Let’s discuss the toy people you like to watch and listen to. Let’s avoid discussing ones you hate or think suck because this community isn’t about stirring up poo poo.
Weekly toy news is great. There’s also a Fwoosh live stream that happens sporadically on the Robo Don’t Know channel. Sometimes interviews of Brian Flynn and others occur as well. I love it all.
Modern Toyfare
Underrated gem. Three long-time friends discussing toys. They make each other laugh, tell jokes, aren’t afraid to go a little dark with the humor and use occasional profanity. My biggest criticism of the toy influencer world as a whole is they seem to be afraid to talk how people talk in real life or they’d stop getting free toys from Hasbro and Mattel. These guys don’t get free stuff so it’s like hanging out with your friends talking as you would in real life.
High production value, they do a weekly live Twitch stream to discuss toy hauls called “OnlyFigs” plus a pre-recorded episode on a different topic each week. Small following but they’ve managed to get Bobby Vala and Big Nerdy Nerdzoic as guests.
Reluctant Adult Podcast
Great audio podcast that hasn’t missed a week since they started in 2019. Been listening for years. Two long-time friends. They discuss pop culture stuff like new movies and tv shows of interest to the toy community. The focus is around action figures but they do get into stuff like new Star Wars shows.
Similar to Modern Toyfare, they don’t get free stuff, so they talk more freely and it feels less artificial. It’s my favorite audio podcast related to toys that’s currently out there.
Each Sold Separately
This was my favorite toy anything of any kind. Audio podcast but released a few video versions alongside. Two great friends, not getting free stuff, talking honestly. Unfortunately they were spotty with releases, took long hiatuses, never got into a regular groove. And haven’t released an episode in over a year. The back log of 25-ish episodes are still great and I re-listen to all of them once a year.
Big Nerdy does a weekly YouTube episode and very rarely will live stream. He has a keen insight into the business of toy retail since he started selling toys out of his basement. He can’t talk freely like the three above podcasts can, but it’s still really good, and a quick 10 minutes each week. I look forward to his new episodes every Monday.
The Man Child
Smallish YouTuber. Focuses on MOTU. Not sure how he gets stuff early, if he had connections at Mattel or what but he tends to review MOTU stuff before anyone else gets it. He loves toys, had a lot of positivity. He’s like Pixel Dan with a hangover. Meaning he’s not always positive but he doesn’t seem to speak as freely as non-connected people. Worth checking out if you like MOTU.
For YouTube reviews, I like Anthony's Customs because he strikes me as a tough, but fair, grader of the figures he chooses to review. I don't think I'd enjoy hanging out with him, but he seems to know what he's talking about. Now, guys I would enjoy hanging out with and having a beer would be Pixel Dan, Dan Larson, Nostalgia Unboxed, and the boys of the Fwoosh. I enjoy all of them for various reasons, most of which being they're genuine, seem like good people, and almost never give into collector hysterics.
Those are my only YouTube subs, but I will check out the Yes, Have Some podcast on occasion, especially if they're talking about something I'm interested in. My collecting is fairly focused so podcasts that cast a wide net over the collecting world don't have a ton of appeal to me since they're bound to spend a lot of time discussing a line I have no interest in.
This is definitely going to get contentious.
I listen to a lot of podcasts. They're focused on movies, basketball, video games, and my favorite soccer club. I don't listen to any toy podcasts outside of the Fwooshcast. Frankly, I don't like most of the personalities in the toy influencer business. I find most of them grating, overly negative, or less knowledgeable than me and most of the people on this board. I like podcasts because they're entertaining, informative, and provide me with a new perspective on something I love. Other than the Fwooshcast, I haven't found that in this hobby.
To give an example, one of the more prominent toy influencers has spent a lot of time lobbying the Hasbro team to make a specific character on a body that is completely inappropriate for the character. This influencer also hosts one of the biggest toy podcasts. Why would I want to listen to that? I agree with half of his message and the other half makes me want to shout at my phone.
To sprinkle in a little positivity, I almost always watch Robo's reviews and Secret Galaxy's videos.
