What do you want to have happen for 2025 as far as toys go? What do you want to see made? Is there something out there now you hope to acquire? Do you want to make space for new displays? Sell some stuff? What do you want to have happen for your toy collection?
My goals:
Find a Power Rangers auto morphin series 2 Red Ranger (Rocky). This will complete my auto morphin Power Rangers set, and that series 2 is not an easy find.
Cut my Marvel and DC collection in half. I have Hasbro and Toybiz versions of all my favorite Marvel characters and I have Mattel and McFarlane versions of all my favorite DC characters. I want to choose one and in doing so free up tons of space.
Quality over quantity purchases. If I spend $100 on a really good figure instead of $25+ on 6 mediocre figures, that will be just fine.
Settle on a 4th Hot Toys purchase (probably something Marvel related)
My wants:
Mafex 90's Kyle Raynor and 90's Wally West Flash.
Mattel MOTU Origins Swift Wind
Something awesome from Stan Solo for my vintage Star Wars
How about you?
To my hope is 2025 completes Mystery Inc instead of just starting it. I think the plan is the first figs coming in Fall. So probably just a start. Shaggy and Scooby are strong starts.
Hope the 1:10ths Delorian gets the flying mode make over and another release comes in 2025.
Hope to see Classified Skyhawk.
Hope to see continuation of comic Thunderbolts figures. Specifically Atlas and Techno.
Hope to see Black Series Snaggletooth, Lobot, or Nien Nunb. More Star Wars creatures too! Dare I dream Rancor?
I should probably prioritize scaling back. So on the one hand sell off at least 35% of my existing collection while simultaneously going back to a more cherry picking type of collecting mentality and only focus on getting the figures I really want to buy rather than picking up everything under the sun.
Also scaling back, clearing out old stuff, etc. That said…
I’d like Bandai or Medicom to show TESB some love, and for Bandai to re-release RotS Obi-Wan. I want to see Medicom put up orders for Tim at the end of Jan, and if we could get a Hush Penguin and Two-Face, and a Jim Lee Wonder Woman announcement along with more X-Men then that would be great.
As far as Joes go, I’d like the Mobat and to finish up the OG13. For Transformers, all I want is a Missing Link Jazz, Mirage, and the Datsuns.
Finally, I’d really like Neca to continue with the AD&D line.
That’s it really, there’s not much else I need at this point.
Also scaling back. Mostly this year I think I'm just filling a few holes before exiting the hobby for the most part. I'd like Rachel to complete Excalibur, and I'm waiting to pick up a few samurai and zombies from mars figures that are coming from some indie folks this year, but otherwise I think I'm sort of done for a while. Dealing with my mom's hoarder house has me frequently considering getting rid of almost all my collection even though my apartment isn't anything like her house. Just feel like, why have all this *stuff* you know? I'm more and more keenly aware of how much space it takes up.
I want to see the continuation of Hasbro's "Indiana Jones - The Adventure Series". I don't care how - multi-packs, haslab - just give me more and fill in the wholes. And while you are at it, Hasbro, please give me more Rebels-Figures in the Black Series. Especially Agent Kallus!
I'd also love to see Rick O'Connell and Angelina Jolie/Lara Croft being made by Figuarts the same way the did Indiana Jones.
And if someone would finally do a good six-inch "Mass Effect" line, that would be neat. It would be my ruin, but neat.
Marvel Legends Team X (with helmeted heads, 90s Maverick that we already have is not the same as Team X Maverick in looks)
Continuation of the DST Darkwing Duck line with at least 2 new figures.
Someone to pick up the Dick Tracy movie license and do some figures based on them, preferably a more reasonably priced company than Mezco.
Someone to pick up the Dick Tracy movie license and do some figures based on them, preferably a more reasonably priced company than Mezco.
Ohhhh....something I didn't know I wanted. Dick Tracy is constantly, criminally overlooked in the "best comic movies of all time" discussion.
