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The Scarecrow Guy
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Anyone find any goodies in the off time?


I got my Hammond Collection Brachiosaurus, and she's a beaut. The neck didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would (though I admittedly haven't done much bending of it). I have absolutely no idea where I'm going to put it- the problem that ultimately kept me from ever opening my legacy one- but I'll make room, I'm sure.


Starting to see more of the current Hammond wave out. Saw Corythosaurus on the pegs yesterday for the first time. Tempted to pick up a second. I really like the figure, and don't wanna make the same mistake I did with the Para.

Magneto Was Right
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My exclusive Steve Spielberg was delivered. Haven't opened it yet, though.

The Scarecrow Guy
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Oh, mine too! Totally forgot about that. Haven't gotten around to opening mine yet either for some reason.

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Note about the Hammond brachiosaurus--Target's web site and Popfindr are showing him as sold out with zero inventory, but it's not at all correct.  I saw two local stores with several brachs on the shelves despite Target's web systems showing they have none.

Target's inventory management has just gone to hell over the past 6 to 12 months, and every month it seems to get worse in some new way.

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Also note that most of the Youtube reviews on the brach claim that the neck is bendy-wire, but Mattel released a video saying that while they originally planned for the neck to be a bendy-wire it didn't work out and they went with segmented ball joints.  The picture link below shows the joints in the neck (I don't yet know how to embed images in posts with this new forum).

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I impulsively picked up the Hammond Brachiosaurus. I should have waited for a sale, because this thing was expensive. So for me, the draw isn't the neck execution. I won't be posing it in any way besides its most natural sculpted state. The pivot at the head helps, but it's the articulated legs where I see the most improvement on the previous Brachiosaurus. The two next to each other actually look quite nice.

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Yah I'm waiting for a sale to get one.  Target has had one in the fall every year for 5+ years--and usually two with one being early fall and the second being closer to Christmas--so it shouldn't be long to wait for the next one.

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Got the repaint Dr Grant + white Raptor last week.  Gonna try to make Land of the Lost's Will and Holly Marshall with JWs and their dad and maybe uncle with Marauder bucks.  Gonna try to put Laura Dern's top half on some JW dude's pants and waterslide the plaid and use the LoL Jinx wig to get her braids.

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I still wish they woulda kept making the humans in the 6" line.

Odd character choices really hurt that line cuz Alan and Ellie should have been the second ones out of the gate.

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Spielberg is fun. Though I can't get him to sit naturally in his chair. He'll sit, but it looks super awkward.

If I could sell my Legacy Brachio, I'd happily go grab the Hammond for full price.

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Every Target I go to has the brach, but it's still saying sold out on the site.  I feel REALLY confident he'll stay in stock long enough for Target's next toy sale.

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@slixta I think the scale hurt the Amber Collection line. The Dinosaurs were never feasible in 1:12 for retail. The Hammond Collection works far better matching Legacy, and the rest of Mattel's mainline releases.

The Scarecrow Guy
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Finally was able to snag the Camp Cretaceous Nothosaurus at Best Buy yesterday. I saw it a few months back and passed on it for whatever reason, and came back and it was gone. Been looking for it ever since, and didn't want to pay what a lot of places are asking for it. But my patience paid off! Found a single one at Best Buy and probably looked like an idiot with how fast I scooped it up. It's a nice little piece, and one I'm glad to have in the collection! Now I just gotta get the 3 kids I'm missing (Yaz, Kenji, and Ben) and I'll feel pretty good!

Also, looks like Owen and Blue were just announced for Hammond Collection. Owen I'm fine sitting on for a bit- the humans have been plentiful in my area and I don't see that changing for Owen. Blue looks pretty good with the updated Raptor sculpt, which apparently will be the one they use going forward. I'd love it if they went back and redid the JP 1 and JP 3 raptors with the new sculpt (would also help collectors who missed out on the JP3 female), but I'm sure new releases are their priority for now. I like that they're bringing the glass eye over to the smaller figures too; think it'll help with expression.

All in all, a somewhat middle of the road wave for me- one I'm glad to have and one I'm pretty indifferent on. Excited to see what all is next!

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Finally caved and picked up the Hammond Collection Brachiosaurus while I was out hunting for the Marvel Legends sets that all Targets have moved to clearance pricing now.  I had been waiting for Target's 25% off sale, but I was tired of waiting and figure I'll just buy one when the 25% sale hits and return it under this receipt.

LOVE this guy, LOVE LOVE LOVE him.  The neck joints are more than poseable enough, and I don't really mind the soft plastic rippling when the neck is bent.  His scaling is nice, the paint is decent, the articulation is really nice, and that head sculpt is divine.  His shelf presence is fantastic with that uniquely long neck.

Not sure I'll be able to find space for other big sauropods, but I hope we get them anyway.  Which ones have been in the films?  Supposedly the big one in Lost World that a motorcyclist drove under is a mamenchisaurus, so certainly that one is on the table.

The Scarecrow Guy
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Yeah, the Brachio is a thing of beauty. Still haven't entirely found room to put it, but I'm still glad I got it.

The other sauropods I know of are Apatosaurus and Dreadnoughtus. Lord help us all if they ever decide to make a Hammond Collection Dreadnoughtus. That thing would be like $200 and require a garage to be able to fit in.

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