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Mattel 30th Anniversary Street Sharks

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Super Camel
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Street Sharks Series 2 was revealed.  And it's Big Slammu, Streex, and Dr. Paranoid.  I will definitely be getting these after picking up Wave 1.  Streex was always my favorite looking Street Shark just because of his colors and the fact he had roller blades.  He's so 90's it's ridiculous.

But these will go up for pre order during Wal- Marts Collector Con the 25th and 26th.

Super Camel
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Did anyone buy the SDCC Ripster from Mattel Creations or pre order Wave 2?

I pre ordered Wave 2, but I didn't feel like I had to have the SDCC Ripster, so I passed on him.

Super Camel
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A bunch of new Street Sharks shown beyond Wave 2.  it looks like a Wave 3 and 4 are shown here.

Mattel SDCC 2024 Street Sharks Figures (

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Just curious, are these all new characters, or existing characters that just never had figures before?  I'm familiar with the basic cast and villain, but hadn't seen the orca or ray before.

Super Camel
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They are all original characters from the vintage toy line. The Orca is Moby Lick and the Manta Ray is Mantaman.  I don't know if those 2 were in the cartoon or not, because I never really watched it that much.

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Dammit these look so cool. I’ll get Streex since I had him as a kid. That’s it. For sure.

Super Camel reacted
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I still have my childhood Moby Lick!

Super Camel reacted
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Somehow, the name "Moby Lick" sounds more vulgar than Moby Dick. And I didn't watch this show either, but I recall seeing animation of him from it, unless it was animation commissioned just for a TV spot or something. No idea on the rest though.

Super Camel reacted
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I've seen wave 1 at 2 different Targets locally, so if you didn't preorder them, you should be able to find them in store soon.

Super Camel
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Thats good to hear that they are showing up in stores.  I haven't seen them yet at brick-and-mortar retail.  I have Wave 1 but from BBTS.  I have Wave 2 pre ordered there as well.

Did you pick any up SalemCrow?

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Nope. I was not into the original line, so I have no nostalgic connection to the updated line.

Just wanted to let those of you who are interested know they've started to hit retail. I'm in Maryland, and we're usually not the first to get stuff, so it's likely they're already making it to stores around the country, just not stocked yet.

I only saw 1 of each on the peg, so I don't know if that's the case pack or not, but it's info to keep in mind.

Super Camel reacted
Super Camel
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Thanks SalemCrow.

Thats funny, because I didn't collect this line as a kid either.  But I just remember them so well.  And honestly over the years, I've just collected anything vintage from the 80's and 90's out of pure nostalgia whether I collected it or not as a kid.  Just from remembering commercials or seeing the toys on the shelves. 

I know these aren't vintage, but these remakes are really cool.  So, Mattel got me with this one lol.

Also, Wave 2 is In Stock on Entertainment Earth if anyone needs them.  Hopefully BBTS will get theirs in soon too.

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I had Ripter and Jab from the vintage line.  Didn't quite click with me, so I didn't get more.  I did get those two from the new line.  And I have the other two main good guys on preorder.   I like some of the designs for this line, and I think they fit in with TMNT and even MOTO, so I'm in for at least some of this line.  The orca, crustacean and manta ray look good.

Super Camel reacted
Super Camel
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I got Street Sharks Wave 2 in today from BBTS.  I love this Wave as much as Series 1.  Maybe more.  Because this Wave has Streex in it.  

Even though I didn't collect this line as a kid and barely watched the cartoon, Streex was always the one I liked the best and that still holds today.  He is just so 90's!  Rollerblades, neon colors, he's just so cool looking.

This figure is great.  But the other two figures are a lot of fun too.  i really like the main villain and his action feature.  Dr. Piranoid!  He's a really fun toy as well.

Super Camel
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I wonder if they are still going to release the Wave 3 they showed off with Moby Lick?  I'm surprised the Wave hasn't already gone up for pre order.

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