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Your 2025 hopes and dreams for your collection

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Posted by: @ditko

Mafex releases those new HUSH figures and Doomsday soon.  And yes let's get Flash or Green Lantern.

Kyle Rayner and Wally West would be in keeping with the 90's that Mafex is trending toward with Knightfall Reign of Superman figures so I am hopeful. How cool would a Mafex Parallax look?  How about an Impule and Tom Grummett Robin to go with the Superboy.  I'd be down for all of that.


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Added one: I hope Ramen or a similar company tackles an 80s/90s style speedboat next. Pure Miami Vice style.

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@jtmarsh i forgot about Crimson! That was another one of those comics like Spawn where nothing every seemed to happen in the issues but it still looked cool.

The Scarecrow Guy
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Posted by: @yojoebro82

I'm in pretty much that boat.  It was easier in the late 2000s when I had an apartment with a very generously sized (for its price) storage closet which I made into a GI Joe display room.  That was all I had room for.  Years later when I got a house and whole room for my stuff, the GI Joe collection remained pretty much the same size, but my stuff ballooned into just about every other franchise you can think of.  And even though I try not to go overboard with merch from each franchise, I try to have a cut off, that's still a lot of stuff.  Some franchises that I have a passing interest in (Ghostbusters, MOTU) my kids have kind of glommed onto and like playing with that stuff.  So that kind of makes it off limits for selling. I'm not quite sure what to do.  



I would imagine that kids would throw a wrench into things for sure. Then again, it may help in a roundabout way. I don't have kids myself, but the kids in my life are still young enough that they're figuring out what their true fandom loves are, and that means a revolving door of interests, especially as far as my sister's kid is concerned. Very few things they loved a few years ago are still on the list, but a few, like Five Nights at Freddy's, have remained strong. They're at the age (16) where they're clearly starting to phase out toys and collectibles for other, "cooler" things. Then again, my family has always had a thing for nerdy collectibles, even my parents, so I don't expect them to entirely phase out toys, but it's interesting to see that progression from an outside perspective. I certainly went through the whole "toys aren't cool anymore" thing in high school, at least outwardly. Secretly, I still collected as much as my family's limited income could allow (which, granted, wasn't much), and having very few friends who never really came over to my house certainly helped.

Since we grew up rather poor ourselves, as we've gotten older and more financially stable, we've tried to teach them about responsibility and appreciation. Once or twice a year we all go through our/their stuff and pick a couple of things to donate- clothes, toys, books, etc. to the same local charities that helped us growing up. It helps us cut back on the amount of stuff just hanging around, helps them have a more active role in focusing their interests and collection, and (hopefully) helps a family or two in need. It was to the point where they had so much stuff, we could take like 90% of the things in their room and donate/throw it away and they wouldn't even notice, so having them be hands-on helps them realize how much they have as well. We're always pretty lenient with them- if they still like something, or think they might again, they can keep it, but if it's been in a box or hasn't been touched in a certain amount of time, we generally urge them to offload it. Very few things can't be rebought later (and usually for less than we initially got it for). The "helping the less fortunate" aspect also, I think, is a bit of an easier pill for them to swallow than just "get rid of some of these things you like", and we'll then selectively and carefully use the donation thing as a reason to get them one or two new things they may want (though, admittedly, we usually just do that in place of a weekly allowance, and they've yet to catch on, so it more or less evens out).

Not sure if any of that helps or is a possibility for you. Far be it for me to assume your circumstances or tell you how to parent your kiddos. I know how lovely it can be just seeing them happy and interested in things, and how much of a bonding experience collecting/playing can be, so as long as that's still occurring, I say feed it however you can.


TheGillMan reacted
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Posted by: @supreme_d

@jtmarsh i forgot about Crimson! That was another one of those comics like Spawn where nothing every seemed to happen in the issues but it still looked cool.

