Not feeling She-Ra. Terror Claws looks fine.
I think Terror Claws is pretty cool. Wish there was a Masterverse He-Man I felt as positive about...
I wish Mattel would do Thundercats in Masterverse style.
That She-Ra looks like she'd fit in with the 87 movie figures.
So is that She-Ra not completely finished or does she just have that bland of a paint job?
Ugh She-Ra with Charlotte Flair face, single elbows, weird colors...great hair and legs but a pass sadly.
Terror Claws Skeletor is bought on sight. Look at that menacing grin under there 🤩
She-Ra looks like an average person cosplaying as She-Ra. It's amazing how well they did with Evil-Lyn and how off the mark She-Ra is. Teela in this style is now 50/50.
Dang, Hordak looks almost like a full-repaint. The wings look neat but they barely tried.
PS: I'm weak and ordered Vintage Skeletor after ranting about how I didn't like it. lol.
Why is Masterverse slowly getting less impressive?
Terror Claws Skeletor looks great!
That She-ra is pretty sad. Supposed to be the 40th version of the figure, and it really just looks like a half-baked concept for the 80s movie? Too bad. Terror Claws skeletor looks interesting, but he's an easy pass too. At least Hordak is looking cool.
Yeah... Terror Claws Skeletor was the only one of interest. She Ra looks hideous. Hordak looks okay, but unnecessary. I was hoping to see pictures of Kobra Khan.
Mattel's got that Reveal event coming up this week, or is that just a Creations thing?
I have to agree, She-Ra is looking bland. I hope they do a significantly better job on a NE Teela.