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Hasbro Dungeons & Dragons

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Niko (formerly Jead)
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What's the chances of more stuff being shown off for this line at Pulsecon? Drizzt was a cool start for Forgotten Realms/DnD stuff, but it'd be great to see more things.

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The promo lists D&D as a property they're covering so it's at least probable.

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Watch it be another Drizzt figure. 

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With the hype around NECA Elkorn, maybe Hasbro can give us a Buenor Battlehammer? Or Pikel Bouldershoulder. 

The Scarecrow Guy
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Made me happy to see D&D mentioned for PulseCon. I'm sure it'll be more game-based things, but I still have my fingers crossed for a Sofina from the movie. 

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If they started making monsters (Mind Flayers, Goblins, etc) would you guys want to see 5e versions? First edition versions of them? Something completely new? Honestly I would love to get figures in any style, I think I would prefer a more modern take because that is how Xanathar and Drizzt look, but old school figures would be pretty cool too. 🙂 

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Personally I'd love DnD figures from any iteration, though my personal tastes lean towards more simpler designs vs improbably ornate armor and weaponry. 

Really I wish some company would just make generic fantasy/DnD figures in 1/12th scale. Halfling thief. Elf wizard. Human paladin. Gnome bard. Keep putting them out. Make heads and hands swappable. If they really want to row the boat out there, sells packs of parts and accessories to mod one figure into another. Release the same figures over again with different paint decos. Pop and swap parts. 

Mythic Legions are kinda there, but they are really their own thing and don't have as many class variations as DnD does. 

So many people would jump at the chance to buy their DnD character, or to easily customize them. 

One thing that's a must - give these guys travel and adventuring accessories like NECA just did with Elkhorn. Backpacks, pots, pans, campfires, ropes, thieves tools, torches, magical objects, crystals, relics, gold bars and so on. Even make specific treasure accessories from the DMG. 

Man, even FX packs would be great, done to DnD spells. Melf's acid arrow, fireball, magic missiles, tensor's floating disc. 

Get on it Hasbro!!

Niko (formerly Jead)
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Posts: 264

I'd like to see a mix of named characters from the books and games like Baldur's Gate or Neverwinter Nights, and figures based on a variety of the artwork featured in the gamebooks from over the years that can reuse pieces for various other figures, races, etc.

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After all the plastic miniatures of ye olden days I'd kill to get a full-sized articulated Rust Monster.  Make it at least the size of a Hammond Collection Triceratops/Ankylosaurus and I'm sold.  A Neo-Otyugh or pretty much any other Lovecraftian-style critter would be a buy as well.

Magneto Was Right
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D&D panel at 1:05 p.m. ET on Friday. Fingers crossed for some non-movie figures.

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Buenor Battlehammer, a Mindflayer, a goblin, and for deluxe figures, I would honestly take a repaint of Xanathar to do just another random beholder. Maybe maroon or red? The only modification I would like is to open up the eye a little bit so we could get a full on eyeball. 


Strahd is another big want that I do not think is too far off as a possibility. Maybe Minsc and Boo? Tasha? Elminster? I am thinking of other, non Drizzt, characters that are popular enough to get a figure. 

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Bruenor or any other steps towards completing the Companions would be great.  So would a start on Dragonlance.


As always, I'm in for anything and everything in 6" scale for D&D.

Magneto Was Right
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The D&D panel was a waste of time from a toy perspective. I don't understand why Hasbro is letting NECA eat their lunch with D&D figures.

Baldur's Gate III is one of Steam's biggest games ever. Huge missed opportunity.

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So far, this HasCon is kind of a bust.  So little actual product reveals.  For all the hype of being a big event, it's been very anticlimactic.

Slixta and TheSameIdiot reacted
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Yeah... I really wanted new toys. The books that they showed off aren't even new. As someone who plays dnd and likes to collect product... this panel was definitely a bust. 

TheSameIdiot reacted
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