- I cracked open the Dinosaur Battlefield Carnotaurus leader today. Sculpt & paint are incredible on this guy. He has very good articulation and plastic quality too. The only complaint I would have is that he doesn’t hold his weapons very well.
Honestly this picture makes me feel better about my choice to skip these. They are just too busy. The sculpt is there but man even the weapon is burdened with so many extra doo dads and flourishes that just aren't necessary. I prefer a tad more simplicity in the presentation than this. Cool for the people who like their figures with this volume of armor and accessory though.
I hear you brother, he does have a lot of stuff on that armor. The good thing is that pretty much all of it is modular. All those spikes and random bits came in a separate bag, and you have the option to put them in wherever you like. So it can be minimized pretty well (even those triceratops skulls can be removed from his shoulder pads).
He is pretty busy by sculpt and design though so even with the bits removed, it may still not be your cup o tea! Im digging him though, I think he's going to go well with the Savage Crucible stuff when that hits eventually.
That new Red Rhino figure looks badass, must have for me, dont know the scale though?
That new Red Rhino figure looks badass, must have for me, dont know the scale though?
Should be around 9 inches tall like the minotaurs are.
This twitter account posts updates to a lot of third party projects, including some photos I haven't seen elsewhere.
This twitter account posts updates to a lot of third party projects, including some photos I haven't seen elsewhere.
Speaking of: https://twitter.com/Waileong20/status/1700732220045230320
This twitter account posts updates to a lot of third party projects, including some photos I haven't seen elsewhere.
Their Twitter reminded me that there has been no news on the Cthulhu figure from Cowl Productions nor the female warrior body. I also had no idea Dasin Model was doing a soft goods Inuyasha. How is Dasin's QC overall? I don't own any of their products but this may be my intro to them. Price is pretty good as well.
@badguy543 I own one of their Shurato figures, and it's amazing in hand. Up to the level of quality you'd expect from SH Figuarts.
Saw a few interesting figures on onesixthkit.
5k Toys just sent me an invoice for the remainder of my payment for the very much NOT Last of Us Patriot Three Fates!
@badguy543 I own one of their Shurato figures, and it's amazing in hand. Up to the level of quality you'd expect from SH Figuarts.
Thanks for the info. I'm going to give this one a try.
Saw a few interesting figures on onesixthkit.
DiD have been making some interesting looking figures. I am waiting for their Takeda Shingen to drop in price and for Bigbadtoystore to offer their Generic Game of Death Kung Fu Master. I also like the Generic Karate Guy with all the belts. Based on early reviews the bodies they use are really poseable but I haven't seen any size comparisons to domestic lines yet.
This twitter account posts updates to a lot of third party projects, including some photos I haven't seen elsewhere.
Speaking of: https://twitter.com/Waileong20/status/1700732220045230320
I was just thinking today: with the last couple years being the year of original (and "original") animal people being made by these indie companies (not complaining, I especially like Fury Toys' offerings!), I'd now really like to see some plants people/creatures being made by these third parties. You don't get that sort of thing too often in most lines, and there are so many fun ways to go with the concept that I'd love to see some badass offerings from some of the better designers out there.