Whoredak looks awesome, good face sculpt. wings dont always have to be huge. the wings are fine.
Toy Habits points out that the new She-Ra is listed as a "New Etheria" version rather than "New Eternia":
Also, the face looks a bit better in the official pics, so I guess it's up in the air how the final product's gonna turn out.
Sorry, For Eternia, not Toy Habits. Still can't edit on this version of the site.
Even the article and Mattel press seem to be confused on what it's being called.
"Whoredak" sent me. Thank you.
Grabbing a few recent Masterverse figures to dip my toes back into the Mattel waters.
Okay, I'm... whelmed by the She-Ra, but I don't hate the photos from the website compared to the floor pics.
I'm kind of un-stressed about this line now that I've got Panthor. I can honestly say I have at least one version I like of almost every character I love (just a few stray holdovers) so I'm kind of in the just-enjoy-the-ride mode with Masterverse now.
Got shipping notice on Vintage Skeletor a few days ago. It's funny, last year I'd almost always get shipping on a figure from Walmart out of nowhere and the figure would be delivered that day. This time it's taken long enough I just checked to make sure the package hadn't been delivered and stolen off my steps. I'd heard Walmart was cutting delivery drivers. Wonder if that has something to do with it. (Not a rush for the figure, but just an observations about a shift in speed.)
Ugh She-Ra with Charlotte Flair face, single elbows, weird colors...great hair and legs but a pass sadly.
Terror Claws Skeletor is bought on sight. Look at that menacing grin under there 🤩
I'm looking at the pictures for the first time and reading back through the posts and immediately thought Charlotte Flair. Especially the photos from he floor. Very disappointed to see the Evil Lyn single joints weren't a one-off. There's been a number of improvements over the years, then they go and take a step back when they already had perfectly fine arms. Hard to come up with a reason other than cost savings.