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Your 2025 hopes and dreams for your collection

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@secondwhiteline as a long-time fan of Yakuza, it's criminal that despite how successful the games have been, there's still no toy lines.  Not even 3rd parties touching it.  Jada making Yakuza figures with cloth goods clothes would be so cool!  A hyper-posable Majima with snakeskin coat!!

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I'd like to see Jada make Resident Evil figures.

Ra's from Batman Begins. 

More from Andor like Kino Loy and other season 2 characters.

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@vicious7171 Oh man, I wasn't even thinking about cloth goods, but that would be amazing. So many cool outfits in those games.

Feels like a toyline might actually be viable now with how popular those games have gotten in the U.S.

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Posted by: @secondwhiteline

Most of this is going to be wishlisting, but: ...

2. Mattel WWE: Giulia and a Legends deal with Bull Nakano...

Now that you mention them, those are my number one current and classic wrestler most wanted.

Bull Nakano leg drop off of a cage gif because why not..


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2025 is for buying less and cutting back on what I have as well.


  • Fury Toys finishes their TMNT figures this year, and we get a Rocksteady and Shredder to go with everything shown by the end of the year. Throw me a Slash and I'll be a very happy man.
  • Super7 confirms what's going on with TMNT Ultimates and if we can expect anymore vintage toy inspired stuff so I can finally look at this line as complete and decide what I want to do with it.
  • Four Horsemen can just keep on doing what they're doing, but I'd love to know about plans for smaller dragons because I can't justify the 3ft dragon, no matter how amazing it is. Or do I get one just to open it and play with it for a bit, then sell it for a slight loss? Ahh, decisions.
  • DC - someone other than McF gets the licence and makes a great 1:12 line.
  • Mafex - Follow-up the death of superman figures with a nice, vanilla Superman figure to go with the grey and blue Batman. Hush body, brighter colors, classic head. Done.

And finally, purging is on my to-do list as well (too much stuff in bins that hasn't been out in over a year), as well as rearranging my display. No more display cabinets, I'd rather have some toys interspersed amongst a nice shelving unit with books and plants, to really make them part of something more adult in my office, instead of just a shrine to plastic. 

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It'd be nice if one of my sons moved out so I could turn his room into an expanded display room. I've a big-ass Ramen tank coming and no place to put it. 

Slightly more likely, though, I'd love if the Lightning Collection returned. I miss that line. 

But as far as achievable goals, I should really finish cutting the boards I use for the display tiers on my shelves. I've been cutting 1/2" boards to length to make a 3-step display for each shelf, but I'm a middle-aged toy collector with only a hand saw, so it's slow going. 

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I've been wanting for years to do the wall-bracket (brads?) style shelves in my basement.  I've got some shelves I screwed together down there already, but the idea would be to replace them and then use them as a secondary display space elsewhere to expand.  But every time I look at what's already there and think about tearing it down, my mind slips off to do something else. 🙂

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Marvel Legends: more 90’s and early 2000’s. X-men and related mostly, cuz duh. Shatterstar v2, Exodus, Albert, and so on.

McF DC Multiverse: Todd- Do better. Wildstorm.

GI Joe Classified: Continuing cherry picking select figures, since I got a bunch last year that takes up space (vehicles).

Jada: Finish Street Fighter 2, and then hopefully the company acquires other licenses I care about.

Storm Arena: gimme Andy Bogard and Mai.

Mattel: drop Hogan from your figure line.

also, I need to get rid of a lot, and not start collecting even one figure for anything else unless I drop something.

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I could go for a 90s depowered Iceman in his bodysuit, along with a red/white Shatterstar.

