That Scare Glow and Scare Mare are things of beauty, but I have avoided Mondo's 1/6 line so far and thankfully that $775US (before taxes/shipping/exchange) means I can keep avoiding it and just appreciate it from afar.
Someone pointed out that the design for Scare Mare's wings connection could easily translate to a Swift Wind down the road.
I would love to collect the Mondo MOTU and X-Men TAS figures but the price is (thankfully!) prohibitive to get them, as such I have only been getting the Batman TAS figures, although I know I am going to be very tempted by the Spider-Man TAS line!
Yes, that Spider-Man TAS line worries me a little, well it worries my wallet that is.
@cmoney why don't you start a new topic for this. The MOTU forum is kind of barren anyway and I think this will be a big thing!
So Buzz Off and Man-E-Faces are the next two reveals for this line then.
We are still waiting on Evil Lyn who I think will go up for pre-order next, and there was Swift Wind and also a Horde Trooper revealed quite a long time ago now; perhaps the latter has been shelved for the time being due to the low sales of Hordak.
Mad Hatter tour of the Mondo booth (Scare-Glow and Scare-Mare from the 20 min mark)
New Toy Talk episode
So Scare Mare is a Mondo creation, yeah? But does Mattel have any claim on the character for it's own MotU stuff now? Has this been discussed anywhere?
@cmoney I feel like Mattel wouldn't let anyone create a new character under the MOTU umbrella without them retaining the rights themselves. Just wouldn't make a lot of sense to me.
Yeah - for sure, whoever owns the IP for Masters of the Universe (is it Mattel or is it WB?) is going to own the rights to Scare Mare - they wouldn't have allowed it to get made under the MOTU banner otherwise.
@cmoney I feel like Mattel wouldn't let anyone create a new character under the MOTU umbrella without them retaining the rights themselves. Just wouldn't make a lot of sense to me.
Definitely my assumption as well. I just think it's a cool creation and wouldn't mind seeing it pop up in other toylines. Since apparently I'm branching out now... (not to these, bust most likely to their 1/12 stuff as well as Masterverse)
In Pixel Dan's video walkthrough of the Mondo booth, they mentioned Mattel allowed them to create ScareMare when they broached the idea to them, so I assume it was essentially a work for hire type situation as far as ownership rights go.