So, these should go up for pre order later today (3/15/2024). Updated, more articulated versions of the vintage Street Sharks toy line. Who's in on these?
It's pretty cool that we are getting these updated, better articulated versions of some of these past vintage toy lines. First MOTU Origins, now Street Sharks, and the newly announced TMNT line from Playmates.
I didn't ever collect Street Sharks as a kid. I absolutely remember them, but I just never got them. But I think I am going in on this line.
@supercamel-1982 same! I only knew Street Sharks from the commercials but always thought they were cool. Just never saw the show or had any figures, but I'll definitely pick these up.
I preordered Ripster and Jab. I think they were the only ones I had from the original line. Not into the third one Slash, as he doesn't seem as well thought-out design-wise.
I pre ordered all 3 when they went up today on BBTS. I'm actually pretty excited for these since I've never had any Street Sharks.
Dig these but truly only need the rollerskates guy, that's who I had as a kid and that's who I want as an adult (man-child)!
I had Ripster as a kid and thought the material they used for the skin was neat, but once I saw how lame the show was I was off the property. The new versions look okay, but I just don't have any real nostalgia for the property so I don't think it's something I need. I'll be curious to see how they turn out though.
The one with the roller skates/rollerblades is my favorite. A half human half shark with rollerblades and the bright neon colors of his clothes is one of the most 90's things that ever happened. And for that, he is my favorite.
But I guess we have to wait for Wave 2 to get him.
I want to like these - but I didn't have any when I was a kid so there isn't that nostalgia tug you guys seem to have... the only one I'm really even remotely tempted by is Jab (?) the Hammerhead guy - but I'm not sure where I'd fit him in my display. If I had a TMNT shelf anywhere these would slide in pretty easily, but I don't. And they don't really work with what I do have that well. Like, if anything he'd have to go on the shelf with my Silverhawks and eventual Tiger Sharks figures and I think he might look small and strange there? IDK... maybe as one of the bad guys... I think I'm a pass until I see some in hand pics and comparison shots
I'm interested in what this "real feel" skin feature is. I hope it's not just straight up rubber like the original toys.
I'm in the position now where I would have been all over this line a few years ago and now I'm more mildly interested in picking up one or two figures. I had Street Sharks figures, but I didn't really care a lot about them on their own, and I basically never watched the cartoon because it was awful. As a little nostalgia hit to throw on the shelf with Origins figures or maybe those TMNT 'Origins' figures or something? Sure. I can see myself grabbing the ones that stick out in my memory (Ripster and Slammu - the figure I liked and the one my little brother liked, respectively).
But I'm not going out of my way and I'm not pre-ordering them (mostly because I'm trying to have far fewer active pre-orders going on).
It's funny you both mentioned TMNT KnightDamien and PantherCult. Because my vintage collection, and all my other collections of TMNT are a big part of why I'm collecting this line.
Like I said, I absolutely remember Street Sharks, but I never had any. But even though I never had any, I am just so aware of when they were, and what they were trying to emulate, and that though go so seamlessly with TMNT and Toxic Crusaders (another vintage line I have a collection of), and for that reason, I definitely want these Street Sharks to go with them.
And even more so with Playmates about to do that new line of updated Origins like TMNT figures.
Street Sharks may not go on my MOTU shelves, but they will look great with my TMNT and Toxic Crusaders.
@supercamel-1982 Surely, I don't think it is a surprise to anyone that some of these toys are popular now in large part for the same reason they were popular in their day. While some lines like Turtles just have their own specific nostalgia, LOTS of other properties out there have sort of a ... secondary nostalgia? An almost parasitic relationship with other properties, I guess.
Not saying no one wants Street Sharks for their own sake - but MOST interest in Street Sharks certainly stems from it representing a sort of unofficial addendum to vintage TMNT - like with Rulers of the Sun and Galactic Protectors or whateverthefuck with MOTU. I would be comfortable arguing that without any modern interest in TMNT, there would also be almost no modern interest in Street Sharks. Best thing Mattel can actually hope for here is that Playmates -does- carry on with an Origins-style TMNT line because I'd guess that's actually going to drive Street Sharks sales more than Street Sharks will itself. And again, that's fitting. Because Street Sharks wasn't released in a vacuum. It exists entirely because of TMNT and I strongly doubt very many kids were big Street Sharks fans that -weren't- first and foremost TMNT fans.
I was into my mid teens by the 90s, so this property has no nostalgic pull the way many 80s properties do.
I'm happy Mattel seems to be giving this an Origins style update for those who do love it though.
We all need a nostalgic pull at our wallets every once in a while. 😀
I never had any Street Sharks as a kid but I did want them. Most of my toys came from garage sales and I guess they just weren't popular enough to show up often on the secondary market.
I added the hammerhead (the only one I could find) to my Amazon wishlist so I can watch for a discount. I won't bite (ha!) at $25 but if any of these hit the $15ish mark I'll grab one to check out. There's no way I'm going all-in but I'd like to have a handful of the sharks/whales if I can get them for cheap.
Man, these should be coming out pretty soon. There are a couple in hand reviews and looks at them on YouTube. They look really cool. Very vintage looking, but with just the right number of modern updates and articulation. They look like a lot of fun.