According to hasbro, they have all the likeness-rights. So it's not that.
I hate to say, I've lost all interest in this line. For years, it was THE grail. But since its inception, everything has just fallen flat. Especially with no Mola Ram, or German mechanic, or generic goons. Knowing it is going to end an incomplete line is just...meh. I don't have any excitement for the remaining figures. And that hurts/sucks to say.
Understandable. Personally, I still have some hope that there might be a lifesign at pulsecon, later this month. But that might just be copium on my part :/
To me it's not the lack of more characters, which honestly I haven't bought a lot, but the quality of the figures. I liked Raiders Indy a lot, he's one of my favorite figures of the year and very fun to pose around. But he could have been so much more.
Sculpt-wise, there's a big lack of texture and detail, something even the 3.75" figure had (if you have them, check out the jacket texture on the smaller figure. Then compare it to the 6"). Texture adds life to a figure, and Indy, with the already lacking paint, ends up looking almost unfinished. The likeness, while being the best Harrison hasbro's ever done, is let down by the print, and the articulation still needs refinement.
There's still something off about his proportions, even in hand he looks too thin, you know like an actual collage profesor instead of an adventurer. The 3.75" figure has thicker arms than him! (proportionally speaking). I mean he has a shirt AND a jacket on, and his arms still look way too thin. He needs to be beefier up top, with thicker arms and thinner pant legs. The shirt torso is too straight. The satchel looks small and thin. The neck is too long because of the lower neck articulation, which barely works anyways.
I wish someone like 2dsculpts could sculpt a brand new mold for Indy; he's well known for adding great texturing, good proportions and detail to the figures he sculpts (a lot of Joes). The same goes for the rest of the line, there's no texture work, or if there is it is too soft. Look at Henry Sr.'s headsculpt on the hasbro images. Notice how soft it is. How the hair is pretty much nondescript.
Again, I am still very happy with Indy, I'm glad these were made but I was honestly expecting much more. I'll hopefully be getting the Sh figuarts one, which looks to have way more crisp detail.
As much as I would love some more characters like Mola Ram, Cairo Swordsman, Thuggees, Willie, Vogel and German Mechanic and Soldiers, or variants like Crystal Skull Indy and White dress Marion, if all we get is what has been released I’m still happy to have the figures. I’m still hoping Hasbro surprises us with an exclusive for pulse con.
@Anonymous 7484
That's why we need to stay vocal. Hasbro does pay attention contrary to popular belief.
That's why problems got fixed with the GIJoe line, why more MCU characters popped up in the Legends anniversary packs, why we even have Spider-Man the animated series figures, why we got more Beast Wars figures despite them not showing up in that Netflix series, etc...
If enough people speak up about the Indiana Jones line it helps those who love working on the lines push back against the higher ups.
I got ROTLA Indie, Marion and Sallah at full price. Was hoping to find Toht and Belloq at a discount to complete the ark of the Covanent.
Besides wave 1 and Target exclusives, I have not seen any of the other figures. Really worried I won't be able to get Short Round and ToD Indy, two big wants. Also really want some Last Crusade and Dial of Destiny figures (Indy and Helena) but I know they aren't out yet.
The first two waves are out fully, as well as all the exclusives announced so far outside of Map Room Indy. (Though there are people who have him in hand already)
The only figures not out yet are wave 3.
btw... can anyone help me find a good stand that fits the foot pegs on these figures without stretching them? preferably something with a small footprint and easily available (amazon)?
Really worried I won't be able to get Short Round and ToD Indy, two big wants.
Why? They've been in stock on Amazon for weeks.
If you're relying on Target it's time to stop. They've been my go-to for action figures for years, but over the last year their inventory management has gone all to hell. It's chaos at Target right now in non-commodity items such as specific toy lines.
Really worried I won't be able to get Short Round and ToD Indy, two big wants.
Why? They've been in stock on Amazon for weeks.
If you're relying on Target it's time to stop. They've been my go-to for action figures for years, but over the last year their inventory management has gone all to hell. It's chaos at Target right now in non-commodity items such as specific toy lines.
Thank you, I get paid tomorrow so I will go to Amazon for them. 🙂
Yeah I rarely buy anything in store anymore.
When I do it's usually just because I saw something before my pre-order shipped or it's Mario/Sonic figures.
Got the Brody and Belloq two pack today. I do wonder about the health of the line - there's a few more characters I'd love to see them make (Marion in her white dress would be great... might be kind of fun to have Satipo and some of the unnamed villains) but I think I really like what I have now or is already preordered, covers a lot of ground. I know she's unliked by many but the collection feels a lil weird without Willie, too (am I wrong? I might be wrong, I dunno).
I've genuinely enjoyed the line so far. Clearing up a little space for them in the display case. The Raiders opening scene set looks great on display.
If Hasbro had longer plans for this line, they likely wouldn't have put 3 figures of Indy himself in one wave. They could have spread those out over future waves to give each wave an Indy to anchor it. If nothing is revealed at Hascon (likely), this line is obviously dead until the next Indy film/show.