I picked up Giganotosaurus for $24.99 at Target. I'm not a regular JP collector, but a nice Hammond Collection sale usually gets me to bite. I don't recall noticing this one at $25 before today.
Saw a bunch of the Allosaurus on my trip to the Midwest for the holidays. Didn't end up picking it up- I knew a sale was inevitable, and I didn't wanna risk it getting damaged in the trip back. Still, it looked really nice. I think the colors turned out really well on this one. Excited for it to hit my neck of the woods.
I bought the Allosaurus when it officially went up for sale. At the beginning of the month. I figure Target will put it on sale in the next 90 days and I can get my price adjusted (re-buy, return with original receipt). Jurassic stuff often goes on sale at Target.
I had the Hammond Irritator listing in one of my Amazon watchlists. A couple popped up for $40 from a 3rd party seller. I managed to get one and received it a week or two back. I wasn't heartbroken missing it initially, but I figured I may as well get one since it goes for almost twice what I paid for it.
I wasn't leaping at all the Hammond Collection humans. Especially the World characters, who I've been skipping. Didn't realize I skipped Nedry and now see he goes for way more than I'm willing to spend on a human. I do have his Barbasol can figure, but I never opened it. Some of these Hammond Collection figures sure don't have a long shelve lifespan. The medium and larger dinosaurs tend to be easy to get but the smaller ones can disappear quickly and with different retailers (Amazon, Target) getting exclusives, some stuff just becomes a bit difficult/pricey rather quickly.
Found a lone Gigantosaurus for $14.99 on the floor by where the Christmas stuff had been at Target. Like Mr. Boshek, I'm not a regular JP collector but I really liked the look of this and couldn't resist at the price.
Anyone else get the scutosaurus? I managed one from Amazon for MSRP at the beginning of December. Never heard of them, don't recognize it, but it's neat. Always happy to add more dinos. I LOVE the Allosaurus. It's been a challenge to not pick up a second, haha.
I had the Hammond Irritator listing in one of my Amazon watchlists. A couple popped up for $40 from a 3rd party seller. I managed to get one and received it a week or two back.
Welp, that makes me want to unalive myself.
Amazon removed it from my Watchlist back in the summer because it disappeared from their site altogether.
EDIT: Just went looking for it, and I still don't see a listing for it.
Seeing a pic of ye olde Kenner Tauntaun made me want an herbivore with a swappable guts piece for feeding dios.
Can't wait for the Allosaurus to come out here in the UK, been really getting into these.
Wish that someday the films would include some of the crazy prehistoric mammals that existed , then we could get toy versions
According to the Target app, my local store as the Allosaurus, Ghost, and Scutosaurus. Placed a pick up order for Ghost, but holding off on the Allo and Scuto for now. I know the former will hit a sale before long, and I'm sticking to movie-only dinos for the time being.
According to CollectJurassic, some of the Hammond Collection releases for this year include the Stegosaurus, Titanosaurus, and Spinosaurus. Don't think anything is confirmed yet, but they've been spot-on with their news before. I'd be SO happy if the Spino is the JP3 design.
Got Ghost yesterday, and I really dig it! A few noticeable changes; I'm not sure if it's because of the differences between the Atrociraptors and the Velociraptors, or if it's a full change going forward, but overall, Ghost feels quite sturdy! Most apparent is the body- less of a belly than the regular Raptors; more muscular and barrel-shaped. The claws on both the hands and feet are thinner and pointier, which looks really really nice, and doesn't hinder any standing. The teeth are also a lot sharper and more pronounced, and the neck is much thicker. Another change I noticed was the tail; whereas the Raptors had the peg that was attached to the tail and plugged in to the body, Ghost's peg was part of the body, and plugged into the tail. It took a little more force to get in, but so far has felt a lot sturdier and less wobbly than some of the Raptors did. I think the glass eyes on mine are ever so slightly off- the pupils are in slightly different places, but since I'll never see both at the same time, it doesn't really bother me.
I'm sure this is old news to folks who've really studied the differences between the Veloci and the Atroci, but it's nice at least seeing that Mattel didn't cut corners where they very easily could've. Makes me more eager to pick up the Allosaurus, to see what they've improved there too. My only real nitpick so far is that, for some reason, I can't seem to turn the neck or the head so they're both perfectly straight along the body. Not sure if something was installed wrong, or if it's just operator error (I've had a few figs break on me recently, so I'm probably not being as forceful as I can), and it's a small nit at that- Ghost just looks a little inquisitive. I wasn't expecting so many small differences here, but they all add up to a really beautiful figure. Ghost is my favorite Atrociraptor design (I've always loved the JP3 raptors the best, and Ghost is reminiscent of the female raptors), so for it to turn out so well done makes me happy. Can't wait to finish up both Raptor Squads!
@joshsquash729 I like a lot of the changes they made to the Atrociraptor, but the neck is a step back. It doesn't have the two hinges that the previous two velociraptors had. So you can't get that straight neck pose.
I picked up the Atrociraptor and baby Triceratops. I didn't get the baby Stegosaurus, and it's way up in price now. I don't need a bunch of baby dinos, though. The Triceratops is my favorite dino so I don't mind getting a baby one.
Too bad about the Atrociraptor's neck articulation. I watched a review of it, and it's such an odd decision. As is the baby Triceratops head/neck articulation. I may return the Atrociraptor. I have the white raptor which came with Grant, so I'm not 100% sold on another one even if they are different species.
According to CollectJurassic, some of the Hammond Collection releases for this year include the Stegosaurus, Titanosaurus, and Spinosaurus. Don't think anything is confirmed yet, but they've been spot-on with their news before.
Stego is the one I'm most looking forward to there. My most anticipated would have been spinosaurus, but the giganotosaurus filled most of my hunger for the spino since they look pretty similar. I'm sure I'll buy the titanosaur, but I'm dreading the space he will take up. Or maybe I'll decide he's too similar to the brachi and skip him, but I doubt it!
@enigmaticclarity After making a terrible mistake with the Brachi, I think I'm good on the huge herbivores. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret getting the Brachi- it's a classic dino and a beautiful figure, but man do those things take up some space. I still don't have a dedicated space for it after all these years- it's just been standing on the ground since it's too big for any of my shelves. There's simply no space for a Dreadnoughtus or Titanosaurus, and luckily they've yet to reach the iconic status of the Brachi, so they don't feel as necessary.
I'm pretty excited for the Stego too. I've been more or less happy with the one that came with the Sarah Harding pack- I love the earthtone colors on it- but I can't deny how amazing a Hammond Collection Stego would be.
I hope this is the year we finally get some flying Hammond Collection figures too. I know there was the Geosternbergia, but I'm sticking to movie/show dinos only for the time being. I still have the Amber Collection Pteranodon, and still love it, but I'd love a HC redo on that or the Dimporphodon (never got the Jimmy Buffet pack with them, and they weren't quite articulated enough for my taste).
A Hammond Stegosaurus sounds great. I'm still hoping we get a larger Hammond Triceratops at some point. I have the Habitat Defender one as a stand-in with my Hammond dinosaurs, as I think the size is much better.
I wish they'd also make a Colossal Triceratops. I see they're making a Colossal Mossasaur, so they're at least taking one step away from more 2-legged carnivores. Just wish we'd get some Colossal 4-legged types. Since the Colossal line has been the only way we'll be getting anything close to 1/12 dinosaurs which aren't raptor size.
I found 'Ghost' (AtrociRaptor) at target
Question: what's the diff between Amber and Hammond collections? is the Hammond collection good for 6-7" inch figs? and what's the height diff between the Raptor's?