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Posted by: @panthercult
I think the lack of any product,  or news even


And communication. There are always comments/questions on MrStevies social media about the Adventure Series, for instance, but they all get ignored. I have a little hope for the game's release, but if there is no product for that one either, then the line is as dead as it gets, sadly. It's a shame. For me that was perhaps the most fun I ever had with a line 🙁


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@damon I with you Damon, absolutely love this line and my only complaint is that it ended too soon. I’ve seen some good customs of stuff like Mola Ram and Vogel.

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I would honestly like hasbro to do another Indy. For them to check out what Sh figuarts did with their Indy, and try to make their version of it. Get the likeness perfect, the proportions, all the artifacts and accessories in one package, gloved hands, multiple heads, better whip, etc. Make one awesome Indy, with improved articulation and sculpt inspired by the sh figuarts one. Make it amazon exclusive or something. A completely new deluxe Indy that fires on all cylinders and is just as good as the Sh. 

It's not gonna happen but I think it would be a last hurrah for the line. Because I don't see them making any new characters, but another Indy, a guaranteed sell?

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The true shame, and for me the most frustrating part, is, that they could still get a LOT of mileage out of the existing body bucks. Just by re-use, they could give us several "new" Indy's (clean shirt Indy, closed jacked Indy, disguise Indy, crystal skull Indy, etc) and even enemies (pretty much every soldier) and henchmen (Chattar Lal, Cairo thugs, Fedora) with barely any new tooling necessary. Just by that you could easily fill another two waves.

The Scarecrow Guy
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While yeah, they may not explicitly state "the line is over", they'll give the classic corporate stock answer of "We don't currently have any plans to produce more figures" and probably state something like low sales and demand as to why. I definitely think another wave or 2 is doable; it certainly wouldn't bankrupt them. I just don't know if they want to run the risk of losing money. Maybe as con exclusives they can release a couple sets-


Raiders- Regular Indy (just to save on tooling), Satipo, and either the Mechanic or Swordsman

ToD- Willie, Mola Ram, and either a Thuggee or re-release of Indy (again to save on tooling)

TLC- Young Indy, Vogel, Sallah (I know the latter 2 don't have anything to do with Young Indy, but still)

KotCS- Indy, Mutt, Irina (can re-use parts from Tala and/or Dedra from the Black Series line)

DoD- Prologue Indy (finally giving us the dial), Teddy, Klaber (there's definitely suited bodies they can re-use)


Con exclusive sets means they can afford lower production numbers, and kinda set the price however they want. There was no reason for the Starkiller set to cost as much as it did, but Hasbro knew we'd pay it, and many did. They could claim it's for the deluxe packaging or whatever- as long as we get the figures at all, I'm good.

Wishful thinking, I know.

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Posts: 187

I saw on a Youtube Toy Hunt video last night that a couple Ollie's store in Pennsylvania that the TOD/Dial of Destiny wave were being stocked for $10.00 each figure. I will definitely be checking out Ollie's. I have Short Round but need the rest! 

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@sgtstinky Yup I saw that too.  Just so frustrating, as a Canadian, to see product that we can't get, or get at a discount, show up for pennies (comparatively) on the dollar.

Guess that will put the final nail in the coffin of any hopes of more product getting made by Hasbro.   Once it starts showing up at Ollie's you know Hasbro isn't going to want to invest anymore money into the brand.  Especially without any media (outside of a new video game) to back it up.

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If that were true, Marvel Legends would be dead in the water by now.  Closeout chains like Ollie’s get their merchandise from the (usually local) retailers that are making way for new product.  Just because something isn’t moving in your area, isn’t necessarily indicative of what it’s doing across the country, and abroad.  Let’s not give up hope yet.

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Oh... the Ollie's clearance availability isn't the reason to give up hope -  that's just a byproduct of Hasbro's overproduction of all of their lines based on peak pandemic sales -   it's all the other indicators that the line is dead as a doornail that should have caused you to despair by now 😋 

canprime reacted
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@detectivehoag Oh god, Marvel Legends is next!!!!!  😀 

Yeah I know, and I probably should have worded it better.   Basically I guess my meaning was that without any new product and now the remaining product, including Short Round who is apparently pretty rare (I don't know as I only have 2 items from the line and neither is a figure), that those remaining fans who were holding out hope are probably not going to see anything else from Hasbro.  

Unless of course the new video game becomes a best seller and expands outside of the video game fandom.

Of course my usual comment also applies.   It's a no.....until it isn't.   So Indy is done, until he isn't.

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@panthercult I should probably also stop watching those pet adoption videos with Sarah McLachlan playing over the video.   That definitely doesn't help.

"I will remember you.........."  🤣 

sgtstinky reacted
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Posted by: @canprime

So Indy is done, until he isn't.


The word "no" doesn't exist in the Indiana Jones franchise. Indy is like a bad penny after all. He always turns up 😉


canprime reacted
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Posted by: @damon

Posted by: @canprime

So Indy is done, until he isn't.


The word "no" doesn't exist in the Indiana Jones franchise. Indy is like a bad penny after all. He always turns up 😉



You can quote me on this.............

"Weekend at Indy's:  The Last, Last Crusade"  Starring Jonathan Silverman, Andrew McCarthy and Harrison Ford's stand in.  😀 


NORM reacted
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Posted by: @sgtstinky

I saw on a Youtube Toy Hunt video last night that a couple Ollie's store in Pennsylvania that the TOD/Dial of Destiny wave were being stocked for $10.00 each figure. I will definitely be checking out Ollie's. I have Short Round but need the rest! 

Hmmm I just found out there are Ollie's in Chicagoland, and I still need DoD Indy (and TLC Indy, and I'm done, but he's not part of that wave lol). $10 sure would be nice...


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Posts: 187

@tenime They are showing up in more and more Ollie's Hunt videos now too. Virgina, Wisconsin and I think one was in Minnesota too. So yeah I need him too plus the others in that wave except Short Round. Between all the Indy figures and Marvel Legends showing up there I could easily blow all my spending money.

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