Got the Orko/Gwildor and movie Evil-Lyn sitting in my POL with BBTS. Just waiting on a Mafex figure to process so I can ship them. Really curious how movie Evil-Lyn looks in person. Interesting armor design to try to replicate.
I had Evil Lyn from the 80's movie ship out today. But I held off on Gwildor and Orko for now. I will definitely get the set, but just thought I'd wait until next month. December is a costly month and the Orko/Gwildor set isn't something I have to have right away.
Anyone else buy and forget they bought the Masterverse/Origins art book? I did and my copy showed up today. It's a really nice hardcover. Makes me not regret recycling all the packaging. They did a great job pulling this together. Glad they did cos the art direction on the packaging has been fantastic.
I got the book as well. I was surprised and impressed at how up to date it is. I feel like it might only be missing like 2-3 releases. Obviously that number will grow, but it’s pretty current!
I haven't cracked the shrink wrap on the Masters book. I had an extra Teela preorder ship from Amazon. That wave is in stock and worth getting even if you have previous versions of Trap Jaw and MAA.
The New Eternia Trap Jaw and Man At Arms are both far superior to the Revelation versions.
I got the book as well. It's another beautifully done MOTU book by Dark Horse.
Also, I had a second New Eternia Man At Arms pre ordered at Amazon, so I could display the figure with both heads. But even though the figure (and wave) is in stock on Amazon, my pre order hasn't shipped yet. It does say it will be here Monday, so hopefully it ships out tomorrow.
But I agree with aggroninja. The New Eternia MAA and Trap Jaw are superior to the Revelations versions. Just opinion of course, and I do really like the Revelations versions in their own right. But these New Eternia versions feel kind of perfect.
New Eternia Man At Arms and Trap Jaw are exactly what I want from this line. They’re classic versions with more detailed design tweaks, and extra parts for a variety of display options. They’re basically the Classified of Masters of the Universe.
Not sure how long ago the sale has started, but Target online is running a sale on the deluxe figures. Ram Man, Clawful, and Slush Head are now $9.89. I grabbed an extra of Rammy and Clawy at those prices. Got two Slushies because I was waiting for him to go on sale. I think NA Skeletor is $10.99 too.
Most of the leftover individual Masterverse figures at Target seem to be on sale too for $6.59. Saw NE HeMan, Sunman, and classic Teela ring up for that price today. NA Skeletor was definitely at $10.99 though. MOTU Point Dread and Talon Fighter rang up at $15.99 at my Targets.
Goddamn. I would love to find NA Skeletor for 11 bucks. I don't think he ever came to Canada at all, let alone for like half price.
NA Skeletor is available for $10.99 on the website. Does Target online not ship to Canada?
NA Skeletor is available for $10.99 on the website. Does Target online not ship to Canada?
They used to. But the website changed at some point and I can't find any options for shipping outside the US now.
That is unfortunate. I might swing by that Target in a couple of days. I can check if NA Skeletor is still there. Highly likely. Let me know if you still want him. Cost plus shipping. If you can’t find any other helpers and decide to go my route, I won’t be able to mail this guy out until after the holidays are over though. I’ve seen what my local postal and shipping services are like this time of year and don’t wanna get tangled up in all that. Lol.
I received my NA Skeletor from Target in a day. He's great. Love the subtle airbrushing on his body but more than anything else I really appreciate his plastic quality and articulation. Saw some reviews about how the upper body articulation had more range than the past Masterverse figs and it's certainly improved. I have been buying so many Hasbro figures lately I forgot how good some Mattel toys feel in hand. One of his pinless knees is a little floppy but other than that he's just solid, heavy, with a matte finish, really clean.