Saw a few interesting figures on onesixthkit.
So looks like this guy is out now.
@cmoney Just a guess but I think this might be Fury toys. The way the knee articulation is cut and ribbon/sash thing reminds me of their Lion
@cmoney Just a guess but I think this might be Fury toys. The way the knee articulation is cut and ribbon/sash thing reminds me of their Lion
Are you talking about the bird? The possibility had crossed my mind for similar reasons, but we'll see! The soft goods pants had me thinking maybe not though too.
Is that thing legit signed by DC?
Fury Toys with another masterpiece:
@cmoney Yeah the bird. The soft goods would be new right? They did a little with Splinter but thats way less complicated than pants. Hopefully some more info comes out soon
Some fun-looking stuff that might interest a few around here:
Those are kinda interesting. Neat looking. At first, I thought they were just stumpy proportions, which work for animal hybrids or dwarves. Looks like they also have full human-size proportioned ones as well.
Yea i saw those 'Native" type of skeletons, thats rite up my alley. i would be buy these for sure.
5ktoys also showed a Pitt figure, looks superb. that i would buy also, muscle bound demon with chains and a pony tail, yea sounds good to me.
Yea i saw those 'Native" type of skeletons, thats rite up my alley. i would be buy these for sure.
5ktoys also showed a Pitt figure, looks superb. that i would buy also, muscle bound demon with chains and a pony tail, yea sounds good to me.
I need to see better pictures of that Pitt, because the one pic that I saw of him did not fill me with hope right now.
Yea we need more pics. if you look close you can see his grin.
I think it was mentioned the Pitt is based on the old Toy Biz one but modified. Maybe there was something lost in translation and it's just based on the same character. Didn't look too closely at the pic.
Robo brought this to my attention during the last weekly:
My guess is the rooted hair will look like shit on the final product, but you never know. I don't have an LOTR collection, but I think I'm going to go in on this. Gandalf is my favorite LOTR character and this helps scratch my fantasy toy itch, as well.
I wish he came with a smiling head, though. He and Frodo screwing around at the beginning of Fellowship is one of my favorite parts of the entire trilogy.
I took a chance on the Deluxe Gandalf (the version with rooted hair) too. I'm hoping I'm not throwing away money, and it looks as good as the promo. If it does, I want them to make a Gimli too.