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Posted by: @deckard

Posted by: @joshsquash729
I forgot that he had 5 figures planned and shown off for the Color Top line back in the day that never came to be- Rick, Negan, Maggie, Jesus, and Daryl all from season 8. It's a shame they never saw the light of day- they all looked really nice. 

Where did you see these pictures?

In addition to the 3" line I could also see these new ones falling under  the 6" Movie Maniacs banner



Not sure about the rest, but this is the "Widow" Maggie they had planned.


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It looks great. Its too bad they didn't get that far. 

The Scarecrow Guy
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Here's a link to the article with Maggie, Negan, and Rick, and a photo of Jesus. It seems like I was mistaken and maybe the Daryl was released? It seems to be the same as the original release, just with a rocket launcher instead of his crossbow- looks like they released him in both 7 inch scale and 12 inch scale. I don't remember ever seeing it in stores, so maybe it was a limited release, or I'm just misremembering. I digress. Rick and Negan don't look too terribly dissimilar- I think there was just some slightly better articulation, and new accessories. Obviously the shirt/pose was different for Rick, and Negan was clean shaven/no ascot. But still- would've been nice to see where else the line went.


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Very cool. I really like that maggie, Jesus and Rick. Thanks


Looking forward to whatever character and  zombie DST announces for series 2.

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I sold off most of my tv walking dead figures a couple years ago. But I hung onto the comic figures. So if we get more comic stuff I might be down for it but I doubt I’d care for the show at this point. 

Amazing Spider-Man
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Hiya's 6 inch Daryl looks incredible.


The Walking Dead Exquisite Super Daryl Dixon 1/12 Scale PX Exclusive Action Figure Gallery Image 13

The Scarecrow Guy
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Agreed! I'm not usually one for the more "doll-like" figures that aren't Hot Toys, as I usually find the proportions and likeness a bit weird and the soft goods always look a bit baggy, but I think it works well on Daryl. And for a sub 12-inch figure, the likeness is pretty darn good! If I see him for a decent price, I may snag him, even if it's not my preferred outfit of his. I actually just finally finished getting around to the Daryl spinoff the other, and I really liked it, but when I think Daryl, I still think more of the redneck biker like in the TWD series proper. If and when Hiya ever gets around to making a Carol, though, that I'll definitely pick up.

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Looking forward to see what they do with a Rick.

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If this is accurate Im pleasantly surprised they are revisiting the 5" line. 

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I'm out straight away. They should be making them in the DC scale and not statues.

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I was just looking through some old toys, Mcfarlane TWD came up. I was curious to see if any new twd figures. Pleasantly surprised we are getting new 5" ones. I will def buy some. I am not sure if I ever got Merle on the first release, so i'll def grab him. Daryl was my favourite in the show from the seasons I watched, so i'll grab him. Depending on the price i'll get Rick and Michonne too, hopefully they scale well but age better.

The Scarecrow Guy
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For me, I think it really depends on how they compare to the old figures. From series 3-ish onward, they were really well made, and still hold up well today. I still have versions of all 4 of the aforementioned characters on my shelf. Rick, Daryl, and Michonne I'm sure will be some of their newer spin-off costumes, but I don't know how much Merle is going to really be different. Maybe better sculpt and articulation? I'll see. I'd love for them to sell well enough to at least get around to the other current major players- Carol, Maggie, and Negan (mostly Carol- can never have too much Carol). I'm sure missing pieces from the original line like Ezekiel, Jerry, Tara, Rosita, etc. are a little farther fetched, but you never know! Todd is very much a man that does what he wants, as long as the lines keep selling.

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I got my old 5" Walking Dead figures out of storage last week and put them out on a new shelf I had cleared. It was kind of like getting new figures again but I'm still salty we never got a Lori.

I'm hoping the new ones fill some holes while also releasing better versions of all the main characters.

The Scarecrow Guy
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Posted by: @justice

I got my old 5" Walking Dead figures out of storage last week and put them out on a new shelf I had cleared. It was kind of like getting new figures again but I'm still salty we never got a Lori.

I'm hoping the new ones fill some holes while also releasing better versions of all the main characters.

I think my saltiest ommission was Rosita. I'm not even the biggest fan of her character, but to have Eugene and Abraham but not her didn't feel right. As much as I liked Beth, and the Beth figure is really nice, I'd have happily traded it for Rosita. But the fans voted for her, so she was who we got.

I filled the other gaps however I could by using the comic figures. Alpha, Beta, and Lydia all work well with their comic figures since their designs didn't change that much. I have comic Ezekiel and Princess up there, and they work well enough. For Jerry, I have the armored comic Jesus; even if they don't look much alike, I feel like Jerry sort of took over Jesus' place/personality. If they'd made a comic Rosita, I'd have her too, but alas. Because of the substitutions, the only others I'm really bummed we never actually got in figure form are Lori, Tara, Judith, Gabriel, and maybe Jadis. I never really fell in love with any characters in/around the time of the Commonwealth storyline or from Magna's group. Would have loved another Carol too; she and Maggie are really the only super main characters we only ever got one look for, and if anyone deserves multiple figures, it's the master of disguise herself. I only kinda half count Terminus Carol, since it's the same figure, just with poopy deco and a cloak.

It's always so funny how figure lines work. In the moment, I'm happy to get smaller characters like Beth, Gareth, or all the different Rick/Michonne/Governor looks, because how often do lines go deep enough to give us multiple looks or supporting characters? But in hindsight, I'd happily trade any one of them for another character.


Justice reacted
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@joshsquash729 I would definitely like a Rosita, Gabriel, Ezekial, Jesus, and Alpha.  I don't need any of Magna's group.  They didn't click with me either.  The likenesses on Carol and Maggie seem really bad to me and I'd love to see them redone.  I'm sure there will be a Carol made from Daryl season 2 since she will be a big part of it.

Honestly I'd buy just about anything he makes for this line if they fit in with what I already have.  What I may not be talked into doing is buying into another scale.  I never got into the bigger Walking Dead figures he made and that was my first strike against Todd and his company, the sudden scale change.  The next strike was getting the DC license and making them bigger than the DCUC figures I'd been collecting and the last strike was not finishing the older kids in the Stranger Things line, especially Steve.  I said I was done but we will see what he does with the Walking Dead now.  I'm weak.  I know.

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