If they can make a Teela that's on par with their recent Evil-Lyn, with DOUBLE elbows, that would be the bee's knees for me. Focus on making a great looking face too.
It’s 2025. Elbow artic that can only bend at 90 degree angle for standard superhero framed figures should be outlawed.
@justice JOES, baby! Those little military men that are sometimes ninjas, robots, and zombies. Tacticool ninjas, robots, and zombies.
I was never into MOTU until the last few years, Masterverse is just a line that cannot be denied, these toys look so cool for the price.
Aside from Fisto, all the New Eternia figures have been my favorite versions in this line, so I'm curious what Teela and Hordak look like. Also missed the announcement of Gold Label She-Ra. I like the original well enough but if they do something about that too short, kinda limited neck/head movement I'd be psyched. The first one looked like she was slightly uncomfortable.
Masterverse/New Eternia is pretty much the equivalent of Classified. Modern interpretations of classic designs. These lines go hand in hand, if not for the slight difference in scale. They are to MotU and GI Joe as War for Cybertron/Legacy/Studio Series '86 is to Transformers. These are the lines I've honestly been waiting for, they're my childhood in high definition.
@normdapito absolutely agreed. I find myself getting absolutely giddy at each reveal. It’s like they reached into my childhood brain, pulled out the way my child-self saw (or wanted to see) these figures, and then made that happen. Just what they are doing with Skeletor’s various incarnations is completely blowing my mind. Not just one definitive version: MULTIPLE definitive versions. Truly outstanding stuff.
I'm so excited to see what Mattel reveals on March 6th. We've had a few things likely spoiled such as Terror Claws Skeletor, Ninjor, She-Ra, etc.
But I wonder if we'll see anything new that we haven't heard rumors of. I would definitely like more Masterverse Snake Men. I'm so happy we are likely getting Kobra Khan. So, I'd love to see Tung Lashor or Rattlor.
I'd also really like to see a New Eternia Prince Adam and as I have said on here before, a New Eternia Battle Cat.
It looks like the MOTU portion of the Mattel Creations toy reveal on March 6th is at 10:01 AM EST. So, prepare yourselves!
I think it’s cool this line is finally getting about as much love as MOTUC.
they really seem to have hit their groove with it and I’m not 100% all in but about 95% all in.
i received the new panther yesterday and its pretty cool
I've never been a big fan of Snake Men. My first real experience buying any but King Hiss was Origins. Went in on all, but still haven't gotten attached or really took any time to appreciate them. Just bought them for completion's sake. I wonder if Masterverse could actually get me into them.
Received Vintage Skeletor out of the blue yesterday. Nice figure. Different head sculpt than the 40th Anniversary 2pk. I do like that he comes with a purple power sword. He also has drop hips, which is different from the corresponding He-Man. I think I prefer my kitbash of the Origins Alcala head (from the Kronis 2pk) on the New Eternia Skeletor body. But I also like Vintage Skeletor's three-toed boots.
I keep caaautiously looking at my preorder for those two Walmart figure. Allegedly Skeletor gets here tomorrow? I'll believe it when I see it. I'm actually more anxious for Zodac though. He and Stratos were my favorites as a kid, really want an animated version of him in Masterverse (no complaints about his New Eternia version though).
Vintage Skeletor is in-stock right now if anyone needs him:
Personally I can't pull the trigger on it. If I were to nitpick myself into saving $23, I'd say his colors are too close to Barbarian Skeletor, and that the arms on the puffy 40th body look puny compared to the chest. Feels like the recent body they've used for Fisto, Heavy Armor Skeletor, etc is kind of perfect, and I hope they don't get too distracted giving us every single character again but with this puffed-out Vintage body when there are other characters that would benefit from a New Eternia release.
Sorry to do this to those who couldn't find armored Skeletor, but dang does he look majestic on Panthor!
Cape is a Martian Manhunter cape from GPSLot on eBay, it's OOS now, here's the link anyway:
@vicious7171 i tend to agree. I was never really sold in the puffy torso they used for He-Man, but at least it was set apart from the other Skeletor figures. I don’t need them to have the same physique. That torso really throws off proportions.
The new She-Ra and Terror Claws Skeletor are shown here: https://toynewsi.com/241-56817