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Masters of the Universe Masterverse

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My Clamp Champ order just processed -  a few hours after the others so :shrug:

Super Camel
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Yep, my Clamp Champ did too.  Looks like my Horde Skeletor is already shipping out.  Horde Skeletor is also already In Stock and ready to order on BBTS.

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I hit ship on a Pile of Loot that includes Webstor, Clamp Champ, and Prince Adam. Looking forward to this diverse group.

Super Camel
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Youre gonna love em NORM. I just got all 4 of them today, and they are all fantastic figures.  My favorite of the bunch is definitely Webstor.  The metallic purple on his armor with the offset black looks incredible, and then he has translucent red eyes that when light hits them, they look like rubies. 

The last Wave with Faker, Faker instantly became one of my favorite MOTU figures ever.  They did it again with Webstor in this Wave.  Great sculpt, great articulation, amazing colors and paint apps.   He's perfect.

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@supercamel-1982 you’re absolutely right. Webstor is so very good. The eyes, the backpack, the weapons, the versatility.. I like how the grappling hook can pack into his backpack or mount to his launcher. I like that it can plug into either so the line can be used.

Has anyone mentioned drop down hips? Adam, Clamp Champ, and Webstor have them! I think that’s a new addition. I haven’t noticed them up til now. Did Clawful or Whiplash get them? I don’t know if they provide more range of motion in the hips to notice, but it’s an interesting upgrade.

Super Camel reacted
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Just found Slush-Head this weekend at a local TRU.  There have been sightings at other TRUs as well.  So he is in Canada now.  Left him though because I don't feel like paying $55Cdn for him.  Also he is much darker (green) in person than I remember from the early pics.  I kind of wish he was a brighter green.

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@canprime I need to check my local TRUs. Did Skeletor ever turn up here? I definitely never saw him. I really don't love the idea of paying 55 bucks for Slush-Head either, but I don't know if I can pass him up. Maybe if he's REALLY abundant I would walk away and just hope he's priced down later. But I dunno.... the NA Villains (and NA He-Man variants if Mattel really loves me) are pretty high on my must-have list for this line, along with more movie figures.

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Yeah if you really want him then just get him.  I did that with Two-Bad at TRU.  Of course now I feel a bit burned since he is a shelfwarmer there and I bought another copy for $19 at Walmart about a month ago.  However he is a TRU exclusive right?  He was a Target exclusive in the US so that means he is most likely a TRU exclusive up here.

However I do wonder how popular he will be since he isn't a well known character outside the fandom, and frankly NA is one of the least popular versions of the brand.  I just recently picked up King Grayskull during TRUs 40% BOGO clearance sale.  He was already clearance priced but basically getting another 20% off was a nice win for waiting.  I don't think any of the deluxe Masterverse figures have moved very much/quickly at TRU so maybe wait at least for a sale before getting Slush Head.  Then, at least, you can say you saved some money. 

Flexion Dynamo
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Slowly Checking off my list.


Stratos will be here this weekend. MOTU and Thundercats are the last displays I need to redo for my Summer Reset, so I'm trying to catch up on figures I didn't see in store.


Flexion Dynamo
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Haven't found those Target deals yet on Whiplash or Clawful :/ Stratos is pretty good. Neck/Head articulation kinda sucks.


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@canprime I did end up going to one of my local TRUs and there was 8 or 9 Slush-heads. I gotta be honest, even with how much I -do- like NA (and I know I'm in a minority even among MOTU hardcores), I couldn't bring myself to pay 55 CAD for it. It's just not worth that. I'm relatively confident that any NA figure at that price point is going to be a hard sell.

As you said, even KG, who featured prominently in a new Netflix cartoon and has more of a traditional He-Man look to him, was never able to move enough units at the deluxe price.

I'm going to take my chances and hope I can at least get Slush on a decent sale, if not clearance. I'm willing to pay regular figure price for him, but 55 bucks is ridiculous. If I miss out, I miss out. Gotta beat that FOMO and go with my gut.

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Yep there is little reason to pay full price anymore, especially for deluxe figures at TRU.   I have no doubt that Slush-Head will go on sale, at the least.  It's tough because all we see are these great Target clearnace sales that seem to happen monthly.  While we have to sit on our hands and wait for TRU/Walmart to decide it is time to clearance stuff, and even then it can be hit or miss.  Especially at Walmart.  Sometimes Walmart is great, and sometimes I wonder what they are smoking when I see "clearance" and it is only a couple bucks off regular price.

And don't get me started on TRU.  They have the odd 20% off sale, but otherwise they will sit on product for years.  I mean King Grayskull is down to $25 roughly how many years after release? 

Anyway, I am with you on the FOMO because I did that with Two-Bad and got bit.  I know I'm going to be in a similar situation if I see Masterverse Whiplash.  I love the look of that figure and if I see him in person I might cave instead of waiting.

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Just got notice that Target has shipped Slush Head.

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I got the new Trap-Jaw a bit early, and I have to say he’s easily the best TJ figure ever. Just incredible work, he even has interchangeable jaws with the “extra” jaw being the lower bit of his claw (the “regular” jaw can pop on the claw as well). He looks nasty and crafty in the face rather than oafish, which I prefer, as I like my villains clever rather than foolish and TJ’s minicomic characterization as a ruthlessly intelligent master criminal is my preference. The figure is just so damn great, more than an apology for the Revelations figure’s head-botch. I seriously cannot put him down.

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Super Camel
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Conspicuous by its absence in that new checklist of figures for merch that will go up for pre order tomorrow for the Spring of 2024 figures, is my most wanted figure that was shown for Masterverse at SDCC.  Snout Spout.

Hopefully he's still being released.

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