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Masters of the Universe Masterverse

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I can’t tell, is that head the same as Battle Cat? Body looks the same, but in these colors, and without having BC handy to compare, I can’t tell if it’s full reuse. I’m not super crazy about all that shiny metallic finish. That’s also throwing me off. But there’s no chance I’m skipping this.

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Yeah... I was going to say that the semi metallic sheen to the purple fur is a choice I don't love.   It seems weird.   Like make the armor shiny metallic, no problem,  but an animal's fur probably shouldn't be...

Neal reacted
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Also not loving the metallic fur, and haven't since they showed it at SDCC.  I do think the head is new though?

Super Camel
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Definitely will get that Panthor.  I hope they make a New Eternia Battle Cat though.  I'd love to see Mattels take on a New Eternia Battle Cat.

My only problem with this Panthor is his color.  This Purple is so dark and dim it almost looks black.  Which is cool, but also not at all what I think of for Panthor.

Also, Vintage Collection Zodac is on again.  I ordered another hoping it won't be cancelled.

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I’ve seen metallic paint used to great effect on imports like Figuarts ANH Luke Skywalker. Just seems like too much on Panthor. That, and yes, he does look too dark.

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The metallic armor fits right into the NE line but making all the fur metallic is an odd choice.  Still, can you imagine how cool it would be to have two Skelcons riding Panthors flanking Skeletor?  It's a tempting thought.  Unfortunately I'm going to have to agree with most, it's too much metallic.  Other figures in this line have used it sparingly to great effect, but I never expected the fur parts of any of these figures to be metallic.

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Trying to buy a Panthor on Mattel Creations. What a chore, everything is pinwheeling.

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That's Panthor successfully ordered.    Waiting in a queue for nearly 4 minutes made me slightly nervous but it ended up going off without a hitch.   

Glad to have that done.   I was SO tempted to order two, but ultimately chickened out.

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Wish I had it done.

"Wait time less than one minute"

*been waiting at least five minutes*

EDIT: Finally got through and got to complete my order. Their website clearly does not handle traffic well at all.

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All my anxiety about getting one and I was able to get an order in - the confirmation email took an ALARMINGLY long time considering those usually just pop up on the spot, and I sat in the queue for a bit. I think Panthor's the last major character/figure from the line I'm deeply stressed out about owning since it didn't look like they wanted to make one. 

Am I reading correctly that this is an in-stock sale? 

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@docsilence As far as I'm concerned, I'm nearly done. I have an old assortment poster from the first couple of years that I'm using as a "when I finish that, I'm finished," and not counting the eagles, vehicles, and castles, the only figure left that is not out in Masterverse is Kobra Khan.

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@aggroninja That's a SOLID goals list there. I would definitely buy the birds in Masterverse form but actually the Origins birds are big enough they don't look ridiculous on the arm of a Masterverse character so I can live with having them double-dip in both lines. 

I'm not quitting the line any time soon, but I pretty much, once Panthor's in hand, have all the core characters I was worried they'd cancel the line before producing. (Khan would be a nice pickup but for some reason I have less attachment to him - but now that I'm thinking about it, I bet they'd do a very slick New Eternia look for him.) 

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I put my order in a little after 12:30 and was in and out. Guess there was a lot more traffic right at noon? Glad it didn't sell out. I didn't even have a wait in a queue.

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@normdapito Apparently there was a Hot Wheels drop as well at the same time.   So once again more trouble than was needed simply because they couldn't be bothered to space out preorders.

I have passed on Panthor for now.   I was out when he dropped and when I got home I just didn't feel the need to rush out and get him.  Probably because after all is said and done it is over $80Cdn to get just one.  Considering how hard Battle Cat shelf warmed, and almost all the Masterverse Creations exclusives haven't sold out, I think I can wait and see if he is still around during a sale.  If not oh well.

Super Camel
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I got Panthor today too.  It seemed like I had to wait longer than I ever have before to check out though. But it was just like 5 minutes.  

I always love getting the Cats in any MOTU line.  Cringer/Battle Cat and Panthor are always my favorite part of MOTU.

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