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Your 2025 hopes and dreams for your collection

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Posts: 74

I've really enjoyed reading this thread so I wanted to thank y'all for sharing your views! I think I might collect a little differently than most of you, but it's our diverse perspectives that made me appreciate reading about our shared hobby/habit all the more.


The only line I collect that's connected to a bigger IP is Gundam so I don't really have a list of figures I want to see produced. However, my big toy goals for 2025:

Install some LED light bars on my Mythic Legions display case.

I think I can make room for one more Detolf case that will allow me to keep expanding my Gunpla collection.


2024 toy achievements that feel worth celebrating:

I sold off several Acid Rain World figures that no longer "sparked joy" and I sold most of them for their original retail price, which I consider a big win.

I finally got a big 16" Mega Size Zaku II at retail price to customize.

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Posted by: @runestonecowboy

Install some LED light bars on my Mythic Legions display case.

I think I can make room for one more Detolf case that will allow me to keep expanding my Gunpla collection.


2024 toy achievements that feel worth celebrating:

I sold off several Acid Rain World figures that no longer "sparked joy" and I sold most of them for their original retail price, which I consider a big win.

I got some LED lights for last Christmas (2023) that I have yet to install.  I'm afraid I'll mess it up. That should be one of my goals too.

Getting original retail for your figures is pretty much the best case scenario and it rarely happens.  Congrats.


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Posted by: @runestonecowboy

However, my big toy goals for 2025:

Install some LED light bars on my Mythic Legions display case.

I have those Ikea LED bars in all my glass cases and on some other shelves too.  They make such a difference in a display.  You're going to love how it looks!


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I am resisting the urge to start building out dioramas for Mythic Legions figures...the figures are expensive enough.

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Posted by: @jtmarsh

I am resisting the urge to start building out dioramas for Mythic Legions figures...the figures are expensive enough.

I hear that. I've had a hankering for a few years to build some simple, half-round columns to attach to the back of my Legions shelves to give the impression of a ruined cathedral or catacomb or something, but my wife, who is a professional designer and definitely knows what she's talking about, thinks they would just be visual overkill in my already busy display case.


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I'm crossing my fingers and then some that Nacelle's Star Trek line is good. A ML-sized line of Trek figures is the dream, plenty of room for re-use and tons of accessories, and especially after being disappointed by Super7, I'd really like to see Trek get a win.

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Hiya moving on to SNW is absolutely a win for Trek-dom, imho.  I could see a point coming where that series becomes the best thing Trek's ever given us.

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A Loosecollecter Gen 13 box set would be awesome to have!

Super Camel
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I wanted to add this. Because at the end of 2024 and going into this year, I made peace with this thought as I continue collecting.

Some of these modern lines I currently buy, when they end, that will be the last modern line of that property I collect.

I will always buy vintage toys from the 80's and 90's.  Always.  If I don't have it and it's from the 80's or 90's, I'm interested.  But when it comes to modern figures and going forward, I will not buy another MOTU, TMNT, DC, Marvel, or Star Wars line again whenever these current lines end.

For instance, MOTU Origins/Cartoon and Masterverse are the last MOTU lines of the modern era and going into the future I will collect.  I have collected every MOTU line to this point. Vintahe, NA, 200X, Classics, Funko, Loyal Sunjects, some Mondo, etc.  I do not want to start again and buy all these characters again.

Same goes with TMNT, DC, Marvel, and Star Wars.  Nobody will ever match the collections from over the years of those properties that we have gotten.  And I don't want to start over buying a new line of those properties from a new company.  If Hasbro stops making Marvel Legends or Star Wars, if they would decide not to reup their deal with Disney, that's it for me on modern Star Wars and Marvel.

If Todd gives up the DC license, no more modern DC for me.

I am enjoying the things I do buy of MOTU, TMNT, DC, Marvel, and Star Wars right now.  Great looking merchandise of some of my favorite properties.  But when these current lines end, I will not start again.  It's gotta stop at some point. I can't just keep going.  I want a nice tight collection of what I love.  I don't want a cluttered insane mess I don't have room for.

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