I think yearly TVC Haslabs should be on the table now. We're successfully 3 for 3 on funding them, and there's enough big items to hit (Death Star playset, Jawa Sandcrawler, Mos Eisley Cantina) that they could really make some definitive items for our collections.
I am in a minority of fans but I like a lot of the newer stuff as opposed to the older stuff. Having said that, I would 100% grab a Mos Eisley cantina or a Death Star. I have so many weird aliens to go in the cantina and I have always wanted a cool Death Star playset! Another cool one would be a bridge of a Star Destroyer. I am sure it could easily be reworked to be a bridge of a ship from any era, I would love that to put TCW figures in. 🙂
Star Destroyer Bridge would be pretty awesome, I would absolutely be down for that.
Some of those might be better retail modular style sets that multiple could be purchased and combined for as large of a set as one wants. Certainly interested in them all but they don’t feel like Haslab sets. The Jabba Boba Fett throne room is more what I’d expect in a Haslab style playset/diorama. Repeated tables, chairs, booths, walls, and windows fit that $50 set style of offering. Maybe with a separate center piece bar/bridge/control panel set.
I do hope future Haslabs try something other than another ship though. Ashoka’s ship is probably on their radar at this point. Most classic vehicles have been to some extent though some could use a redo. Would a $500+ AT-AT sell at this point or are people content with their current ones? Maybe a fan vote from 4 or 5 offerings might be the way to go for the next one? So many possibilities really.
If you are comfortable or interested in assembling dioramas and don't want to wait for a HasLab, there is this cantina set available:
Spaceport Cantina Playset | Indiegogo
I went for the "Complete Cantina" set and just got it in last week. I haven't started assembly yet but hope to soon.
While the Indiegogo campaign is closed, it was run by the Hole In the Ground Productions guy and once he has caught up with sending out all of the campaign orders, he said he'll add the sets to his website:
Diorama parts for 3 3/4" and 6" action figures (holeinthegroundpro.com)
Is the full set expensive? Yes it is, but I don't think a HasLab would be any less expensive. Plus, the cantina is modular, so you can be build as much or little of it as you want.
I built his Star Destroyer Bridge last fall and it is really impressive in person:
I'm interested to see where a Star Wars HasLab goes next, but whether it goes back to a Black Series project or sticks with TVC, I still plan to build out Star Wars environments using Hole In the Ground pieces and sets.
Now we know that the Marvel HasLab is $200 I'm really mad at myself for not backing the Ghost! I thought the product was cool and the value was pretty there (obviously priced high but not egregiously so), but I couldn't justify giving Hasbro $1000 for back to back projects. But now I'm really bummed! I should have backed it and then cancelled it if necessary.
But also, I do think it's lame that Hasbro didn't include the full crew for $500. Completion sold separately for 1 and a half figures. C'mon...
Can honestly say this is the one time I regret not backing. I swore, I promised myself, I would stick to Black Series (I don't own any Vintage Collection) because I don't have any more space for something like this, but boy this was a beautiful project. I'll be regretful forever but I had to admit the ship would be trapped in storage for years. (I backed Galactus and he's still in the darn box.)
Really regretting not pulling the trigger on this one.
I am almost out of collecting TVC due to lack of characters I want (newer ones) but have been happy with TCW, Bad Batch, Mandoverse, and now Rebels finally getting characters. I did grab a Ghost because I would have regretted it forever, but I am still mostly Black Series, when it comes to getting Star Wars at all.
@sepster Please stop tempting me with the SD bridge setup... (but also please share the cantina when you get a chance...)
I think a Sandcrawler and an Imperial Shuttle are the only bigger vehicles I'd like to see done. The AT-ATs are big enough at this point.
Congratulations to all the backers. This was a very stressful campaign with so much on the line in the tiers but fans came thru and brought this Dream Project come to life.
Thank for that info Sepster. Your bridge looks incredible, really awesome work.
Has there been any real confirmation about getting the whole Ghost crew in the neural packaging? I know it was mentioned once in their stream but I’m thinking of cancelling if nothing is actually there
After last nights episode of Ahsoka, I really want Jacen and Huyang to put in my Ghost too. Also Ahsoka the White, the first time she appears in that outfit is in The Ghost!
Has there been any real confirmation about getting the whole Ghost crew in the neural packaging? I know it was mentioned once in their stream but I’m thinking of cancelling if nothing is actually there
They said they would release Sabine and Chopper in the mural packaging if all the tiers were met (which they were). So you'll be able to buy Sabine and Chopper in the mural packaging to go with the rest of the crew in the mural packaging that will come with the Ghost. But you won't be able to buy Hera, Ezra, Kaden or Zeb in the mural packaging outside the Haslab.
I am (im)patiently waiting for my Ghost to come in and was hoping to see more pictures from those who have gotten theirs. So excited to put figures in it who I have not seen yet. Like Hondo, Grand Inquisitor vs s1 Kanan (from Ezra's vision), etc. Going to be fun to fill this thing up!