Modulok is my latest acquisition. He’s a little flimsier than I expected. The ball socket joints tend to not hold in place for posing. And his proportions get a little funky. But he is just as much fun as the original.
My issue with my copy is a general problem I’ve been having with eBay pick ups: so many lately have been coming from smoker homes. Crazy to me that this is still such a common habit. Any tips on how to remove the odor?
Speaking of odors, Stinkor just arrived. I had heard about the smell, but that’s something you just have to experience in person. It doesn’t smell bad, or really that strong, but it’s certainly a noticeable presence in the room. I want to preserve it. I have to imagine it fades over time?
I believe I have everything from the line, both Mattel and Super7. For favorite, I have both the Regular and mini-comic versions of Ram Man and they're both the first time I felt like I had a version that really excited me. I was always a little let down by the fused legs and vast limitations of the original. Outside of him, Trap Jaw, Tri-Klops and both Multibot and Modulok. All of the Evil horde members were fantastic. So narrowing down a favorite is pretty hard to do, but Ram Man probably edges out everyone.
Speaking of odors, Stinkor just arrived. I had heard about the smell, but that’s something you just have to experience in person. It doesn’t smell bad, or really that strong, but it’s certainly a noticeable presence in the room. I want to preserve it. I have to imagine it fades over time?
Yeah I can still smell mine if I put him right up to my nose but he definitely can no longer be smelled from across the room.
My Stinkors still have the smell too, and they are both loose and have been for over a decade.
But as for the questions posed by NORM, I am lucky not to need anything from the Classics line. I bought it all as it happened and have a complete collection, including multiples for army builders and multiples for every character that had alternate heads/different unique looks or ways to be displayed so I could display them with each look.
I knew as it was happening and with MOTU being my favorite toy property that Classics was THE line for me to collect, and there was no need holding back.
As far as my favorite figure, that is SO HARD.
But I think I will go with the SDCC Prince Adam from the Prince Adam and Orko figure set. The vintage Prince Adam has always been a favorite toy of mine, with the unique colors. So, Orko packed in with a Classics Prince Adam was so cool. And Classics prince Adam looks awesome with the vintage toy head on.
I love Faker too. I always love Faker.
I don’t have that vintage He-Man head. It came with Oo-Lar, right? Or was it Snake Armor? I have both figures, but I think I got them loose without the vintage sculpt head.
Yeah, Oo-Larr and when Super7 made the Ultimate He-Man figure. So, at least those two
The Classics line really had astounding BREADTH. There were so many obscure corners of the universe that were explored and brought to life. I'm only now getting around to understanding the origins of some of the figures I've actually purchased. I know a lot of people have "head canon", which is what I did with a lot of figures I bought (for cheap) that I didn't know. For instance, Huntara and Crita (whose names I just had to look up). To me, because of their pink skin, were related somehow or of the same race/species. So they worked together.
I do have a lot of gaps in those figures, like Draego Man off the top of my head. I also never collected the Snake Men. I have the classic and 200X versions of King Hiss, but that's it. I have no interest in picking them up, and last I checked, they are among the more pricey secondhand figures. For the main MotU, my intention was mostly to pick up just the figures I had growing up. So I never pursued characters like Mekaneck because I had no attachment to him from my youth.
A character like that is Roboto. I actually did just grab him for a decent price off eBay, among the latest group of pick ups including Stinkor, Modulok, Mantenna, Grizzlor. He's cool, but again, with less attachment to him from childhood, I just think he's fine. I never really figured out how to interpret that head sculpt. The red thing is his jaw? It looks like a duck bill. This copy is missing his blaster hand, which is probably why I got him for a lower price. I don't mind, since I'd prefer to display him with his regular hand anyway. The swappable hands thing always seemed like a rip off of Trap Jaw anyway.
Is there a database of all of the figures from the line anywhere anymore? I used to refer to for any curiosities I had, but I haven't heard of anything as "one-stop" as that site since.
@normdapito If you google 'Masters of the Universe Classics checklist' - you'll get a result for Wiki Grayskull that's, as far as I know, a complete checklist for the line.