I’ve really enjoyed watching a lot of Michael Mercy’s videos detailing retro lines. I started off watching his break downs of each year of the original RAH line, but started dabbling into his other videos too.
Analog Toys is another that I’ll flip on from time to time. Some of his nitpicks with choices Hasbro makes are silly “why would this particular soldier be carrying a (insert very specific machine gun) when in the real world they were all equipped with a (insert a slightly different specific machine gun)?”
But he’s SUPER knowledgeable about a lot of classic lines namely GI Joe and Action Force and his military history and knowledge, in general, give his videos a fun slant.
Then obviously Toy Galaxy…er Secret Galaxy. I like a nice comprehensive history of a franchise that’s delivered in no more than 20 minutes.
@tsi Secret Galaxy videos about nerd and nostalgia media are funny and informative. I like the action figure ones too but they tend to meander a bit; even though that is sort of their point and I still watch them.
Dan Larson's stuff is great. Nostalgia Unboxed is great. Sometimes I'll catch Mad Hatter. Nostalgia Unboxed and Mad Hatter hit that right spot for me in terms of being overall fairly positive, but more than willing to be outright negative about something they think isn't good, and I dig that.
I'll almost always catch The Fwooshcast and whatever Robo puts up (reviews, play days, weeklies). Robo is probably my favorite 'personality' on the 'Tube, specifically because of his relaxed positivity (something I lack).
I would say MOST of the other channels I could name I don't just not watch; I actively avoid. Whether it's guys that have sold out to become Vala cheerleaders, overly negative 'no major toy company can ever make a good product' types, shills that refuse to make legitimate criticisms even when those criticisms are obvious IN THE VIDEO (like loose joints or whatever), or just grating, irritating people that get my blood up just listening to their voices. Shartimus. I'm talking about Shartimus.
Probably important to mention, also, that if I'm watching someone that primarily is doing toy reviews, I'm probably mostly there for the personality and the fun of it. I don't care overly much about toy reviews. I want to watch or listen to people that are fun to watch or listen to. You could be the best technical reviewer of a toy on earth, but if you're droning on and seem bored by your own voice, what hope do I have to finish your video?
Likewise, even if your video quality is great and I'm getting great looks at new toys, if you're coming off like you're constantly kissing Super7's ass (for example), I'm not interested in listening to you. If it seems even for a second like free toys is more important to you than just being honest with people, then I lose all respect for you and don't want to hear/see you anymore. I feel that way about a couple of the big channels.
And maybe also worth mentioning that I'm not heavily invested in toy channels anyway. Kind of like TSI - most of what I listen to or videos I watch don't have anything to do with toys. It's all history, philosophy, politics, and weapons. Toys are a great tactile hobby for me, and I love to talk about them, but I don't spend a TON of my time on them when I'm not actively talking about them myself.
I only follow a few YouTubers. D Amazing is probably my favorite.
I also really like KenOhwee, although he doesn't upload much anymore.
Im super picky with my toy reviewers but i do like:
- Robo (pure talent)
- Jhernandez
- Jobby the hong (super funny)
- Emgo
- Secret galaxy
- Talker art
Bad reviewers:
- d-amazing (arrogant)
- anthonys customs
- toy bro
- dhunter
- Unparalleled Universe (he says the weirdest things)
I only watch videos through the end by Robo. Cause of the Fwoosh connection at first but I've come to fully appreciate how his videos are made. His ask for like and subscribe is not in your face. His pitch for the Fwoosh Patreon is well put.
I think how he showcases the things sent to him on playdate videos are the best things to see. A humble move and it gets them the exposure to reach collectors like myself. Wouldyoukindlystudios, canofbeams, a bunch of sellers on Etsy have all benefitted thru him from my purchases.
Minor thing I don't quite like is how my oldest (a fellow Star Wars fan like him) has kept bugging me about where to find the shirts he has and I don't know where to get them for him.
Sometimes I watch the Nerdzoic videos just to hear Big Nerdy do his nerd world order bit. I wish that guy more success on his business. He seems pretty transparent and genuine.
Fwoosh, D-Amazing, and Unparalleled Universe are probably my favorite reviewers. They're my go-to when I need to see how a figure is in-hand or just want to watch something toy related. J Hernandez is really good too, really unique format compare to the others.
