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Yu-Gi-Oh! More than just a card game

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Don't know if this is the best place for this, but it made the most sense to me. Also, not sure if there's much, if any, of a Yu-Gi-Oh! community here. Anyways, back in 2021 PhatMojo was made the master toy licensee for the Yu-Gi-Oh! brand from Konami, and since then they've... kind of just released random things. They started with some blind boxed stuff, then the three action figures I've seen in Target of Yugi, Joey, and Seto. They've also done figures of some of the iconic Duel Monsters era monsters in varying sizes.

I'm not sure if I'm just not paying attention to the right websites, or if they don't actually announce anything ahead of time, but I feel like I only find out about something well after it's been released. Like only recently I found out about the duel disk they apparently made. Not a biggy, since it looks really badly designed, but still would have been nice to have known about it earlier.

I love the original series, it's really what got me into the franchise, but I do wish PhatMojo wasn't just making product based on it. That said, I have a feeling that it's something Konami has mandated for them, as it seems to be a thing with most licensed Yu-Gi-Oh! products. Would have been cool to see them make a line of toys for the newest anime, Sevens. I also really wish Konami was releasing the Rush Duels card game internationally, but I've always been a bit of a dreamer, lol.

Comic nerd
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Red Eyes Black Dragon is coming! 

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Not a figure I plan on getting, as I'm not all that big of a REBD fan, but it does look really good. I'll be shocked if their next three releases aren't the Egyptian God cards. I would love to see them make Gandora.
