new when the pegs are still packed full of Assajj Ventress starfighter.
@threash That's true. At my local Wal-Mart alone, there are still 5 of them on the pegs. But everywhere I go I still see Ventress' ship.
So, this was crazy. I ordered the Bad Batch ship the Havoc Marauder that comes with Mini Figures of Omega and Wrecker from (It is after all, a Target exclusive)
I get it in the mail today, and the packaging is destroyed. Smashed and crushed, and the window of the packaging is cracked and split open.
And there are no Omega and Wrecker Mini figures. I was like "what the hell!?"
But Target is already sending me a replacement, and it even says I don't have to ship the other one back. So, that was nice, and it was very easy to do.
So, hopefully the next one has Mini figures, and all is well.
Did everyone see the Target Exclusive EPI Vehicles revealed? Naboo Starfighter with Ani and Artoo and the Gungan Sub with Obi Wan and Jar Jar.
It makes it sound like there will be more EPI vehicles for the 25th Ann. as in the reveals it says these are part of the EPI Vehicle line.
Which is great with me. I LOVE EPI.
Maybe a Sith Infiltrator? I doubt it would be truly to scale but they can fudge it some.
If there's one thing the prequels really got right, in my opinion, it was the vehicle designs. A lot of great things in those three movies.
I would love if they made Queen Amidalas Naboo Royal Starship. But I'm so happy about the 2 that have been revealed. I just got the Pod Racing set on Clearance for $14 on Sunday. And I was even thinking then how I'd love more Episode I vehicles.
Man, that Ghost looks amazing. I'm totally cool having one of that scale versus the HasLab version (not like I didn't want that one too, but money-wise and space-wise, it was never gonna happen). I've only gotten the Republic Gunship so far to appease my inner child, and I'll probably never find the chases I seek, but I think that'll be the one I do snag. I'll have to go back and try and get Ezra and Sabine, though, maybe Ahsoka. Can't have them missing from the display! Any word on Chopper? Has he been released, or is he being included with the Ghost?
It wouldn't surprise me to see Amidala's starship soon- there's been a focus on TPM ships of late, which I'm all for. Now that the Ghost is on the way, would love to see the Phantom 2 and Ahsoka's T6 shuttle too.
Aww, heck. Am I starting to get into this line? 🤣
If Ahsoka's T6 ship is the half moon one, yes there's one coming to this line.