I'm not a huge fan of Gen13, but I always liked the colors on Caitlin Fairchild, so if Todd made one of her I'd probably buy it.  If he gets into Wildstorm, there's not too many figures from that I'd want other than a 90s Grifter.  If he went even further and started doing the Cliffhanger imprint that encompassed DangerGirl, BattleChasers, Crimson and Steampunk I'd likely go broke.  I love the Danger Girl figures he already made, but they're not the most posable.  They make for great cheap statues and the faces are more on point than Sideshow has even done of those characters.  I don't know how well BattleChasers would be suited by Todd's choice in builds, but I'd be open to seeing it.  Crimson is vampires, werewolves, angels and monsters, which I think could benefit from Todd's specialties most.  SteamPunk rides the line, but a hulking brute with a steampowered metal arm would at least look cool if done right; dunno about most of the rather plain characters.


supreme_d reacted
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God, Christ-a-mighty; could *somebody* please make 18th Marvel and DC figures that aren't complete underwhelming dogshit?

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I hope neca does more THING creatures. 


I hope I find the time to finish my toy room and the customs I've been planning. 

TheGillMan reacted
The Scarecrow Guy
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Sorry for the super long post, but I'll echo everyone's sentiments and say I want to start collecting smarter. Not necessarily even cut back (though I certainly should), but just give it more thought before I do. I don't have people over all that often, but whenever I do, they're always amazed by my collection, and I got to thinking that if this is the one and only time they ever see me or my place, I want them to get to know me and my loves quickly, so I need a focus. Instead of just a wide swath of stuff from endless franchises, what can I get that boils me and my loves down that they know who I am rather quickly. Yeah, I have a lot of random, useless pop culture knowledge, but that doesn't mean I need random, useless things from franchises I just love passingly.

There were a lot of impulse buys in the past- I'd buy things just because they looked cool, whether or not I even liked the franchise itself. I certainly got better at that in 2024- I didn't get as many army builders, I didn't need every variant/costume of a character, and I was as honest with myself as I could be on if I wanted something or not. I was more aware of the burden of it- if I'm going to start a line and get one or two figures, chances are I'd want whatever else is released, and is that something I can get into right now? I tried to focus on what really makes me happy- either nostalgic things from my childhood or those persistant loves that have stayed with me through the years. Not as many "Aww, it's that character", unless said character is special to me or my family in some way. And if it landed somewhere in the middle, then I convinced myself to wait until a discount of some sort came along, and for the most part, I was pretty successful. I still struggle with the "completionist" aspect of it- (I can't have X character without Y!), but I'm realizing more that it's okay to just have one or two favorite characters to represent a franchise, or keeping the herd rather small with just the main characters and maybe a tertiary one here and there. With big franchises like Marvel, just one version of each character unless I really love them- just going for whatever costume I think defines that character best.

The place I really cut back was Funko Pops. I still got a fair amount, mostly with collections I'd already started, but nowhere near as many as in the past. They hit that sweet spot of nostalgia plus affordability, so they used to be my go-to in the past for a quick, easy fix, but anymore I'm holding back. Must have gotten less than 20 or so last year, including ones I got for others, and mostly just because my LCS has a punch card program.

I was also better about purging the excess. I live in a somewhat small apartment in NY, so not a whole lot of room. Things I haven't displayed in a while, and may never, I got rid of. Impulse purchases- gone. Not even all that concerned with making money- like others have said- by the time I buy it, the value has likely depreciated, so if it's something I may be able to help another collector with, I'll throw it online, otherwise, take it to my local resell shop and be done with it.

I'd really love to upgrade all my shelves too. That's more of an "over time" thing than "2025" thing, but I want to protect my investments as much as I can. I have a fair amount of higher end collectibles in some areas, and I don't want to risk them breaking. Not to mention dusting is the bane of my existence- I don't do it nearly as often as I should. So something that allows me to put them behind glass would be great.

I also want to experiment more with posing. Mostly due to space, I usually just do vanilla poses, but as I cut back more and more, I really want to try making a true little diorama/scene with them. Some of the displays I see just look so cool and make mine look like even more of a mess. On a similar hand, I want to slowly try customizing. I don't have the steadiest hands, but if I start small with maybe some slight paint touchups or weathering, I think I can at least do that.

