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Micro Galaxy Squadron

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I've been scouring Wal-Marts for that damn Imperial Shuttle to no avail, it's far and away my favorite Star Wars ship, but I sure as hell ain't paying flipper prices for it on ebay. Hopefully they put it online, but that's a crapshoot when it comes to Wal-Mart anyways. 

Did manage to grab a Y-Wing and it is fantastic. It's probably the best ship in it's class that I've seen from this line. Absolutely gorgeous sculpt and paint. I was fwooshing that thing around in the air like I was a kid again as soon as I got it out of the package. 

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I've started collecting this line like an idiot.  Limiting it to my core OG trilogy wants.  That damned ATAT sucked me in.  I've seen the shuttle go in and out of stock at Amazon just keep an eye out. It looks really cool (I've seen it at a Walmart) but it's So Damned Big.  I never thought it was as big as the Millennium falcon, but after more googling than I wanted it seems in scale with the M. Squadron Falcon.  The Emperor's Guards look weird without their capes draped over them.  

It's interesting that the Microfigures are still slightly too large for the ships to scale correctly, like the loading ramps for the Falcon and Shuttle are obviously too small.

Oh, I do really dislike that the loading ramp for the Shuttle does not open at a deep enough angle or have the secondary extension slide out of it.  At this scale it should have been doable.  Maybe it was a safety issue.

The Scarecrow Guy
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I've managed to behave with this line so far. Only picked up the Plo's Bros Republic gunship because I could never have one as a kid.


However, I'm on the lookout for the new series. Of course they release 4 ships that really appeal to me, and of course they're ALL chases- Grievous' wheelbike, Grievous' ship, Plo's starfighter, and Aayla's starfighter. I'll probably never be lucky enough to find them in stores, so I'll have to shell out the crazy ebay prices. Oh, chases. Why must you be a thing?!

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I saw the AT-AT at Walmart the other day. We don't have many of these (mostly because we can't find them) but this is one my son really wanted and I just couldn't do it. In Canada it's almost 100 bucks. That's just too much for what it is. I generally don't like the 'I'll wait for clearance' people, but... I'll wait for clearance, if that ever happens. If not.. oh well.

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I'd collect the hell out of these if the range wasn't a barren desert of emptiness after Series 1 came to Australia.

I can only get a sprinkling of Series 2 vehicles via online retailers like Mighty Ape. And at full price, with the added charge of postage and handling, I choose to give them a miss.

Massively frustrating with distribution for this line outside of North America 😣 

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It's not that great in North America either. If you want a Vader's tie or that damned Ginivex fighter, no problem. Every once in a very great while you might see a series 1 Jedi fighter or a snow speeder. 

Series 3? Never saw one at a store around me. Target's been getting series 4 but all I ever see is empty pegs.

The larger ships? No problem. (Though I've only seen the Imperial shuttle a couple times.) But that's where the deals are to be had — I grabbed Slave I and the Inquisitor shuttle for $6 each at Walmart a week or so ago.

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yea i have been on a search for the N-1 with no luck. I havent even seen remnants of that series

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I actually found a rare on the pegs at target for the first time ever. Didn't think I'd ever get Wedge Antilles.

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Holy cow I gotta find one of those Pod Racer sets! I didn’t know it existed and it looks so wonderfully colorful and has its own stands. 


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I found the Boonta Eve set today. I still don’t know how to post a pic. I put one on my Instagram, @prophet924. 

The detail like most of these Micro Squadron figures/vehicles are just immersive. So much sculpt on these engines. The cockpit of their flight pod has loads of tiny details . I like the ball jointed tube connections as it allows to move the flight pods around a bit from their massive engines. They are a bit big but do the trick. There’s translucent energy effects between the engines. These look great on their own or an accent to Star Wars Black Series 6” or 3 3/4” figures. I look forward to using these with Ani, Padme, Qui Gonn, and Jar Jar. 

The best thing as for many in series three I think are the flight stands. This is marked series 1 but feels more advance than some of the offerings in series 1. The stands which connect to the engines bring these to life. They are fantastic collectibles.

Found at Walmart for $22.97. Watch out when articulating the tiny figures. I broke my Sebulba trying to manipulate the figure to sit his flight pod.a bit of sticky tack and he’s sitting like a champ.


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Posted by: @prophet
I still don’t know how to post a pic.


All you do is paste the image URL into your text and it will load in. No need for img.../img tags like the old forum.

The first time you attempt to post an image you might get it held up for moderation. That happened to me, but since that went through all of my posts containing images were accepted straight away.


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I hope Micro Ghost is around the corner. Haslab is nice. The tiny cargo hold and shrunken Phantom 2 drive me a bit crazy. It’s too big for what I want to do with my collection. But a Micro Squadron one would be perfect for display with my 6” Black Series Rebels. I love the pod racers and they are going to look fabulous with Ep 1 figures coming. 


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I know it was announced, but any idea when we'll see the Fulcrum (Ahsoka's ship from the new series) in Micro Squadron? 

I've got the Lego and Micro Squadron vehicles for Luke's X-Wing, Din's N1, and Vader's TIE. Now I have the Lego Fulcrum and just need it in Micro Squadron to complete the set. 

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I found an Imperial Shuttle at Wal-Mart today, and it is one glorious hunk of plastic. I absolutely love it to death. Unfortunately, it's making me want to go hard on collecting this line now, where I only dabbled previously. 

Upon researching the secondary market, I'm quite surprised at how damn expensive everything is, especially the Scout Class stuff. I thought the MSRP for those was high enough to keep me from trying to get any, but the resell prices are ridiculous. 

I got lucky last year and found all of Series 1 Scout Class at Walgreens on clearance for less than 3 bucks a box. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any in stores since then, so if I ever want any of the Scout Class stuff from the subsequent series, I'm going to have to shell out. 

I'm a huge fan of the sequel trilogy, Solo and Rogue One, so hopefully we continue to see more stuff from those films. Prequel lovers are definitely getting their time in the sun right now, and I'm happy for them.

The Scarecrow Guy
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Keep seeing people finding the Grievous shuttle out in the wild. Seen lots of posts of people trying to sell theirs from anywhere between $60 - $500. Sigh.

Seen a few reports of folks finding Plo Koon out there too. I wish I had these people's luck! It's impossible to find new stuff around me.

I'd love it if we got a Ghost, though I wonder if they'd go the Rebels route or the Ahsoka route. The ship would be the same, I know, but it's a matter of who they include with it.

Less likely, but it would be cool to see Enfys Nest and her speeder. Always loved her design.

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