For those interested:
I posted a message about these in a thread I started but please consider supporting Nanmu Studio. For those of you who aren't aware, they recently started producing 1/12 scale velociraptor toys based on the designs from the Jurassic Park franchise and their latest wave is up for preorder right now. I ordered my set from LanaTime-Shop which is running a limited preorder window that ends on November 5th. Please support this company. They have been making static PVC dinosaur figurines for the better part of 4 years now but this new super articulated line is still in its infancy and its getting better with each subsequent wave. But they need funding in order to produce future assortments. Please show them some love and order these velociraptors. its the only way they can be a real contender in the 6" scale action figure market going forward. And their attention to detail blows Mattel's offerings out of the water.
Thank you for your support
I waited too long to order the Nanmu White Queen Velociraptor and it sold out at the time. I did preorder it through BBTS which surprisingly wasn't too far off pricewise. I have the Mattel tiger stripe velociraptor, so I wasn't jumping at the Nanmu one. But I really do like the look of tiger stripe raptors, so maybe I'll order a Nanmu one as well.
Those serpent skeletons are pretty cool. I don't mind adding some non-human skeletons to my undead army. I do wish there were some snakemen (other than MOTU) figures out there.
@ashtalon White Queen and Blood Knight are still available through LanaTime-Shop. I ordered my set from there a couple weeks agp and they arrived in about 8 days
Damnit those cats are going to be so hard to resist.
I'm definitely in for at least one tiger. I think it's a bit odd to get two different orange cats. A radically different color would have been interesting. I'm assuming they're avoiding a green cat with orange stripes for legal reasons, but that doesn't seem to stop many Chinese companies from indulging in non-official product.
Has anyone else been buying the Muff Toys Adam Super Strong 1/12 blanks? I've had some various luck with quality, the shoulder tightness in particular. Out of two figures I have one smooth shoulder, two that "stick" when lifting to the side, and one shoulder that feels really stuck moving that way (like a lateral raise). Anyways, I've been enjoying this base body a lot. He looks very slick and, shoulder issues aside, poses great. Kind of tricky finding parts to swap with him, though. Someone on Aliexpress selling boots and someone posting on instagram his Thor mods is all I've seen.
A small extention for the JP inspired velociraptors from Nanmu Studio was granted but they should be shipping to warehouses within the next week and a half or so, so if you haven't placed an order yet for the Shadow Blade and Tiger Blade JP raptors, I'd do so now. Once orders are shipped out from the warehouses they are officially off the market
I spoke to Nanmu again recently and they said they began to collect the first round of preorders for their 1/12 Scale Smart Series 2.5 TigerBlade and ShadowBlade Velociraptors earlier this week and with any luck, all of the orders should be finished collecting within the next 4-5 weeks and orders should begin processing some time soon after January 15th 2025. I can't believe the crazy trajectory of these figures have taken these past few months. And thats's not just limited to this series but for this company in general. I remember just a few short years ago when Nanmu popped up on people's radar as one of the hot new companies that were making high quality 1/35th scale Dinosaur figurines and even though they weren't articulated, no one could argue that they weren't incredible looking. and now that same company is also adept at making super articulated 1/12 dinosaur sculpts as well at the same level of quality? I'm freaking stunned. I can't wait to see how far this company can grow in the next 2-4 years
Wait... are these tiger figures orderable somewhere? Where?
Wait... are these tiger figures orderable somewhere? Where?
if you are refering to the actual tiger figures they are available on However if you are refering to the tiger striped velociraptors that I have been gushing over lately, you can find those here
ARE the tigers from Rage/Fury Toys on 5K yet though? I know the last instagram thing I posted on here had tomorrow's date on it, and I don't see them on the site today. We'll see.
PS: The tiger-striped raptor figures from Nanmu ARE on 5K for pre-order currently.
ARE the tigers from Rage/Fury Toys on 5K yet though? I know the last instagram thing I posted on here had tomorrow's date on it, and I don't see them on the site today. We'll see.
PS: The tiger-striped raptor figures from Nanmu ARE on 5K for pre-order currently.
This is true. And while 5k does offer the cheapest available price for these raptors, they also seem to be cursed with the longest release window out of all the retail outlets who seem to be selling these figures at the moment. Every other store predicts that they expect these raptors sometime within the next 30 days, but 5k says Q2 so that could mean June if anyone is willing to wait that long. And just from personal experience I know that Lana Time Shop ships their inventory relatively quickly and the service that they use is the next best thing outside of DHL. They offer free shipping across the globe and it arrives to your residence in less than one week. Which is pretty great for a store based in China.
5K ships out of a warehouse in the US, at least to US customers, so yeah, they still do have to wait for stuff to get here before they send. So they're a lot faster than say BBTS, but some of the ones that ship direct from China will likely beat them most of the time.