Crimson is actually the one I like the most now, given at the time Madureira and J Scott. Campbell's were the hot ticket items.  Crimson DID have stuff happening in each issue, but it was mostly smaller skirmishes setting up for the larger war for control of the vampires in NYC.  The stuff with the Red Hood vampire hunters, their relation to an underground werewolf guild, and the fallen angel everyone was trying to get control of to manipulate for her powers was usually just moving things toward the overall endgame.  I never got much of a storyline from BattleChasers that wasn't just to get you to buy the next issue; it's anyone's guess if they even knew what they wanted to happen yet, but the art was cool.  At least Campbell closed the lid on his version of DangerGirl proper, even though it was only 7 issues before he started farming it out to other creators to play with.  Crimson was the one with an actual long bridging story about ancient beings before humans and their rivalries with eachother, humans and even God.  Never having heard of Humberto Ramos at the time, I have to say he's the creator from Cliffhanger who I think put all his love of comics into an enduring story that was at least impactful if a little slow paced at times.  But I still love it today and would encourage anyone who's into that sort of thing to check it out.  Teenage vampire who doesn't want to be a vampire pitted against the powers of light, dark and regular humanity in NYC!


supreme_d reacted
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I was a big Crimson guy back then, and it's why I've always liked Ramos even though it only ever seems like I see people complaining about him these days.

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A few things that would/will make me happy in the context of toys 2025:

Seeing what else Rage Toys/Fury Toys has to offer this year.  A Chinese creator/studio that's been doing some really cool takes on TMNT and a few more original characters, I really love the aesthetic of his/their work.

A pipe dream, but if Mattel would do more of the Netflix CG He-Man show's designs in the Masterverse line, I'd be maybe the only person around here who would snatch them up immediately.  And there are still characters/designs fro the Kevin Smith show that haven't been done that I'd like to see.  Other than that, just a general expansion of the New Eternia subline with some so-far undone characters is also something I look forward to if it happens.

Will someone somewhere finally get the Looney Tunes license?  For actual action figures?

Will NECA add to the Hammer Horror figures they've already revealed?  Christopher Lee Frakenstein's Monster, Peter Cushing Baron Frankenstein, Oliver Reed werewolf?

For that matter, is NECA's The Thing line dead?  I had such high hopes for it and very much hope it isn't, but there hasn't been a reveal or release in so long...

And okay fine, more NECA: Randy mentioned a 50th anniversary line for Jaws on a radio show last year, might we finally get the big Bruce figure they teased so many years ago?

And I'm always and forever holding out hope that NECA throws me a bone and completes my Gremlins 2 collection with a Vegetable Gremlin.  Surely they've wrung enough value out of those old G2 molds now that they can suck it up for some new tooling?  And hell, I'd take a new Mohawk as well, I always thought the old one's head looked too big.  Heck, re-release the other old character figures and include in-scale (to the Gremlins) Mogwai versions of them as accessories ala the 2-inch Gizmos that came in the accessory pack and I'd probably rebuy them too!

In the bag for whatever "concept" TMNT stuff they pull out of their hats this year too.  Like the cartoon versions of Wyrm and Panda Khan that technically didn't exist.  Plenty of Mirage concepts of the type that'd interest me, for example.

I buy too much stuff.  I'll just quit here.

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I forgot one of my wish list figures for this year.

Last year Playmates did those articulated "vintage style" TMNT figures, Walmart exclusives with the rooftop bases.  I did not end up buying those figures, but if/when they continue this line I was to see the Shredder.  The vintage Shredder is one of the worst/most disappointing action figures ever made.  I would love to get a new one to display with my vintage TMNT.

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I really like folks' wishes for a new Serenity/Firefly line and a more affordable Dick Tracy line. I would also like a Punch Out line. Even though I definitely want those lines to happen, I would prefer they are just announced and/or go up for pre-order in 2025 because, like others here, I'm trying to keep my buying down and there are several other lines I plan on buying. My goal is to stay focused in 2025 and generally avoid buying second hand because a few good deals last year led me down a slippery slope of buying many more figures than I originally planned.

In addition to those three lines getting announced, I'm hoping more figures get announced for several current lines. I'm a bit obsessed with the Diamond Select Muppets line, so my main hopes for 2025 are about that line. I hope that the 3 sets of figures they've previously announced actually come out in 2025 and another set goes up for pre-order and and another is announced. I'd also like Boss Fight Studio to put up a wave 3 of their Fraggle Rock line, and for at least a couple of additional waves of NECA's Sesame Street line to go up for pre-order.

