My delivery tracking says Panthor is due to be delivered by this evening... so it shouldn't be too long until I see this thing for myself.
Passing on Panthor (for now). I guess I've never been much of a fan of He-Man and Skeletor having similar weapons/swords, battle armor, and rides. If they were supposed to be tied in together (one can't exist without the other) but I just don't like the repetition.
I do think the Masterverse Revelations Battle Cat was a good toy, but his head was too dopey. Think they were trying to make him Cringor and Battle Cat all with one face, but it fails Battle Cat a bit. So I can see how Panthor making an improvement on that aspect.
Toy Habits again with the news. Saying that the next wave of Maserverse is 40th Anniversay She-Ra Gold Label, Ninjor, and Terror Claw Skeletor.
Ooh that sounds like a great wave. We are getting an embarrassing amount of amazing Skeletors.
Sounds like a good Wave. But I really hope Mattel doesn't make these vintage collection figures hard to get. Is this She-Ra a vintage collection figure I take it? And now they are going to be "Gold Label" like McFarlane or something?
Of course, Gold Label could just be that the She-Ra will have the Gold "40th Anniversary" sticker on it for the 40th Ann. of POP.
I don't know, but I hope we can all get the vintage collection Skeletor, Zodac, Faker, Stratos, and now possibly She-Ra easy enough.
Like the He-Man figure was easy to get. But the way things are going so far with Zodac and Skeletor, Mattel has me a little spooked on this Masterverse Vintage Collection.
Interesting choices for that wave. I missed out on She-Ra the first go round so I will try for her proabably. Ninjor and Skeletor are passes unless on sale.
Also I am starting to wonder if Mattel has some kind of side bet with Hasbro ala "Trading Spaces."
M - "Hey Hasbro, wanna bet who can sell the same characters, over and over again, in the same line no less, in shorter and shorter time frames?"
H - "Sure how much?"
M - "One dollar."
H - "Deal."
We are definitely spoiled for choice.
I considered passing on Panthor because of how metallic and dark the purple fur was but having him in hand he just looks more like a sleek shiny purple panther more than metallic. He even has subtle black spots on his back. Google any picture of a black leopard and you can kind of see what they were going for I think.
He is fantastic and puts the Revelation Battle Cat to shame as far as premium paint detail and it makes me realize we need a New Eternia Battle Cat now. I was never fond of the face and particularly the helmet of the one we received and now Battle Cat just looks cheap and unpainted next to this guy.
It is a shame he showed up today instead of on Valentine's Day because I'm totally in love with this big purple panther.
Pics coming soon!
That next wave of Masterverse sounds dull to me. I'm fine with the last She-Ra we got, so I doubt I'll need another unless she's really spectacular. Was never a fan of Ninjor. And I don't need yet another Skeletor. I even skipped trying to get the Anniversary one since I'm fine with one of the previous Masterverse Skeletors.
I know people are likely burned out from Snakemen being in Origins, but I'd like to see them start up in Masterverse. Maybe 1 per wave for a year or so.
Next year will be interesting for MOTU. A friend of mine was privy to some movie designs and said they all look rather accurate to the original designs. He's not a MOTU expert but he could easily identify the characters. Even some vehicles are in it. I'm sure Mattel has big plans for toys, so I wonder how movie merchandise will affect Masterverse and Origins. Will the lines just me movie items for a while? Will they be mixed into waves? So maybe starting up a theme like Snakemen when there's going to movie stuff likely taking up spaces in waves doesn't make sense. Curious to see how it all shakes out. I do feel like the movie could end up being huge. Nostalgia. Older generation taking newer generation to see it. And while the property has been around for a long while, we haven't had a theatrical movie in forever so it could end up feeling new and fresh to audiences. Something different than Marvel/DC/Jurassic/Fast over and over again.
Some monkey's paw sort of thing I'm expecting with She-Ra. Very much hoping she gets the new powerful legs from Evil-Lyn but fully expecting those elbrows to be a part of the package as well 😣 still, I was always disappointed with the boring legs of the old figures so if this turns out to be true, I'll be stoked.
I'm not sure if I'm as much in for 40th figures as I am New Eternia figures, so I'll have to wait and see on Ninjor and Skeletor. Probably don't need Skeletor but I love the idea of these gimmick characters getting Masterverse figures. I absolutely need Dragon Blaster Skeletor in Masterverse.
Panthor arrived and yes, he does look great. I've got him next to Skeletor's throne at the moment, and it really feels like a deluxe display. Too bad it's just on my floor. Would look even better with my two Skelcons flanking.
I was surprised that the upper teeth just loosely drop, but I guess it makes sense to keep them from getting stuck, or to keep them automatically coming down when the jaw is opened. The glass eyes are an ok touch, though I'm not fully on board with the execution of any figure like this that uses that technique (like HasLab Giant Man).
I think the metallic paint on ALL of him is too much. Do it on one thing, the fur OR the armor. Not both. Both is overkill. I always associate Panthor with that velvety flocking, which doesn't reflect light like this paint does. It's just too shiny.
I haven't decided on which Skeletor I want to mount him, even though Battle Armor makes the most sense, especially if Panthor will sport the helmet as well. I like the first New Eternia Skeletor, because he has a helmet too, but he may look too dull on top of this new hotness.
Still no movement on Rio Blast!
Saw a review of the new Beastman. I did not realize he had drop-down hips and an articulated jaw...
That next wave of Masterverse sounds dull to me. I'm fine with the last She-Ra we got, so I doubt I'll need another unless she's really spectacular. Was never a fan of Ninjor. And I don't need yet another Skeletor. I even skipped trying to get the Anniversary one since I'm fine with one of the previous Masterverse Skeletors.
I know people are likely burned out from Snakemen being in Origins, but I'd like to see them start up in Masterverse. Maybe 1 per wave for a year or so.
Next year will be interesting for MOTU. A friend of mine was privy to some movie designs and said they all look rather accurate to the original designs. He's not a MOTU expert but he could easily identify the characters. Even some vehicles are in it. I'm sure Mattel has big plans for toys, so I wonder how movie merchandise will affect Masterverse and Origins. Will the lines just me movie items for a while? Will they be mixed into waves? So maybe starting up a theme like Snakemen when there's going to movie stuff likely taking up spaces in waves doesn't make sense. Curious to see how it all shakes out. I do feel like the movie could end up being huge. Nostalgia. Older generation taking newer generation to see it. And while the property has been around for a long while, we haven't had a theatrical movie in forever so it could end up feeling new and fresh to audiences. Something different than Marvel/DC/Jurassic/Fast over and over again.
I too am very ready for some Snakemen in Masterverse. And did your friend say whether there are many more characters in the movie than we currently know about? I know they can't do EVERYone in one film, but definitely hoping for more than we've seen in casting so far.
So, that Panthor kicks all sorts of ass. I am very impressed. I love this toy. And I know it's only February, but come 2026 when we're all posting our top 10 toys from 2025, I have to feel it's a safe bet this Panthor figure will be on mine.
Like others have said, he isn't as dark as he seemed in the promo images. He is purple in all the right ways. And his saddle and armor are perfect blends of green yet somehow metallic and realistic.
Now I want them to make New Eternia Battle Cat even more.
Aside from the paint, another potential issue I saw in pics of Panthor was that his head seemed oversized, but in hand, neither one is a problem at all. Just weird photography or lighting, I guess. It's a nice figure, and I'd happily buy a New Eternia Battlecat. Especially since I only paid like $12 for the Revelations one. 🙂
He's a big boy and there isn't a lot of vertical clearance in my Snake Mountain diorama shelves but I fit him in there