Picked up the Imperial Shuttle, V-Wing, and the Pod Racers (Anakin/Sebulba) at Walmart yesterday, as well. I love this line.
I've seen the AT-AT at a few stores recently, but I just can't drop the $60 on it right now when I'd want at least 2 of them.
I did recently come across Poe's X-Wing with him & BB-8, which I happily grabbed.
I'd love a Ghost in this line as well.
They did a Hera and Chopper already didn’t they? It was a chase Y-Wing?
These chases are a bit annoying.
I want a Hunter for my Bad Batch. I have Teek, Reker, and Omeega.
This line would be doing a lot better if they hadn't shoehorned such a massive peg warmer as Asajj Ventres ship into series 1. That thing is literally everywhere still with no signs of it ever leaving pegs. Every other wave is blink and you miss it.
I’d buy the Assaj Ventress one once it hits 75% off.
I've see people posting pics of it for less than $4 at some stores in the US.
I've never seen it at anything but full retail.
Found several LAAT gunships (the version with only 2 minifigs) and a Havok Marauder at Ross for 12.99. Also Moff Gideon's Tie Fighter just piled up with the candy on the check out aisle.
I have still yet to give in to these, but man... those kinda prices really make it difficult.
They even switched obi wan for farm boy luke to make it more accurate!
To anyone wanting the Target Exclusive Battle of Coruscant set with the Obi Wan and Anakin Jedi Starfighters from EP III, it is currently on sale for $24.99
It's usually $49.99
Also, today I was able to pick up Mando and Grogu in their Naboo Starfighter at Wal-Mart. I've really been wanting this ship. Naboo Starfighter is one of my all-time favorite ships. I was so psyched when Mando modified one for him and Gu.
I bought that Coruscant battle pack. The droid fighters are fun. I love the swappable pieces so the droid is in walker mode. The Jedi starfighters are ok. $25 for the set does feel worth it. I might try to add small detail to the Jedi Obi and Ani. I wish the droids fit down in their pit more for the fighter. They stick up a bit much. The droid fighters look bigger than I remember them well in relation to the Jedi Star fighters. I have the 3 3/4” vehicles. Maybe they were out of scale.
Found two boxes of Series 4 scout class. I think this is the first scout wave I like every offering. I pulled a biker scout and Echo. Now I regret not hunting for Hunter more. I have the rest of the Bad Batch. I’ll see if I get lucky at toy/comic shows. eBay seems pretty dry of that figure. In all the scout class boxes I have opened I have never found a chase. I would have liked Cobb Vanth. Oh well. Happy to have most of the Bad Batch.
This line sells well enough to justify continuing it with at least another few waves, right?
Finally got around to opening my Plo's Bros gunship, and man, it makes me happy. Could never find or afford the Republic Gunship growing up, and even though this is much smaller than the one for the 3 3/4" figures, it closes that gap for me. Kid Me is very happy right now.
I'm still on the lookout for Plo's Starfighter and Grievous' wheelbike/Starfighter every time I go anywhere, but I think that here in NY, it's a bust. Only ever see the same couple of ships and the same wave of blind box figures. Ebay prices are just too crazy for them, at least that I've seen. I'd love to get more into the line, but there are so many factors preventing that. But if all I ever end up with is the PB Gunship, I'll still be pretty happy.