I like Pixel Dan too, even if I think he can be a bit TOO forgiving, especially towards Playmates. Still, I'd rather someone overly positive about the hobby than someone so overly negative I question why they even collect in the first place. His toy hunt vids in particular are pretty fun.
While not really a 'toy' channel anymore, I'll echo everyone else saying Secret Galaxy. That's some entertaining content that I'll check out every once in awhile.
That's really about it. I don't really care for podcasts at all, let alone ones about toys. I'm just not the audience for that kind of format. Need some visuals to go with it.
@tsi Secret Galaxy videos about nerd and nostalgia media are funny and informative. I like the action figure ones too but they tend to meander a bit; even though that is sort of their point and I still watch them.
Yes, Dan's toy channel (formerly Toy Galaxy Too) is one of my favorites. I love his quarterly Best Figures of the Year videos. They're not usually my speed, as I don't like slow cinema, ASMR, or Zen video games, but I find those videos very soothing. It helps that the Manic Pixie Dream Dan Larson I've created in my head is a salt-of-the-earth guy.
I'll almost always catch The Fwooshcast and whatever Robo puts up (reviews, play days, weeklies). Robo is probably my favorite 'personality' on the 'Tube, specifically because of his relaxed positivity (something I lack).
I would say MOST of the other channels I could name I don't just not watch; I actively avoid. Whether it's guys that have sold out to become Vala cheerleaders, overly negative 'no major toy company can ever make a good product' types, shills that refuse to make legitimate criticisms even when those criticisms are obvious IN THE VIDEO (like loose joints or whatever), or just grating, irritating people that get my blood up just listening to their voices. Shartimus. I'm talking about Shartimus.
You could be the best technical reviewer of a toy on earth, but if you're droning on and seem bored by your own voice, what hope do I have to finish your video?
Likewise, even if your video quality is great and I'm getting great looks at new toys, if you're coming off like you're constantly kissing Super7's ass (for example), I'm not interested in listening to you. If it seems even for a second like free toys is more important to you than just being honest with people, then I lose all respect for you and don't want to hear/see you anymore. I feel that way about a couple of the big channels.
And maybe also worth mentioning that I'm not heavily invested in toy channels anyway. Kind of like TSI - most of what I listen to or videos I watch don't have anything to do with toys. It's all history, philosophy, politics, and weapons. Toys are a great tactile hobby for me, and I love to talk about them, but I don't spend a TON of my time on them when I'm not actively talking about them myself.
Trying not to get negative here per the OP's wishes, but I echo this. The internet is a great place to find your people, but it's also a great place to learn that some people who share your hobby are completely insufferable. I retreat to my quiet, level-headed, old-soul-coded communities of choice.
I find a lot of toy influencers unbearable, but I don't totally blame them. As a big Liverpool FC fan, I have found a contingent of reasonable folks online. I've also found some intolerable loudmouths. You have to take the good with the bad.
I don't do podcasts, at all.
As for YouTubers, in no particular order:
- Robo
- Secret Galaxy
- Pixel Dan
- d_amazing
- Toy Bro
- Toy Shiz
- Nerdzoic
- Nostalgia Unboxed
- Brad the DC Universe Geek
- Dis Thunder
- boog acba
That said, I don't watch ANY of these to determine if I should buy something or not. In most cases, it's something I have no personal interest in buying and I just want to see how the item turned out, or it's something I already own/have on the way, and I just want to get an idea of what to look for with potential issues.
One of the ones I listed recently covered the Premium DNA (Megalopolis crooks) Battle Toads figures, and I wouldn't give the videos a like because I wasn't going to help promote the videos highlighting the thieves, even if they DID actually release some product.
I like all the ones mentioned so far. I have really been tuning in to Keith and Mike on YouTube. They have that “Look at My Star Trek Toys” where they mostly cover Playmates Toys. I really wish Playmates would see the value in having YouTube personalities get the word out about their products though!
I sure miss Glenn Webb. I wish there were more toy YouTubers like him. Rest in peace, man.