The last time I moved, I had to purge quite a bit of my collection. While it probably wasn’t the most economically wise decision, I ended up passing them on to kids in my neighborhood. The kids were thrilled to get this bundle of toys. It put those toys in the hands of kids that would appreciate them for the toys they were, and maybe, just maybe, foster an interest in collecting in some of them.
This isn’t some “look how great a person I am” story. I hadn’t initially intended to do that. I didn’t have time to prepare the collection, or seek out a market. So I ended up giving them to the kids. The excitement on their faces made that decision rewarding. Like it was another Christmas for them. It made me feel better, to know that they were going into the hands of people that would truly enjoy them.
I’m not telling anyone what to do with their excess collections, but it might be an option to consider.
I've done this a few times, and had zero regrets. Honestly, if someone is experiencing joy from a figure, then it's worth it to me. It can be far more rewarding than selling a lot of loose figures to the LCS.
As a collector, I think you have to view the price you initially paid for something as the price of the entertainment you received by having it in your collection, and when you decide to part with it view whatever you get from that as an unexpected bonus. That can be monetary, or just the joy of knowing you made a kid or another collector's day.
The last time I moved, I had to purge quite a bit of my collection. While it probably wasn’t the most economically wise decision, I ended up passing them on to kids in my neighborhood. The kids were thrilled to get this bundle of toys. It put those toys in the hands of kids that would appreciate them for the toys they were, and maybe, just maybe, foster an interest in collecting in some of them.
This isn’t some “look how great a person I am” story. I hadn’t initially intended to do that. I didn’t have time to prepare the collection, or seek out a market. So I ended up giving them to the kids. The excitement on their faces made that decision rewarding. Like it was another Christmas for them. It made me feel better, to know that they were going into the hands of people that would truly enjoy them.
I’m not telling anyone what to do with their excess collections, but it might be an option to consider.
This is the way. Considerations of 'how much can I get for this after I'm done with it' when I'm deciding to buy something or not are distasteful to me. All these 6" figures I end up with because I want something else in the box get chucked out my car window to the bus stop for the kids to find and fight over. Even tho I've never seen it happen, I always see the figure absent when I drive back home so *somebody's* picking them up, lol.
Altho, now I'm imagining a neighborhood 40yo neckbeard fistfighting 8yo schoolkids for a CrocMaster like BillyBob in Bad Santa.
I doubt that's something most people in the US are ever going to experience. But like.. typical Sold price on eBay is like 40 bucks and you can't even get the figure to sell locally for 10 dollars? And you can't sell it to all those people in the US either because shipping alone is like 40 bucks.
This will all get worked out when Trump makes Canada the 51st state, no more international shipping.
I also have given toys away, more to co-workers with kids when I was going into the office, sometimes to neighbors' kids - that was my default when I ended up with a duplicate figure due to 2-packs or mutli-packs with one figure being reuse, or extras from a BAF wave.
I doubt that's something most people in the US are ever going to experience. But like.. typical Sold price on eBay is like 40 bucks and you can't even get the figure to sell locally for 10 dollars? And you can't sell it to all those people in the US either because shipping alone is like 40 bucks.
This will all get worked out when Trump makes Canada the 51st state, no more international shipping.
But when he privatizes the Post Office, shipping will go back up. Fortunately, then he'll annex Greenland, a country known for its postal expertise. The flood of new Post Office employees will counterbalance the scales, making shipping cheap again.
Crucially, this will all decrease the cost of eggs.
Nope. No no no no no no no no no. Not in my thread, please. There was no reason to go down this road. This is a good thread, good toy talk. I get a notification for all new replies and I don't want to drop in here expecting toy talk and see a half dozen OT comments about political triggers. Stick to toys, please.
Talking about toy collecting in 2025 is necessarily going to involve the economic realities of it, which are probably not going to be favorable in the U.S. with the policies that have been promised to us. I have to wonder if there's a single person on this board who's not going to end up collecting less than the year before. Frankly you're kind of asking the world of us by putting "hopes and dreams" next to "2025."
@yojoebro82 Fair enough, I thought it was a pretty innocuous joke, not political commentary, but understand not wanting to derail things.
Nope. No no no no no no no no no. Not in my thread, please. There was no reason to go down this road. This is a good thread, good toy talk. I get a notification for all new replies and I don't want to drop in here expecting toy talk and see a half dozen OT comments about political triggers. Stick to toys, please.
Good job buddy.
I bought carded Elkhorn yesterday at Target and he reminded me I need neca to announce more D&D figures. On a related note I need a 2025 miracle to acquire the parts I need to complete a Fortress of Fangs.
