I'm pretty much caught up on both the Adventure Series (with the latest wave including Temple of Doom and Dial of Destiny figures), and the retro 3.75 line with Henry Sr and Sallah.
I built the Skull Altar for the Sankara stones, with the final pieces coming from hypnotized Indy. He has two sets of stones, three each of glowing and non-glowing. I put the glowing stones into the display, but man, that was a comedy of errors. It was so difficult and I felt so clumsy doing it! So the nose "shelf" has a back wall to it. There's one stone that's slightly smaller, and it fits there no problem. The back wall keeps it from falling into the hollow skull. However, the eye sockets have no back. So putting the stones in them was nearly impossible. If one falls into the hollow, you need to shake it out like a guitar pick in a guitar. So you start all over again. Maybe you get one stone in one eye, but then you gotta deal with the second stone. If that falls out, you start all over again! It took me like 15 minutes to get them in, I was cracking up.
I finished up finding the Adventure Series too during the blackout. Was really nice to finally find Toht and DoD Indy. The Ark looks great all put together.
Ironically, the only pieces I haven't put up yet are the Sankara Stones. I've decided that whenever I do, I'm just going to glue them in place. With how small they are and how much my cat loves to knock things over, they'd be gone in a day. It happened with my poor Daenerys figure way back when- lost all 3 of her eggs and was only ever able to recover 2. 1 is still floating around out there somewhere.
I did get a notification from Amazon that the Brody/Belloq 2 pack is supposedly shipping next week. That would be nice if so!
Had to cancel a majority of pre-orders of Hasbro stuff since it was all coming in at the same time. I cancelled Cairo Indy in the hopes that he gets discounted as well as Brody and Belloq. I did manage to complete the second BaA though. Like all those figures.
So I still need Kazim, Cairo Indy, Brody, Belloq, and Map Room Indy. Hoping that the current final wave doesn't release until at least October, because I need the school year to start before spending anymore money!
I've got the whole Temple Of Doom wave pre-ordered at Entertainment Earth, but I've managed to find Black Sleep Indy and Shorty in-store and I love them both. My favorite thing about this line is the accessories, for sure, and those two come with some real winners.
I'm holding out a fool's hope for Mola Ram and Willie at some point in the future. It seems like they've got a snowball's chance in hell, but I'll cling to whatever tiny sliver I can since the line will be woefully incomplete without them, IMO.
I really love this line, my favorite thing going right now. Amazon shipped my Brody Belloq two pack, supposed to be here tomorrow.
I didn’t realize Brody 2 pack was out. Need to figure out who I preordered it from. Hopefully they get their shipment soon.
I know it is probably a fools hope but I am really hoping they announce at least a few more figures before they end it.
I just placed an order for Brody/Belloq at Amazon, now hearing that they're shipping. Once I receive it, or at least once it ships, ETA next week, I'll cancel my Pulse PO which is still ETA November.
I really love this line, my favorite thing going right now. Amazon shipped my Brody Belloq two pack, supposed to be here tomorrow.
Thanks for the notice! Going to place an order. I just got caught up on this line, I want to stay caught up ha.
Got my shipping notice for Brody/Belloq as well, to be delivered today.
Count me in among those hoping for more. I quite like the Indiana Jones movies, though not as much as a lot of folks. If they don't get around to the missing characters or KOTCS, I don't know if I'll keep what I've gotten so far. Not sure if the completionist in me would allow it. 😓 Would feel strange only having 2 characters from Temple of Doom, so I'd probably offload those, and then it would feel weird only having figures from 2 of 5 movies (even if they are considered the "best" of the franchise). I don't know- I'd have to see. There's enough missing for at least 2 more waves, or a wave and a couple 2 packs/deluxes/exclusives. Don't leave us out to dry, Hasbro!
I've got the whole Temple Of Doom wave pre-ordered at Entertainment Earth, but I've managed to find Black Sleep Indy and Shorty in-store and I love them both. My favorite thing about this line is the accessories, for sure, and those two come with some real winners.
I'm holding out a fool's hope for Mola Ram and Willie at some point in the future. It seems like they've got a snowball's chance in hell, but I'll cling to whatever tiny sliver I can since the line will be woefully incomplete without them, IMO.
I'm desperately hoping they churn out out a Willie and Mola Ram two-pack.
If Mola Ram is truly off the table then I really hope they'd at least give us Willie.
Maybe a Willie and Lao Che two-pack?
I really don't want this line to end.
Mola Ram I "get", but why is Willie seemingly off the table?
Mola Ram I "get", but why is Willie seemingly off the table?
I would get it as well except that they did make a new 3.75" Mola Ram. Why that one but no 6" version? 😕
The 4” Mola Ram was an SDCC exclusive, along with the rest of the ToD wave, if I remember. I think today Hasbro is leaning more towards cultural sensitivity, which puts a character like Mola Ram into controversial territory. That could be a reason they are being conservative with his release. No idea why for Willie though. Cleavage?
Mola Ram wasn't part of the SDCC exclusives, he was just in the final retail wave which was basically online only since no retailers carried it.
I imagine they had Mola planned and scrapped him for whatever reason, and instead of new tooling for Willie they went with Hypnotized Indy as it would be cheaper for them to produce.
Hopeful that we will get an Indy exclusive at Pulse Con... preferably a two pack of Mola Ram and Willie. If not those I'd also take some of the other 4 inch figures from the original trilogy that haven't been made yet like German Mechanic, Marion in her white dress and Satipo.
Some wave for IJ was SDCC only though, right? I have a big shipper that I saved after I took the exclusive figures out, but filled it with one Indy from each movie instead. So I don't remember what was originally in it. RotLA figures?