This is Hasbro we’re talking about right? Watch it be a Proton Beam attachment for the Proton Pack that is a rip on that crappy Indiana Jones Whip!
it's been announced!
the next haslab will be the ghost trap and PKE meter pack!
it will go up on pulse for $299 to back.
via TNI
link to the haslab page and official information on the set along with tiers.
10k to go into production
12k for a startup set pack (stickers, patch, cards etc.)
15k ghost trap belt holster
18k for PKE belt holster
I mean, I wish the announcement had been figures or an Ecto-1, but I must admit, if that sort of prop is your bag, that's a pretty good offer. If I were more into the cosplay scene I'd probably go for it.
I’m really not inspired to tell ya the truth. I have the Proton Pack and Neutrino wand but I’m not feeling the urgency or motivation to jump in on this. I’m really starting to burn out on preorders. Too much being expected of us to keep these manufacturers afloat.
@bgiles73 Ehh, preorders would bother me more if I was less sure I'd get the end product. Here it's more certain. And TBF, for items like this, if you're a corporation concerned with quarterly gains and shareholder ROI, this is basically the only way to minimize risk, which is all the higher ups are concerned with.
Totally get not wanting to commit to it, but I don't begrudge the GB team for the practices the overall system is responsible for.
I really hope one of these times they use Haslab to remake/rerelease the Kenner Real Ghostbusters Firehouse. For a moment today during the 1027 live video, I was hopeful maybe the Ghostbusters Haslab would be just that, since they were showing off all those Archived Vintage Kenner Real Ghostbusters toys back on the shelf.
But I totally get this and it's super cool and a great addition to the Proton Pack and Wand.
Still........I want the damn Firehouse.
Ok here we go one more time. The last Haslab for 2023 and what a way to end the year. This should be interesting.
Ghostbusters Trap/PKE:
6,483 / 10,000 (+6,483) 64.83% of funding goal with 44d 20h left.
What a great start. Almost two thirds of the way to being funded in less than twelve hours. Should be another easy win for the Ghostbusters team.
@jakeekiss My gripe is more along the lines that we have incomplete action-figure line and the omissions aren’t just background characters. How is it even comprehensible that we have absolutely no representation of Slimer in the Plasma Series line? No Mola Ram in the Indiana Jones line. This isn’t just Hasbro. Other companies and other lines and other properties too. When you have big evergreen properties like Star Wars performing dismally at retail it’s time to change something in their strategy. Right now it seems like the strategy is if the customer doesn’t foot the bill then they won’t do anything at all. Ultimately like everything else I guess we will have to just self-service manufacture our desired products ourselves. We will just all be 3D printing our own collections. I suppose they might sell the premade patterns as that technology gets to be more accessible.
8,588 / 10,000 (+2,105) 85.88% of funding goal with 43d 20h left.
Well let's call it now. This won't fund. I mean the pace is terrible and I guess everyone will just have to be happy with a Proton pack and that's it. LOL
Could be funded by tomorrow. What will be talk about for the next 43+ days?
Do you think if they’d done something figure related it would have got this kind of response, maybe a large Staypuft figure?
@felgekarp Honestly? No. I think the community looking for good Ghostbuster cosplay props is bigger than the one looking for GB figures. In fact it might be several times bigger. GB cosplay is one that pretty much everyone likes, and which, (unlike basically all comic, videogame, or anime cosplay) doesn't require you to look a particular way. You don't need six pack abs, you don't need to be 6 ft tall, you don't need to be able to stand sweating your balls off in heavy armor or prosthetics for 8 hrs at a con or have your bits out and hiked up to just below your chin. It's just an easy, fun cosplay to do and basically nobody has bad feelings about it.
Other than the props almost everything in the suit can be bought off the shelf (to varying degrees of accuracy), and these are an absolute steal relative to the time and money you've got to spend to build one from scratch. GB props are a layup and I don't think there's any figure offering (aside from possibly an Ecto-1) that would do as well as fast.
I’m not saying I don’t want a trap and PKE I just don’t like that this is like the sixth expensive Haslab of the year right before Christmas. I’m just counting Hasbro. Super7 and Mattel Creations and God knows who else have all announced several preorders that are all timing out mere weeks before leading into Christmas for items that won’t be ready until Spring 2025. It’s too damn much in this crappy economy. Too much product overload over such a short window with overlapping campaigns is going to kill this type of thing. It’s just asking too much of your fan base all using FOMO type scare tactics to get people to commit to the purchase. I Did Not Order the Hiss, The Dragonfly, The Ghost, The Cats Lair, The Cobra Mothership, Giant Man because it’s just too financially irresponsible a thing to be asked to participate in over such a short time frame. Unfortunately it looks like I am going to have to base my decision to not order these much coveted Ghostbusters Items for the same reason. Why does it have to be feast or famine with these companies? I’m not jealous or angry with anyone that’s buying any of this. I just don’t agree with the ethics that it’s our money these multimillionaire companies are using to grow their portfolios and we get no reward for it other than saying we are the owner of some seriously overpriced plastic that was probably better designed and manufactured when the company self funded.
I never got the proton pack, even though I feel like I probably should have as it'd be an easy Halloween costume to trot out every year. Unfortunately I have no where to put it and doubt I'd wear it that often. These props looks great for fleshing out the ensemble for those who DID get the pack, but unless I want to look like an Assistant Ghostbuster, I doubt I'd look decent in a jumpsuit just holding a toaster on a cord with a PKE meter. So in some ways I'm glad I never got the pack, because now I wont feel the need to buy these. But I do think it shows that there IS a fanbase for this nearly 40 year old property if Hasbro knows how to market things. It's certainly seen as having more value by most than Giant Man based on the speed it's selling at.
That aside, I WOULD like to see the Real Ghostbusters cartoon figures in time for Halloween next year. Looking more like the cartoon than the old figures! I still have regrets over never having gotten the Diamond Select ones because people said they were prone to breakage.
@jtmarsh I really would have liked to see those Fright Features figures and more of those Real Ghostbusters figures that Samhain figure we have all been wanting. As much as I really want those extra accessories to add to my Ensemble. I’m just not motivated to spend anymore money. It’s just not enjoyable anymore having nothing new to buy in stores and back to back to back purchases in the $400-up range that are not going to be available for a year or more. It’s got me thinking really hard about selling what I do have and just going back to the basics of collecting.