We gotta find some figures to kitbash for Mola Ram and Willie. Anyone have any suggestions?
Came here because I found the wave at Ollies for $10 each. Grabbed them all. And an extra Helena Shaw for a custom. Her outfit looks like the camp outfit in BG3, and while her head looks different from my main characters, I might try clay. One of my Temple Indy's was missing a pistol, reached out to Hasbro, they sent a whole new figure. So now I have a grand total of 5 Indiana Jones 1/12 figures lol.
Glad I found these, I wanted them, especially Short Round, but never found wave 2 in stores. Now I will have to hope wave 3 hits Ollies too. I really want the Temple Knight (multiple if Ollies s gets them) and Indie's dad, but I know I really would like them all.
I got all my Indy figures, minus the original Indy and Marion, for hella cheap prices from Target and Ollies. No exclusives in my collection though. It was a fun line to collect and play with, and it makes me want to rewatch the movies with my dad again. So I will thank Hasbro for that. I will be here when they reboot the line in another 15 years.
I haven't found any AS at Ollie's yet, just the lame "retro" figures. 😕
I recently commissioned a zipped up Indy jacket from Syndicate Customs at https://syndicatecustoms.com.au/
It turned out incredible (can’t remember how to post pics) and he’s saying he’s going to make it available on his site in the coming weeks!
That looks really good!
That honestly looks awesome! How did you do the gloves?
I can't think of a vehicle as iconic as the Ecto-1 that would be a HasLab possibility for the Indiana Jones franchise. I feel like generic military vehicles could pass, like jeeps or motorcycles (with side cars). Maybe the massive tank that Colonel Vogel used in The Last Crusade. I don't think a wave like Damon posted above would be enough for a HasLab, but maybe that could work using their new Made to Order model. I would really love each of those figures, but I'd prioritize Temple of Doom since most of those aren't even represented yet in 6". But the successful funding of the Ecto-1 has got me excited for possibilities for other defunct lines.
I'd take all of those figures... in fact, i'm working on customs of half of them, plus some others. I'd be down for a HasLab, but like NORM, I just can't see figures alone floating the campaign. Would people be ok with a diorama plus figures? A modular generic stone tomb/cave setting? Could be used in other lines too (D&D, LOTR, etc.). Military vehicles could have cross-line appeal as well. But there are no iconic vehicles that I can think of besides what NORM mentioned. maybe 5 camels? I love the made-to-order model and would absolutely support any and all Indy figures released. I feel like a couple of waves of 4 to 6 figures each would be enough to complete it (to my satisfaction).
Of the figures posted above, I really don't feel like I "need" the alternate looks for Indy and Marion (i'd still buy them!), but I'd want all the others for sure. I also want some KotCS figures.. Mutt and Spalko are the absolute needs, imo. With those 9 figures, I'd feel like I got all I "needed" from the line.
If they did a diorama, I'd want it to be scene specific. The sacrifice room in ToD. The site where they open the Ark. The cavern in Jordan where the Holy Grail was hidden by the Grail Knight. I think the small set pieces they gave us (through the Build an Artifact gimmick) suffice though. I don't have room to display anything that specific, let alone generic for other lines. And since there isn't an IndianaJones-mobile, I think figures are what we need to really complete these collections.
The biggest problem with dioramas for the Indy line, is lack of reoccurring locations. Beyond the university, there’s no other local that keeps showing up. Let’s face it, the university isn’t the most exciting setting for a diorama.
If a diorama was to be made, I think I’d prefer locations, while scene specific, could be also used for other adventure scenes, like the Ark’s resting place, or the Idol cavern (Raiders..). The Castle from LC could be fun too.