Sadly, no real updates on this line at the panel. They did have some physical models at the show but they were the same ones at Powercon last year
Honestly, I really dig Peter and am interested in seeing where this line goes, but seeing Cmdr. Coco and the Star Command forces they're making for their Eagle Force Returns line really makes me want them on my 6" shelf too. I love Monster Force for just how weird (and spooky) it is, and think a chimp-lead Earth Defense force protecting us from alien infiltrators would be a great sister line.
I try not to be the "they should make that in 6-inches" kind of guy, but I'm fully invested in 1:12 collecting, and seeing cool stuff come out like the Bullet Man and Black Jet's Sky Pirates as 4" figures makes me really envious.
I try not to be the "they should make that in 6-inches" kind of guy, but I'm fully invested in 1:12 collecting, and seeing cool stuff come out like the Bullet Man and Black Jet's Sky Pirates as 4" figures makes me really envious.
I'm totally with you on this, for sure - but also, not mad that this particular pocket of the FMF universe is taking it's time. Given how much they've gotten me to invest in O:MF and CM and soon in COPS too maybe, I don't mind waiting a little for these guys. Because they will get me to invest, so I'm cool if these are a ways a way.
Im liking peter, the other 2 not so much, i do like that gummy red body though
The Micronauts homage figures do it for me primarily because the Micronauts were toys that my brother had but I never did. I always admired them. Being able to have 6 inch versions of any of those would be awesome
All I know is, someone needs to do a custom head of Prince to fit on that Peter figure! I'd buy it for this alone.
So, I know it's from a totally different line -but Roxy from Epic HACKs looks like she'll pair up pretty well with this Wild Bill
Attention al Fwooshers: Stop showing my these things. I'm on a budget. I'm trying to streamline. I trying to be space conscious. I'm trying to have a casual, relaxing hobby and peddlers ARE RUINING IT!!!!!!!!!! STOP IT! Why show me a retro-space age babe (with bubble helmet and rocket pack)? You bastards. I hate all of you. Show me more.
In a sucker for a good bubble space helmet. The only one I have so far, though, is He-Man's mom.