Also for Boss Fight Studio, I hope they announce a 4th wave of their Popeye Classics line. There are two characters I want to consider the line complete, Geezil and Alice. For the McFarlane Batman 66 line, I hope they make a Mad Hatter, which would complete the line for me. Though, I would keep buy select figures from each line if they continue.

I hope the Marvel Legends leaks are accurate because I'd like to get a new Hulk, Psychlock, retro Cyclops, and Banshee.

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  1. For Neca to reveal at least 2 more members of the Sinclair family in their "Dinosaurs" line just to show the line will be continuing past Earl and Baby.
  2. Friday the 13th merchandising resumes and Neca reveals a new Jason (part 8, JGTH, or Uber)
  3. Super 7 doesn't leave D&D animated fans high and dry with another dead line and shows a new wave
  4. Jada reveals a classic Looney Toons line.
  5. Hasbro begins the classic New Mutants team with some multi-packs or a boxset.
  6. I too want to thin out my collection.  Transformers, Star Wars, modern comic Marvel and MCU, Alien, and Predator stuff has to be cut back by about half.  I'm just not finding joy in those collections anymore like I do with TMNT, MOTU, GI Joe, and a lot of the smaller lines.

TheGillMan reacted
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Predator is a line I definitely need to pare back.  I no longer know why I ever bought any of the figures beyond the movie ones.  And now that I'm nearly entirely out of Legends, I've got a lot of stuff I picked up that just feels extraneous now and would like to really only keep the stuff I consider exceptional.

Justice reacted
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Posted by: @cmoney

Predator is a line I definitely need to pare back.  I no longer know why I ever bought any of the figures beyond the movie ones.  And now that I'm nearly entirely out of Legends, I've got a lot of stuff I picked up that just feels extraneous now and would like to really only keep the stuff I consider exceptional.

Yeah.  I don't need a whole 5 shelf cabinet for just Predator anymore.  I'm thinking about getting that down to just Jungle Hunter and Dutch in a little jungle diorama and stick one of those 3D logos on it and honestly that'll do.  I like having a little representation of everything I enjoy from pop culture but how many Predators does one need?  Even Chris Hansen didn't snag this many.


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Just saw a notice on amiami about DHL rates increasing by 20% - 30% in 2025. Bleh, that would likely put my average package to around $30ish. One other thing about importing has me somewhat worried. I could be wrong, but I think imported items under $800 are exempt from duties. If it was lowered to $200 or $250, that would would match up with the avg 1/6 figure. Might curtail some of my purchases from HK. Their might be bipartisan support for lowering the threshold, I hope not too low or expanded to Japan.

The Scarecrow Guy
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Posted by: @bills-all-day

I really like folks' wishes for a new Serenity/Firefly line


I would LOVE a Serenity/Firefly line. I had hopes when Best AXN announced their Mal and River a few years ago that never came to fruition (and looking at the figures that did- Buffy, LOTR, etc., maybe that's for the best). It's crazy to think that we've never gotten the whole crew in figure form before. The closest we've gotten are the Little Damn Heroes statues, which, while quite nice, have limited display options (though they did give us some side characters like Saffron and Badger). I still have my Funko Legacy figures displayed, and have managed to somehow avoid breakage after all these years, but missing half the crew has been a big bummer.

At this point, I don't know who would take the risk in attempting a line, even a short-lived one. Even Funko didn't complete the crew in their Pop line, and that seems like the lowest risk line on paper. It would almost have to be something subscription-based like the Little Damn Heroes were. It's still got a fairly dedicated fanbase, but in the grand scheme of things is still relatively niche. I think Jada could possibly do some nice figures. Hiya too, but they seem to thrive on part re-use, and I don't know how much you'd get out of a line like that. We've gotten half the crew so many times that I wouldn't even want a company to start unless they could guarantee at least the whole crew. That's what I'd need to be happy, and others- a Reaver, Saffron, Badger, Mr. Universe, The Operative, comic characters, etc. the cherries on top.

But hey, you never know. This year is the 20th anniversary of the Serenity movie, so I guess if there's ever a good time to do it, this would be it.


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Posted by: @joshsquash729

This year is the 20th anniversary of the Serenity movie, so I guess if there's ever a good time to do it, this would be it.

I just turned to dust. Good lord 20 years.

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