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Yeah it was basically RotLA wave 2 

German Disguise Indy, Marion in white dress, German Mechanic, Satipo, Toht and Indy with golden idol

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I really do hope they find an avenue to release more figures. 

Mola Ram/Willie 2-Pack Pulse Con Exclusive please 😉 

Personally, I am OK with them skipping KOTCS. But I feel like they should at least get Indy, Mutt, & Irina out.

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Indy, Mutt, Spalko, and the Crystal Skull alien skeleton would probably be enough to make the throne the artifact of the wave. Indy and Mutt come with the arm rests, Spalko the front and seat, and the alien with the back, or some permutation of that.

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Yeah it was the ‘lost wave’ of Raiders figures, Toht, Mechanic, Satipo, Marion in white dress, Indy in German disguise and an Ultimate Aztec Temple Indy 

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I do remember the 4" ToD wave being difficult to acquire though. Like it was online only, or a retailer exclusive. It wasn't common like the majority of the line. I did a guest review of the figures on Michael Crawford's site back when it came out.

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A Mola Ram/Willie 2-pack would pretty much end my interest in the line.  I'd take a Cate Blanchett, but I wouldn't miss it if she never came.

I re-watched Temple of Doom the week before Dial of Destiny released expecting it to not hold up--but it does.  To me at least, but I'm biased because I was a tweenager when that film came out.  Still love that film even though it's not one of the franchise's best and there are those culturally-insensitive scenes that Spielberg came to regret.

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I wonder if the issue with Willie is the whole Sacrificial Gown thing?

If that is the case I hope they could give us the Club Obi-Wan look with Lao Che.

They've certainly got enough bodies to pull Lao Che off.

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Posted by: @slixta

I wonder if the issue with Willie is the whole Sacrificial Gown thing?

If that is the case I hope they could give us the Club Obi-Wan look with Lao Che.

They've certainly got enough bodies to pull Lao Che off.

Or even the blazer and pants thing she wore while riding the elephant? With her lounge dress wrapped up in a sling. I mean, the four or five outfits I can think of that she wore in this movie all got about equal screen time.


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Not getting Mola Ram and Willie would be a bummer.

I'd hoped the line would last long enough to get a Nepal bar Indy and Marion.

Of all Marion's looks, I think that one is the most toyetic. And I really just want a set of gloved hands for Indy. Gloves and a zipped jacket feels like it'd be an inexpensive alternate Indy.

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@normdapito while that outfit wouldn't be my first choice, I can confidently say I'd buy any and all of Willie's looks.

Same goes for any of Marion's Raider's looks, but we need that white dress look asap.

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I got the Marcus Brody & René Belloq two-pack in the mail yesterday. Looking forward to unboxing those.

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I just received Brody and Belloq today. Brody is fine, I can say that I have a Marcus Brody action figure. Belloq is also fine, in a look I actually prefer more than the ceremonial garb he wore when opening the ark. The book accessory that Brody comes with is pretty nice, and this is the second apple accessory I've gotten from Hasbro in a year (the other came with MCU He Who Remains). Belloq's machine gun is also pretty nice, though seems a bit big. Glad to add these to the collection, but I imagine it'll hit heavy discount eventually. But two guys in suits make good fodder. Having this Brody makes me want a Sallah from RotLA.

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Temple of Doom is a great movie, but we're never getting Mola or Willie. Hasbro just doesn't care enough about the line and with Disney behind them, yeah no. This is disney's thing.

But it would be very sad to not get white dress Marion. It's her most iconic look. A close jacket Indy with gloves would be great too and an easy repaint with just a few new pieces.

I really want a crystal skeleton, but again, the line is barely selling, I don't think hasbro is doing anything more than what they've announced. But to be fair, we got more than I was thinking we would get, so there's that. We got most of the characters from most of the movies.

I mean in the Ghostbusters line we didn't even get Slimer or Janine; we only got one exclusive and super hard to find Louis, only got possesed Dana, the list goes on and on.

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Posted by: @normdapito

I'm pretty much caught up on both the Adventure Series (with the latest wave including Temple of Doom and Dial of Destiny figures), and the retro 3.75 line with Henry Sr and Sallah.

I built the Skull Altar for the Sankara stones, with the final pieces coming from hypnotized Indy. He has two sets of stones, three each of glowing and non-glowing. I put the glowing stones into the display, but man, that was a comedy of errors. It was so difficult and I felt so clumsy doing it! So the nose "shelf" has a back wall to it. There's one stone that's slightly smaller, and it fits there no problem. The back wall keeps it from falling into the hollow skull. However, the eye sockets have no back. So putting the stones in them was nearly impossible. If one falls into the hollow, you need to shake it out like a guitar pick in a guitar. So you start all over again. Maybe you get one stone in one eye, but then you gotta deal with the second stone. If that falls out, you start all over again! It took me like 15 minutes to get them in, I was cracking up.

Thanks for that. I'm nowhere near done building it, but I'll make sure to poster tack the eyes in.


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It's kinda baffling to see people say the line isn't selling?

I can barely find these in stores and Amazon's numbers they list are fairly high compared to Hasbro's other lines.

The exclusives are hardly an indicator because there's been all sorts of lines where Target puts them on clearance almost immediately. The difference is the second they were put on clearance they were gone immediately.

I think Hasbro is just being cautious given the last lines run and are playing the wait and see game.

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