Talking about toy collecting in 2025 is necessarily going to involve the economic realities of it, which are probably not going to be favorable in the U.S. with the policies that have been promised to us. I have to wonder if there's a single person on this board who's not going to end up collecting less than the year before. Frankly you're kind of asking the world of us by putting "hopes and dreams" next to "2025."
There's basically zero chance that the political landscape in both the US and Canada isn't going to drastically affect my collecting. Even the reason that I collect so much less stuff in the last several years is essentially because of politics, right? And that's even with Biden and Trudeau in office -- ostensibly 'liberals.' So it's not just like 'blame the Repubs' or anything. But politics definitely has an impact here.
I would love to see some drastic political changes that give buying power back to the middle class. Do you guys know how many more toys I would buy? So many toys. So many more toys, I guess, because I already kind of buy a stupid amount of toys.
I'mma run for office and my entire platform is gonna be 'do you want a stupid amount of toys? Vote for KD!'
"And I say your stupid amount of toys doesn't go too far enough!"
I've really enjoyed reading the majority of this thread.
I have a lot of space to display stuff and I still have way too much that I can't put on a shelf. I've donated a lot of toys I no longer want to my mom's church and have tried to sell off stuff when I have time. I find myself getting much more enjoyment out of seeking out needed vintage toys and adding to my 1/6 collection than I get with mass market stuff.
I currently still get the occasional OT Vintage collection figures as well as a few marvel legends, transformers, Word of Nintendo and G.I. Joe classified figures. The only modern line I get a lot of is the new Super Powers. I don't see that changing this year.
I really like the Ramen Toys MASK and Centurions stuff, but I would like to see those properties done by a company that can make them more mass market available. I know there's something planned already for MASK. I'd also love like to see a return of Visionaries in some way. Also more Muppets, Sesame Street and Fraggle Rock stuff.
I can't see myself not buying new toys, but I want to focus more on my 80's collection in the future. I already got rid of probably half my marvel legends in the past two years. Maybe I can get rid of another half.
My biggest want is a Fred Sanford figure. Maybe NECA or a 1/6 company can put one out. I know it's a long shot, but this thread is about hopes and dreams and that's one of my biggest.
I really like the Ramen Toys MASK and Centurions stuff, but I would like to see those properties done by a company that can make them more mass market available. I know there's something planned already for MASK. I'd also love like to see a return of Visionaries in some way. Also more Muppets, Sesame Street and Fraggle Rock stuff.
I can't see myself not buying new toys, but I want to focus more on my 80's collection in the future. I already got rid of probably half my marvel legends in the past two years. Maybe I can get rid of another half.
Of the stuff I have displayed, I'd say 80% of it is vintage. Most of my modern 6" stuff--Marvel Legends, DC, GI Joe Classified--are in boxes packed nuts-to-butts very neatly. Those get rotated out every so often to be displayed on my NECA street dio.....that's about the only real estate set aside in my figure room for modern stuff, which is surprising now that I think about it.
My biggest vintage display is the GI Joes and the vehicles take up a lot of space. Second biggest is vintage Star Wars (I love Stan Solo's stuff and if it were the price of a mass produced figure I'd have every one). Tied for third is vintage MOTU and TMNT. I have a sizable Playmates Star Trek collection too (No toy line is ever going to go as deep with Star Trek as Playmates did).
I'm looking to get more into MASK. Last year I rebought the Hurricane and the Raven, both of which I had as a kid, I may want to expand on that this year. Visionaries are on my radar too as well as Battle Beasts.
You mentioning Super Powers reminded me of another toy hope and dream: I would go bonkers if Todd does what he did with Super Powers and continues the Kenner Dark Knight Collection. A movie accurate Penguin from Batman Returns, a Max Shreck, a Batman in his Return costume, maybe an Alfred or the Red Triangle Circus Gang......I'd loose my $#!% over that.
I'm looking to get more into MASK. Last year I rebought the Hurricane and the Raven, both of which I had as a kid, I may want to expand on that this year. Visionaries are on my radar too as well as Battle Beasts.
Funny you mention Battle Beasts. I recently picked up up a few and while I don't need a ton, i plan on getting a dozen or so. I'd like to have a carded two pack also. I love my MASK and Visionaries collections. I hope you have good luck in finding some at a decent price.
Like you, a good part of my display is vintage toys, but it's also a lot of 1/6 toys too. Those things always make it on display. I hope I can find a decent condition boxed Jake Rockwell from Centurions this year. It's one of my biggest wants.