Brought this thread back again. talk and pics about your Cowboys and Indians or anything 'Western' related.
I have a custom 'Mancake' in the works (repaint) pics coming soon.
Does that Dime Novel Legends line from Chicken Fried Toys have a Doc Holliday? I've seen a figure online labeled "The Dentist" but I think it's a custom. They have "The Marshall" that's a good Wyatt Earp and "The Gunslinger" That's a good Johnny Ringo. Trying to put together a Tombstone setup.
Trying to put together a Tombstone setup.
Oh wow, that i have to see, Zombie
I'd like to do a OK Coral shoot-out display. Gonna be costly though so I'm mapping it out now before I start down that rabbit hole. I'm surprised there aren't any licensed Tombstone figures.
I saw Fishtoys tease this, here is their insta page
I saw Fishtoys tease this, here is their insta page
Damn, thats amazing. too bad i dont have the room for that, its like the size of a vehicle. Dont know how i feel about the hair though. I love their wolves but again too big.
Impressive-looking horse. That bastard is massive, though.
Does that Dime Novel Legends line from Chicken Fried Toys have a Doc Holliday? I've seen a figure online labeled "The Dentist" but I think it's a custom. They have "The Marshall" that's a good Wyatt Earp and "The Gunslinger" That's a good Johnny Ringo. Trying to put together a Tombstone setup.
I have not figured out how to post pictures here since the forum has come back up but Chicken Fried Toys showed that Michael Biehn’s likeness has been tapped in their celebrity series and they are doing a figure that’s a dead-ringer for a certain character named Ringo. Zombie I sent you a pic of Chicken Fried’s announcement on Instagram.
@bgiles73 Nice, thanks! I'll definitely dip my toe in with that Johnny Ringo. I don't need Val's exact likeness but just the attire, preferably from the OK Coral scene or opening scene, and facial hair would work. Looks like they've done a Yul Brynner (obviously from The Magnificent Seven but I immediately went to Westworld) and John Wayne based head sculpt set too. Speaking of Westworld a head with the Yul faceplate removed showing the robot details would be cool. Maybe for their Weird West subline.
@bgiles73 Nice, thanks! I'll definitely dip my toe in with that Johnny Ringo. I don't need Val's exact likeness but just the attire, preferably from the OK Coral scene or opening scene, and facial hair would work. Looks like they've done a Yul Brynner (obviously from The Magnificent Seven but I immediately went to Westworld) and John Wayne based head sculpt set too. Speaking of Westworld a head with the Yul faceplate removed showing the robot details would be cool. Maybe for their Weird West subline.
The head with the robotic details and face plate is the Easter Egg hidden behind the card board backer on the plastic baggie it comes shipped in on the Project 73 set!
@zombief-body Hey I was just noticing you are looking for a John Wayne head sculpt. Hasbro had a pretty good substitute on a figure of the leader of Oktober Guard. I’ll send you details on your Instagram.
I'll admit I'm not the biggest John Wayne fan but if your doing a Western figure collection you better have the Duke in it! I'm a Clint Eastwood guy I guess I'll need the "Blondie" head set too!
I'm a Clint Eastwood guy
Same, im a big Clint Eastwood fan. dont like jon wayne much.