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My tail popped in all the way, it's just so heavy, it's hard to get him to balance. Which is hilarious when you consider that I was trying to pose him leaning forward (face down, ass up lol - LIKE HE'S PREPARING TO POUNCE, YA PERVERTS!!), yet it kept pulling him backward. 😕 

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I haven't seen any pyroraptors locally at all.  A few weeks ago there was no item page for it, so good to know it's there now.  All of my regional stores say "not sold at this store."  He's available for shipping though so that's good.

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Got the pyro in today from Target.  That tail is definitely too heavy and interferes with getting him standing, but not as much as say the high heels on Marvel Legends female figures.  If I play with the angles on the leg joints some angles are easier to stand him on than others, so I'll keep playing with that to see which joint angles work best and which angles the animal posed its legs in during the movie.  Wish they had made that tail hollow so it was lighter.

Wow, that elbow peg REALLY sucks.  Feels like my kids will break that in less than a week because it's so tiny and thin.

One thing I appreciate is the neck has two joints and can turn MUCH better than some of the other smaller figures they've done lately.  The recent velociraptors are fine, but for example the baby stego and dimetrodon necks really stink and can barely turn.  The pyro's neck is fine.  Wish he had a mid-torso diaphragm joint, but most Hammond Collection figures lack this so I guess that's what we're stuck with.

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A new Hammond Collection allosaurus is now available for pre-order and shipping January 2025.

The Scarecrow Guy
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A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. Been eyeing the Legacy Allo, but now I don't have to! Probably won't pre-order, just because of how easy they are to get, but man, they've really been knocking it out of the park (Jurassic Park, that is) with these bigger dino releases lately. Come on, Spino!

The Scarecrow Guy
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Looks like the JP toys are on sale at Target, including Hammond Collection. Claire and Delta are down to 10; I already have Delta, but I'm tempted to grab Claire. Silly to make such a fuss over $5, but she feels a lttle more worth it at 10. I know sometimes they go lower if they get clearanced out, but that's rare in my neck of the woods.

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Looks like the last Beyond the Gates HC reveal for the year is the Juvenile Triceratops. Not the most exciting reveal (for me, at least), but always nice to see the line continue. Out of the unreleased reveals- Allosaurus, Ghost, and this- this is the one I'm least excited for, but I'm sure I'll end up snagging it once it hits an inevtiable sale.

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That's not the sick triceratops from JP1, is it? I've only been collecting Hammond stuff that appeared in JP1. Is there a list of dinos/people that have been made specifically from JP1?

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The previous Hammond Triceratops was likely the sick one.  Other than JW human characters, the only Hammond item I skipped was the triceratops, as it was just too small.  And no mouth articulation. The Triceratops is probably my favorite dinosaur, but I just could buy that one.  This juvenile triceratops looks to have better articulation than the adult. 

I saw the Hammond Allosaurus at Target this morning.  Tried to buy it, but I got streetdated.  Which is actually fine.  Jurassic toys are consistently on sale at Target, and the previous Hammond items are still available.  So there's no rush.  I'll wait for a sale.

If anyone has an extra Hammond ankylosaurus, I'll take it off your hands.  I have one but wouldn't mind an extra.  I don't think it got a lot of distribution and went relatively fast, compared to some other items from this line.

The Scarecrow Guy
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@ashtalon What was the street date, do you remember? I know the Target app has it as coming out in January, but I wouldn't mind if it was sooner than that.

The Scarecrow Guy
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Well, apparently the Allo is out today. Target has it available for shipping and pickup (though nowhere near me). Tempted to snag one to ship, but I know it'll hit a sale before too long. Bring on the new dinos!

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Target shipped my Allosaurus pre-order on Saturday, should be here later this week.

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My allosaurus arrived today.  I wasn't really looking forward to him because I've always looked at the species as just a smaller T-Rex, although I suppose with the spikes on his back he's far more similar to a giganotosaurus than a rex.  Aside from the continued lack of a mid-torso joint that's really glaringly absent from this line he is very nice and improved from the carnotaur in several ways.  Some of the improvements include he has a bit more side to side range of motion in the neck, and the tail uses that new segmented ball joint with a skin system that they first did with the brachiosaur's neck but then dramatically improved with the tails of the giganotosaurus and therizinosaurus.  I REALLY like that new tail system more than a bendy wire because you get a similar range of motion without the wire snapping back on you as is common with every bendy wire I've ever used.  The carno has two tail segments with the back one being a bendy wire, but the allo gets better functionality without the articulation breaks using this ball-segment with skin technique.  Love it!

I knew I'd love the carno since the species is so unique, but I'm surprised I like this allosaurus as much as it turns out I do.  The paint job on the carno is more impressive, but the paint on the allosaurus is still very well done, the tail is much better than the carno, and the range of motion is slightly better, so it's definitely a solid release.  He's also VERY well-sized relative to the sizes we saw in Dominion--the allosaurus looked slightly bigger and longer than the carno in that film, and that's definitely true of the two figures as well with the allo being two to three inches longer.



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Any news on the Stygimoloch?  Gonna need two of him, for obvious reasons.

I greatly like the Claire *figure*, and think it's likely the single-best 18th action *figure* Mattel's ever produced.  I'm *SOOOOOOO* thankful they fixed that goddamn crotch notch bullshit on the inner thighs and narrowed up the 'grundle' overall.  I want to get more of her to customize (I want to do an 'expedition' Sue Storm for some reason).  But, as the best 18th *figure* Mattel's ever done good God is that head ridiculously too small and laughably too fugly for BDH.  I would have been impressed if they'd had the balls to capture her dumptruck ass properly, but I dunno that I can single Mattel out for that sort of cowardice.  But still, it's easily the best 18th *figure* Mattel's ever made, imho.

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Dino Scream Reviews posted a review of the allosaurus.

One odd thing with him is that he's STILL calling the new segmented ball joints with skin overlay system a "bendy wire."  He did that with the brach, so I posted a comment on his review for that back when he first posted it with a link to the picture Mattel shared that shows how the ball segments work in the neck, and he deleted the comment from that brach review I suppose because he felt like he should update the video but didn't want to do that.  He then called the theri tail a bendy wire, corrected himself with the giga review by pointing it out as ball segments with a skin, but now with the allo he's back to calling it a bendy wire.

I'd love for other companies to use this ball segments with skin technique.  For example I'd much prefer that the Marvel Legends Blackheart to have that for his tail or the Sonyverse Carnage to have that for his back tendrils.  It may also be the best solution for a Doctor Octopus which Hasbro SORELY needs since they keep experimenting with new ways to implement that which still have never fully worked well.

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