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I got the notice that my Panthor has already shipped.   Say what you will about the wonkiness of the ordering process on their site... they sure do turn the product around quickly.   

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Mine shipped as well, due to arrive Saturday.

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So I know it's a running joke/complaint about how ridiculous it is that Mattel does one-off sales like this so we all have to pay for shipping every single time, but I literally just got shipping notification from Panthor and thirty seconds later for Rio Blast and I'm like SAVE A TREE, PUT THEM IN THE SAME BOX, C'MON! 

I'm not even annoyed that they shipped Rio so slowly compared to Panthor, I'm just like, that's another box I need to recycle, man... Y tho

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Panthor:  Ordered at 12PM (my time) on Tuesday.  Arrived 11AM Thursday.  Less that 48 hours total...I'm actually kind of impressed.

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If anyone felt like sharing pictures of their Panthors in their displays I'd sure dig seeing it!  I don't want to buy it yet I do, if that makes sense.  I don't have space but space can be made.

🌜Est. 2017 🐺
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Panthor looks dope but his back legs seem unsymmetrical to his front legs? anybody notice that?

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Toy Habits is saying Maseterverse Vintage-Style Stratos is coming.

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I will legit buy any variant of Stratos they make. He's my boy. 

@vicious7171 Happy to grab some pics when mine gets here - looks like Saturday or Sunday though. I'll get some side by sides with Battle Cat too since he's eternally on display and easy to get off the shelf. 

vicious7171 reacted
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Sad face. I’ve gotten no movement or notifications on my Panthor OR Rio Blast. 

Super Camel
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I finally saw on Mattel Creations that my Panthor had shipped (Rio Blast for Origins as well).  So, hopefully yours will soon too NORM.

NORM reacted
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I got an order in for Panthor at 10pm last night. I haven't been getting many Masterverse figures lately, but Panthor for Skeltor was a must.

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Got the notice on Panthor shipping, but Rio Blast still says mid March.

It's weird, I just tracked that package and found out it was being shipped by FedEx. Just got a notice from BBTS that my Pile of Loot has also shipped, and they went with FedEx for the flat rate also. Those are the first packages I've had shipped by FedEx in what feels like months. Typically, Pulse had used FedEx and I'd have like 5-6 packages in queue to be delivered. Now that they shifted to DHL, I rarely use my FedEx app anymore.

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Panthor is *glorious*. He vibes like a palette-swap of the Beast of Gevaudan from the film Brotherhood of the Wolf. Like, he’s *scary*. The “glass” eyes and the drop-down upper teeth are outstanding. Hard to believe he was $40 in this economy.

NORM reacted
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@aceofknaves Tell me more about these drop down teeth!

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@normdapito his upper teeth “drop down” out of the upper jaw, bearing them fully when the lower jaw is dropped. It’s a really cool feature that lets the mouth be (mostly) closed or fully open in a roar. The main fangs are rubbery but fairly rigid, so they don’t get in the way at all.

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