Yeah, I'd want scene specific too if I'm paying a bunch of money for a HasLab... but have no room for big dioramas, so that was more of a suggestion for others anyways. IF the campaign were to have a bunch of figures included with a large diorama, I'd probably buy just to get them.
In all honesty, I doubt there's a HasLab path for Indy that makes sense. The made-to-order route seems like the most realistic idea. Maybe multi-packs would be the way to go?
I think Vogel's tank with some figures would be the only potentially viable Haslab. MAYBE the flying wing from Raiders, but I think that would be a stretch just due to scale. Both would be pretty large vehicles, though the tank would be a little more viable space-wise. Maybe a prop plane? Jacques's plane from Raiders or the one they steal off the blimp in Crusade?
Definitely feel like the made-to-order model is more viable for them, and might be a way to get some of the last characters done. I'd really like an Indy with the head from the Crusade version (with the tilt-a-hat) on a body with the open collared shirt and some gloves. IIRC when I went looking to see if that custom was an option I found other people tried it and the neck pegs won't work.
In terms of vehicles, the only haslab-worthy (and doable) ones that I can think of are the truck from the truck chase scene in raiders and the tank from Last Crusade.
The truck would be kind of a low hanging fruit, considering that Hasbro already did one in the old line. Then again, they love to repeat certain beats of older lines and it is IS a famous scene. Also, the truck could be used for plenty other lines (Joe Classified, Valaverse, etc). As for figures, they could re-use an Indy (with jacket closed and gloves) and the ark. Whatever new soldier they come up with could easily be re-used several times. If they are generous, they could include a horse. The thing is... that still doesn't fill the other holes in the line and I just hate the idea of army builder figures in a haslab.
The tank is also possible with even more re-useable figures like Indy, Vogel, Indy's Dad (without the jacket?), Brody and a couple new body bucks/parts like LC Sallah, the tank driver and, once again, more soldiers. Still, that doesn't give us the other figures in the line missing.
Dioramas are, I would guess, out of the question. They eat just too much plastic and are too expensive - at least if you want to have something with a little more than just a floor and a thin wall. I don't see Hasbro going that route at all.
The ideal case would be another two waves (or three, if you want to tackle KotCS - as one should) or a couple multi-packs via the made-to-order model to finish the line.
The ideal case would be another two waves (or three, if you want to tackle KotCS - as one should) or a couple multi-packs via the made-to-order model to finish the line.
2 waves is all I need!
Wave 1:
Cairo Swordsman
German Mechanic
Mutt Williams
Irina Spalko
Indy from KotCS
Wave 2:
Mola Ram
Willie Scott
Thuggee Chief Guard
Colonel Vogel
Boy Scout Indy
Last Crusade Sallah
..Or do a few 2 packs or 3 packs. I'd be super happy with this and feel like it's a "complete" line.
Sad to say, but I think the only real hope for the line at the moment is The Great Circle game getting a lot of traction.
I might be the only one but if you gave me the full cave/tunnel of boobytraps and the room with the fertility idol from the opening of Raiders - think modular but maybe 36" to 48" long end-to-end, with a big rolling boulder, pit to fall in, falling ceiling - I'd be tempted. I admit that might not sell but possibly the most famous "set" and set piece from the series that has true play potential...
I too see the Raiders truck being a viable option. Add in the horse, a better ark, a few soldiers, a new, improved Indy with closed jacket and gloves, maybe even Marion with the white dress. It could work, and many people would order it simply for the military truck. But of course, is it what the line needs? No. But it would be something, and if it sells, maybe it could invigorate the line to do another wave.
Sad to say, but I think the only real hope for the line at the moment is The Great Circle game getting a lot of traction.
I'd wait to see how that does. The message Disney is likely to have gotten from Dial of Destiny is that Indiana Jones is no longer a viable franchise going forward, so if something doesn't revive it I'm unfortunately viewing it as a dead franchise for now. One that I love and were my favorite movies for most of my life, but one that the new generations haven't taken to for whatever reasons.
I'd wait to see how that does. The message Disney is likely to have gotten from Dial of Destiny is that Indiana Jones is no longer a viable franchise going forward, so if something doesn't revive it I'm unfortunately viewing it as a dead franchise for now. One that I love and were my favorite movies for most of my life, but one that the new generations haven't taken to for whatever reasons.
The videogame does look pretty good, the ride at Disneyland is still popular, and while Hasbro may not be making a killing on its figures I still see plenty of statues and other companies making product here and there. The Assassin's Creed's movie wasn't that well received, and it doesn't have a large toy presence, same with the Tomb Raider series lately. If Indie continued as a videogame presence for the foreseeable future I think it'd be a decent lane for the adventure property until Disney finds out what other niches it can occupy. I've no clue how the Indie Lego series stuff does financially though.
@enigmaticclarity Yeah, I'm not expecting a shocking resurrection myself. I'm glad I grabbed a bit from this line because I'm doubtful I'll get another chance at this price point soon. I would love a coat closed, gloved Indy with the tilt-hat still, but I can live with what I've got. My current Indy lives to be in a display with Funko Rocketeer.
I feel like the "Made to Order" model could work quite well for something like Indy, that may not have a huge appeal to general audiences, but undoubtedly has a very devoted following that would love a wide swath of great collectibles from the license. Hasbro could essentially charge whatever they wanted for any new tooling required, though Indy is, as we've seen, rife with re-use potential. Heck, there's even potential for army building to help recoup even more cost- people may not collect Thuggees or German Soldiers like they do Stormtroopers, but since they're easy enough to fudge into other lines as well, I can only see that helping the broader appeal. And they wouldn't have to necessarily worry about retailers and their concerns about certain problematic or unwanted characters, and Disney, which seems to perhaps be the biggest factor in this, wouldn't necessarily have to worry about harming its relationship with said retailers if they're only ever going from manufacturer to consumer. And nobody really needs to worry about losing out on an investment or product rotting on the shelf, since they'd only need to make what people demanded.
I don't have a whole lot of hope left regarding the license, but I will say that the Ghostbusters HasLab that just funded did help change my mind a bit. I know the 2 fanbases aren't entirely comparable, and the idea of cool ghosts and technology is more "fun" than reality-based historical figures, but I'd thought the Plasma Series was long dead as well, and this proved that wrong. I don't necessarily think an entire HasLab is the answer, especially if we wanted characters from multiple films, but there are certainly options.
Sorry if I get anyone's hopes up by bumping this thread, but do any of you folks who have professor Jones with the knight's shield know if that head is swappable with any of the heads from other Indy figs? Thinking it'd be cool to pick up another hat head and give Indy a sort of outdoor but not in the wild look. Urban adventure Indy if you will.
@jakeekiss yeah the heads of Raiders and Preofrssor Indy are totally swapable, shade the same ball joint an everything. The Temple of Doom, Hypnotized and Ciaro all have a larger ball, making that swap more involved.
@jonsnow1 Fantastic, thanks! I think I already know, but are any of the necks compatible with Last Crusade Indy with that great tilt-a-hat?
Im sure we all remember how Toht’s ghost tormented the Ghostbusters with his high pitched giggling, right?