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Masters of the Universe Masterverse

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Since the Target reset, I've been staring at Clawful and Whiplash wanting to buy them.  I've had Clawful in my POL for a while and not wanting to cancel a preorder, I'm waiting on Whiplash from BBTS.  Even Amazon has Whiplash.  I did get Ram Man from Target since I had no preorders on him.  One of the surprises from this recent batch of figures was seeing NA Skeletor disappear from my store.  They had six of him and I thought he would hang around like everything else.   

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Lots of good stuff coming from the Masterverse line recently: Ram Man, Clawful, Whiplash, Vykor. On the horizon are Webstor, Clamp Champ, Prince Adam, and Horde Skeletor.

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I’m so excited for the new Trap-Jaw they showed at comic con! He’s one of the characters I just need them to nail, and this time it looks like they really did. Still hoping we get a minicomic-style TJ in Masterverse as well.

The Prodigal Son
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Posted by: @Anonymous

anybody remembers when Webstor comes out?

Hopefully soon, my BBTS preorder says 3rd Quarter 2023.


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thanks Jett

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Just got He-Ro from Amazon. Not a bad figure, just a little bare bones. The staff is great, with four pivoting portions of the shell that covers the big jewel inside. His face has a decently sculpted stern expression. Aside from that, pretty standard fare for a Tevelations/Masterverse figure.

emirate xaaron
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It took me a while to decide if I liked Masterverse but after the first few waves I became hooked, the recent releases have been nothing short of brilliant, looking forward to Mekanek

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Well, the line has improved quite a bit.  Mainly because it's been getting away from the Revelations designs and updating classic looks.   It's definitely one of the better lines at retail right now.

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My Vykron showed up during the blip and it's a pretty stellar figure. I can't bring myself to NOT display him in the barbarian gear, though. So my son stole the other stuff. He now has a Revelation Faker Tank, and a Space Stinkor. And he loves them.

I feel like the head sits a bit strange on Vykron.. like he's craning his neck forward a little or something. But otherwise it's just another terrific barbarian figure to add to a shelf getting pretty full of barbarian dudes.

I have no idea what mainline figures are actually supposed to come out next, but this line continues to be something I would never consider 'the best figures I own,' but I am consistently excited to collect. NEED that New Eternia Tri-Klops and OH.. DAMN... do I need that movie Evil-Lyn.

We saw a new battle armor He-Man at some point too, didn't we? But for some reason the symbol plate was a different color so I don't know what's going on there. One thing I'm pretty fed up with in this line is the primer grey armor and weapons, and just all the flat colors. What they did to He-Ro was a huge turn-off, and the awful armor color for the bearded BA He-Man is the reason I never got that figure. Really hoping they do something better going forward. I really want this line to give me a good classic-style Battle Armor He-Man. I don't want vac metal or anything. Just a nice metallic/silvery color rather than flat gray.

I really like the New Eternia MAA and Trap-Jaw figures as well. Never been a big fan of either character, but those figures look very nice.

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I'll be grabbing most of this line but I'm all in on Princess of Power.

Need a Classic Revelation Lyn ASAP though.

Stormcloud reacted
Flexion Dynamo
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I definitely need to catch up on some releases that never showed in store. Catra, Roboto Stratos....I did get a few in last months Target Clearance. Two-Bad tops the list. Sorceress and Man-E-Faces were ok.   





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My Ramen not-Lundgren heads arrived today. I'm super impressed with these. Production heads with production paint, on actual blister cards? Definitely not what I expected would be showing up. I haven't used the Origins head at all yet, but the Masterverse heads look great and pop on the He-Man body perfectly. Could have come directly from Mattel, in terms of fit and finish.
There's a slight difference in skin tone but that's not surprising. It's barely noticeable. To me, at least.

I'll say again, as I did in the old forums, that I wouldn't have even looked twice at these if the official movie He-Man's head wasn't absolute garbage. I still maintain that I don't care very much if it does or doesn't look like Dolph, if it had just been a good looking He-Man head. But goddamn.. it's just awful. Maybe one of the worst head sculpts I've seen on any figure in the last 5 years or more.

'Cause, yeah, wasn't really thrilled to be spending as much on a couple of heads as I spent on the figure itself. But I'm glad I grabbed these. They're worth it to wildly spruce up one of my favorite versions of He-Man ever. Now I'm even more excited for Mattel to give me more movie Masterverse figures. Lyn isn't enough. I need Blade, Beast Man, Teela, Duncan, Gwildor, God Skeletor, Battle Damaged He-Man... I'll even take Julie and Kevin.

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Webstor incoming at BBTS.

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Just got my "processing soon" e-mails from BBTS for Webstor and Adam.   Probably about time for another round of pre-orders then.

Super Camel
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I got processing for Webstor, Prince Adam, and Horde Skeletor.  But not for Clamp Champ yet.

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