I would like the SH figuarts Lord of the Rings figures to be better than they look (they look good, but could be even better). Also for them to make movie Ghostbusters figures. And more Harry Potter! Oh, and they should make a good Bespin Luke, we're way overdue for a decent one.
I would love to see Jada tackle the Real Ghostbusters too, and more video game franchises. Speaking of which, I wish someone would make some Dark Souls figures, more knights in general. I want Spin Master to go back and do more God of War figures, from the newer games and the older.
I want more companies to do Indiana Jones figures, not only are there still many characters to do, but I still think we could get an even more definitive Indy in 1/12. But I don't know, I don't have the Mezco one to compare yet.
I want to get the incoming Mythic Legions wave, and want them to do even more knights. I honestly wish more companies did knight figures... and I want historical knights, not just fantasy. Kinda like the old kaiyodo gothic field armor. The Neca DnD knight is too fantastical for me, for example.
Also, can someone do some more Nintendo figures? How come we don't have a good Ocarina of Time Link? Luigi's Mansion figures? More Zelda in general!
Cut my Marvel and DC collection in half. I have Hasbro and Toybiz versions of all my favorite Marvel characters and I have Mattel and McFarlane versions of all my favorite DC characters. I want to choose one and in doing so free up tons of space.
THIS - but for Star Wars. I'm still collecting both TBS and TVC and while I prefer 6", the worldbuilding in 3.75" can't be beat - and honestly, it's not even being attempted. I've only opened one or two TVC figs in the last couple years and they were frustrating to pose - and yet I keep buying almost everything but ships. I have two Cantinas coming, and I only didn't get a Ghost because I was in a play and intermission started four minutes after the deadline.
2025 Dream:
How about a 6" Doctor Who line? BAF-style to encourage people to buy more than just their era.
Would love excellent 6" versions of the main Doctors and Companions. Shocked we haven't even gotten any modern era Docs in this format.
And my continual dream: a complete Firefly line-up in ANY articulated format. Why is this so hard?!
Cut my Marvel and DC collection in half. I have Hasbro and Toybiz versions of all my favorite Marvel characters and I have Mattel and McFarlane versions of all my favorite DC characters. I want to choose one and in doing so free up tons of space.
THIS - but for Star Wars.
I did a huge Black Series purge in 2024 that I'm quite proud of. I kept the main OT cast in their ESB looks, a handful of other choice characters, and I still think that's too much. I may cut more. I gravitate more toward the vintage scale stuff too, but that's been cooling off as well.
Oh, and they should make a good Bespin Luke, we're way overdue for a decent one.
I will run naked through an on-fire pane of glass for a good Bespin Luke.
1) I want to sell off characters that I don't have a connection with. I have several tubs of odds and ends and BAF pieces that are just taking up space.
2) Start and finish some original customs that I have ideas for (Darth Nevis, Billy Millan, etc.)
3) Finish customs I have started of the missing Inquisitors.
4) I have most of my comic books in storage. I want to get them out of storage and into my house so I can stop spending money every month on stuff I can't even read.
Scale back on Marvel and MOTU for sure. Stay committed to Star Wars TVC (especially OT and Prequels) and maybe Super Powers. Cherry pick GI Joe. And I really, really hope that Hiya starts getting into the Star Trek TOS characters for their 1:18 line. Oh, and I'd love more Indiana Jones Adventure Series figures, but I don't really see it happening.
I assessed my bins of ML last week and was really happy with what I was seeing. I spent the last several years cutting figures from my collection, but the remaining would be tough to part with, even if they're not currently displayed. I had too figures that may have been cool to look at, but how much time did I spend reading about their adventures (an issue or two?)? Same thing with wrestling. Do I really need a figure of a guy I wouldn't watch on TV? The goal is to stay focused next year.
I've become a bit more into vintage. Picking up an accessory or part here or there to complete a figure or vehicle. I kind of want to jump back in, but I feel like it's a bad time.