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9,356 / 12,000 (+48) 77.97% of funding goal with 10d 17h left.

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Retroblasting has a video up about the O-ring GB figures and he raves about them. For HIM to do that, if you know anything about his disdain for Hasbro, is saying something.

NORM reacted
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9,368 / 12,000 (+12) 78.07% of funding goal with 9d 17h left.

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Since we are in the middle of a Ghostbusters Haslab I figured I would post this here.

I saw this video and had a chuckle, but I was also pleasantly surprised to see that GB had enough cultural awareness for even teens today. Sure it doesn't mean anything for toys, but it at least shows a lasting cultural memory that has transferred to younger generations.

Anyway, the movie stuff starts around the 4 minute mark, and a funny toy bit is around the 10 minute mark.

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Posted by: @canprime

Since we are in the middle of a Ghostbusters Haslab I figured I would post this here.

I saw this video and had a chuckle, but I was also pleasantly surprised to see that GB had enough cultural awareness for even teens today. Sure it doesn't mean anything for toys, but it at least shows a lasting cultural memory that has transferred to younger generations.

Anyway, the movie stuff starts around the 4 minute mark, and a funny toy bit is around the 10 minute mark.



You'd be surprised at the number of schools that have 80s and 90s themed dances and in some cases proms.  Invariably I find it funny seeing how excited kids are for stuff like that, but then if you show them a cassette tape, or a rotary telephone it's a debate over what it actually is or does.  It is interesting to see how someone can be nostalgiac for an era they never lived through, but it doesn't bother me that things I loved are now just novelty to younger generations.  They're certainly more excited about the era I grew up in that I ever was for 50's & 60's stuff.


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@jtmarsh Yeah one of the segments in the video has the teens using a Walk-Man and at one point two of them can't figure out how to open the case for the cassette tape.  



9,397 / 12,000 (+29) 78.31% of funding goal with 8d 17h left.

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9,434 / 12,000 (+37) 78.62% of funding goal with 7d 18h left.

Well here we go. Just over a week to go and closing in on 80% funded. Definitely not where I thought it would be at this point, but still nicely in the zone needed for the final day(s) push.

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Wrestler Matt Cardona (FKA Zack Ryder) was posting about it over the weekend, so we're likely to see a spike any time now. 🤣 

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9,491 / 12,000 (+94) 79.09% of funding goal with 6d 19h left.

A bit of a bump up to almost a triple digit daily gain. Could this be the start of the final days upward swing in number of backers?

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@canprime Actually, that's just a increase of 57 since yesterday.

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@tfitz That's what I get for copying and pasting.  Totally missed it on the day before where I normally post first and then just copied over to here.

So not as good of an increase.

TFitz reacted
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Well, it's now at 9831 so... 

I'm guessing today was the day they add in the 3rd party orders from internationally ccustomers.its picked up some steam though going into the last week.  If the trend holds and the last day pucks up a couple thousand backers, we are good.

I don't know of a Haslab that had an increase in backers every day, small or large, that was this close and didn't make it by the last day. Usually when a Haslab fails we see a steady decline, even if it's a slow decline.  

canprime reacted
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@mwoo Yeah, my shoddy tracking aside, this will fund.  It should be less than 2,000 backers away by the weekend and it will easily get 2,000 backers on the last day.

I'm pretty sure all the failure Haslabs had at least a couple of days of negative funding, while this one only had the one, and barely at that.   The Skystriker might have been the first but thanks to the Rancor failing it probably opened up backers that couldn't back both and it made it comfortably thanks to a killer final 24 hours.  It was still a couple thousand shy on the last day and it had the same anemic daily increases that the Ecto-1 has had.  

However as I said, this is a different beast and I am fairly confident this will fund.  Though I would say to the Hasbro teams maybe stay away from Haslabs this close to Christmas.

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Just looked..

Hasbro still has some tricks up their sleeve?

This one's not for me, but happy to root for the collectors who want it.  Wish it was this silent during the EoV... I still wish that would've funded.


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I'm still so on the fence with this one. Not because of the deal, I think it's a good deal, it's just large, and my space is getting to be a premium. I feel like if I get it it'll have to be the end of my collecting for a while. I've got the larger sentinel, the smaller one on preorder, a Ramen Racer coming to me, and a Robskull in the mail headed my way.

If I get this it'll have to be with the caveat that some of the current figure collection will have to go in its place. I could probably make that sacrifice. I'm probably going to sell off the last few of my Mythic Legions soon, and if I wanted I could clear a dozen figures out of the stores by just selling my SHIELD/HYDRA/AIM army builders...

Uggh decisions decisions. 

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