As for what my product wants are- I want to keep going back and getting a lot of the figures I didn't as a kid for whatever reason (while keeping in mind all the completionist rules above). I opened the Pandora's Box of NECA a year or so ago, and want to continue that line. I also stupidly opened the Hot Toys Pandora's Box and would love to continue that (though that's waaaay more of a cherry-pick thing). I'm really excited for the Jada Scooby Doo and Trick or Treat Studios Goosebumps lines to start, so more of those. My biggest wants ever that I would KILL for would probably be a Mass Effect and a Galaxy Quest line; I'd take it from anyone, but preferably Hiya- even if I know the chances are slim-to-none (for Mass Effect, a continuation of the Dark Horse statues if nothing else). More Gaming Greats Black Series- most notably the Fallen Order/Survivor games. Resident Evil and Silent Hill figures would be a dream; I do have the Pyramid Head and Nurses from (I think) Figma, but more would be great. What We Do In The Shadows figures would be great- I'll be content enough with the Toony Terrors, but I'd still love Ultimates. Speaking of Pops, more Kingdom Hearts ones would be great. More of the Super7 Haunted Mansion figures would be delightful too- gotta have my favorite ghost, The Hatbox Ghost, in figure form. I'm eager to see where the Playstation line goes- I'd love a branching out to other iconic franchises I grew up playing like Crash, Spyro, Sly Cooper, Jak & Daxter, etc. I'm sure there's a ton of others I can't think of right now.

Obviously I'm going to keep spending lots of money on figures, so I might as well spend it on things I love!

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I think, minus having a smaller collection overall, this is exactly the headspace I'm in. The mantra I landed on a few months ago is I don't want my collection to become much bigger, I want it to become more *precise*. I want it to be eclectic and not completionist. I've been selling off more and more, and so far, haven't regretted a single sale. I don't want it all to go, but I can scale back a lot I think.

I'm also working towards doing more diorama stuff. I run a university maker space so I have access to all the right toys to make some really cool things. 

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Posted by: @joshsquash729

I don't have people over all that often, but whenever I do, they're always amazed by my collection, and I got to thinking that if this is the one and only time they ever see me or my place, I want them to get to know me and my loves quickly, so I need a focus. Instead of just a wide swath of stuff from endless franchises, what can I get that boils me and my loves down that they know who I am rather quickly. Yeah, I have a lot of random, useless pop culture knowledge, but that doesn't mean I need random, useless things from franchises I just love passingly.

I'm in pretty much that boat.  It was easier in the late 2000s when I had an apartment with a very generously sized (for its price) storage closet which I made into a GI Joe display room.  That was all I had room for.  Years later when I got a house and whole room for my stuff, the GI Joe collection remained pretty much the same size, but my stuff ballooned into just about every other franchise you can think of.  And even though I try not to go overboard with merch from each franchise, I try to have a cut off, that's still a lot of stuff.  Some franchises that I have a passing interest in (Ghostbusters, MOTU) my kids have kind of glommed onto and like playing with that stuff.  So that kind of makes it off limits for selling. I'm not quite sure what to do.  


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Posted by: @jtmarsh

Marvel Legends Team X (with helmeted heads, 90s Maverick that we already have is not the same as Team X Maverick in looks)


Yes to this.  I will add remaining Reavers and A.L.B.E.R.T. to this.  I would greatly like to see Hasbro add to The Acolytes and Generation X before going and starting new teams.


I want X-Men '97 Cable to be how he looked for the majority of the series and hope the deluxe Professor X is the Shi'ar armor - maybe removable.  Make Warstar and other Shi'ar.


LooseCollector to keep doing his thing - at least reveal a Wave 2 of Extreme figures!  I will be pumped for whomever it is, but Prophet would be amazing.  And one of the larger scale guys.  Get Grendel.


Mafex releases those new HUSH figures and Doomsday soon.  And yes let's get Flash or Green Lantern.


Generally, Marvel Legends was really good - keep it going, make more made-to-preorder figures and deliver on the Ultimate line.


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