Lord help us all if they ever decide to make a Hammond Collection Dreadnoughtus. That thing would be like $200 and require a garage to be able to fit in.
Why? He's around the same length as a brachiosaurus and is just slightly longer. He's supposed to be much heavier, but every time I see pictures of most of the huge sauropods next to each other they look around the same. Any idea where the extra size would be in dreadnoughtus? Is his torso almost double the size perhaps?
Carnotaurus went up for pre-order this week at Target:
Now's a particularly good time to pre-order it because Target has a 20% off sale this week on Jurassic World toys. They will likely run another sale of either $25 off of $100 or a buy-2-get-1-free sale within the next few weeks, but who knows if pre-orders will be sold out by then. I always pre-order everything during sales, and if it goes on sale for a better price later just cancel the previous order and place another.
Checked next week's Target ad and it looks as if they have a 25% off of one toy sale.
Pre-ordered Carno the other day. Really excited for this one. I've only had Toro in my collection so far, and while the basic collection figures are nice, I've really been spoiled between the Amber and Hammond collections. Looking forward to upgrading the Carno and Dimorphodon (and whatever else they choose to make).
Was tempted to pre-order Owen as well to get me over the free-shipping threshhold, but I'm plagued with Target holds on my card as-is.
Was tempted to pre-order Owen as well to get me over the free-shipping threshhold, but I'm plagued with Target holds on my card as-is.
I also preordered Carno. I've learned not to preorder Jurassic stuff at Target, since they're always having sales on the line. However, since there's a sale going on now, I felt better about preordering him. To get over the free shipping threshold, I just add some groceries for local pickup. Just get some items you typically order.
The Hammond Collection Brachy is 20% off right now. Just ordered the beauty as a late birthday gift for myself! 😆
Mattel has started releasing a video describing their design for each Hammond Collection dino, and there's one for the Carnotaurus that I watched. In it the Mattel guy said they were shrinking the size of the feet that many people have complained about. You can definitely see that on the Carnotaurus in the pic below.
I didn't mind the larger feet, but it's interesting that they decided to work on making them smaller in response to the criticism of the earlier dinos in the line.
I was never really bothered by the oversized feet or painted eyes- I was just happy to get cool dinos. That said, I think it's nice that they're actively listening to fans and tweaking things as they go. The smaller feet, the glass eyes, etc. Small changes that can make big differences. Better to make them now when the line is still somewhat fresh than wait until we've had a ton of releases. I'm sure they'll go back eventually and implement the changes onto the already released dinos. As long as the new ones don't skew the other way and have difficulty standing because of the smaller feet.
With all these sales lately, it makes me nervous I'll never sell my Legacy collection Brachio. Darn if I don't keep trying, but nobody seems interesting. I don't even really have room for the Hammond Collection one, so I don't wanna open the Legacy one too. Oh, the things we collectors do.
Jurassic World Hammond Collection Lab Tour Dr. Henry Wu launches Nov 9, 9AM PT on Mattel Creations
Excited for the lab set. It'll be nice to finally have Wu, even if it doesn't entirely look like him. Like- I can see it if I stare for a few seconds, but the likeness isn't entirely there. Not the worst I've ever seen for a 3 3/4" fig, though. Still, to finally have him and Mr. DNA is nice. Sorta stinks that the set itself is just cardboard, but I'm all for keeping costs down- I don't really have room for dioramas right now anyway. Something tells me we'll still see a sequel trilogy version of Wu down the road, but this is really nice for now.
Have to say I am pretty disappointed with that likeness. But will order it anyway I guess, good to have Mr. DNA coming.
As a Disney theme-park fan, I have to say the Mr. DNA sequence was brilliant as a way to explain the "science" to the audience while also reinforcing Hammond's goal of a theme park while also kind of mocking the whole thing. Next best thing like that was the framing device from Titanic on board the research vessel, so we know what is going to happen to the ship and are waiting for it to play out...
Looks like Carno got moved up to November 28th on Target- says it should arrive by the 1st for me. I'll be happy to have it!
Saw Hammond Collection Stego the other day. It looks nice, but I can't quite bring myself to pull the trigger just yet. Maybe because I got the Sarah Harding set not too too long ago, and it's not too dissimilar (articulation aside). But if and when it inevitably goes on sale, I just might. Still haven't seen the Baby Rex in stores- is it out yet, or still on its way?
@joshsquash729 Baby Rex is out in Target stores and available online.
@phlutdroid_ig-88b Guess they just haven't hit my neck of the woods. We're stacked with baby Stegos.
I'm debating even picking up the Baby Rex, since I think the first one came out nicely, and the added Compys were really good too (and who knows if we'll ever see those in HC- they'd be teeny little things). I know it may not scale entirely well with the rest of the Hammond collection, but I don't necessarily feel the need to double dip just yet. I'm sure that'll change once I start seeing pics and reviews of it, or if it goes on sale, but for now, gotta be responsible for the holidays.
I don't really feel the need to own baby versions of dinosaurs, so they're all easy skips for me.
Thinking of double stacking some Target Circle offers and getting the Mamenchisaurus. I already have a few Sauropods I haven't opened, but this one looks rather good.