Anybody found some cool diorama pieces they like to use?
Diamond Select, it must be said, has made some great pieces over the years...
I've been curious about the small grey buildings I see in Power Rangers photoshoots, to mimic the city-destroying fight sequences. Where are folks getting those?
@disneyboy There's a lot of options to grab destroyed buildings depending on your preference for looks. Tamashii has some "building damaged" pieces and if you look those up on Amazon you'll see more stuff in the "people also buy" section.
Lately I've been hitting up my local Daiso (well several of them, I'm lucky to live within an hour drive of like 5) for stuff. It's a little rough because I'm not the only person around picking stuff up, but they have a kind of wild array of dio and accessory options, all for under $2 a pop. I'm working on putting together a sort of industrial armory/warehouse and they have lots of little bits I'm snapping up and using. If I get a minute later I'll drop some pics here, but just google Daiso Miniature to see what's there.
I've also been grabbing some 1/12 or non scale gashapon sets through ebay and there's a lot of stuff that way. The Petit Sample series has big sets of dio accessories that tend to scale well with 1/12 (the furniture in earlier sets is small, but the newer stuff looks to be true 1/12).
Basically recommending a lot of import stuff, but if you want to buy US, look at Super Action Stuff. He's putting out a bunch of neat sets of accessories and they all com inside a diorama piece. Im slightly biased since I did artwork for the recent Game On arcade set he did (I did the Cats With Knives arcade skin art), but they are genuinely great sets and pieces.
Want to make this diorama. Never done a facade before, though. Maybe Robo could help me flock those upper parts.
Being poor growing up, I always looked longingly at the playsets that were released and wished I could've had some. They just seemed so cool and deluxe. Even now, I'm a sucker for a good diorama, even if I don't have the room for them. If/when I'm ever able to buy a house, hopefully with a decent amount of room, I'd love to have more dioramas in the display. All the awesome 3D printed Star Wars dioramas I see online always make me so jealous to see. They're so cool, but pricey and bulky. If there's one thing I wish the Black Series had that Vintage Collection excels in, it would be the playsets/dioramas. Even smaller ones like the Armorer's Forge or a cockpit, or heck, even a couple hallway panels.
I used to love getting the little bases with some of the old Star Wars figures. I'd line up a lot of the little hallway pieces or planet flora pieces to make as big a display as I could. Even now, I love DST's Nightmare Before Christmas dioramas, and NECA's Pirates of the Caribbean dioramas from back in the day. The Isla de Muerta treasure grotto from Curse of the Black Pearl is still one of my absolute favorites, and holds up well even after 20 years.
I don't really have much room for diorama pieces nowadays, which is a major bummer. Every now and then I'll peruse the fish tank accessory aisle for some cool little pieces. For smaller or micro figures they can make a cool diorama or for bigger figures, some of those rock or stair pieces make nice little bases. I think I added a few of the neon plant ones to the Pandora playsets that McFarlane released for the Avatar movies a couple years ago, and a few of the rocky bases have made some nice Star Wars duel pieces.
Diamond Select, it must be said, has made some great pieces over the years...
Oh yea, i used to have the old spiderman with the window & AC diorama from DS. i cut out the window with the AC and used it on other dioramas. i sold it along time ago but wouldn't mind buying it again but just for the diorama not the fig (i dont collect marvel)
Yeah... my current display space is far too cramped to include diorama pieces unfortunately - but it would be nice to be able to include them. Way back once upon a time in a different space and when the collection was different I had my Toy Biz 5" Spider-Man collection displayed around the Daily Bugle set and the X-Men around the Blackbird and the Danger Room among other things.
I loved the dioramas for the Power of the Force Star Wars stuff - though I've long since off loaded all of that. I still have the pieces that come with any of the Marvel Select figures I've bought, but it's stored in a box as it takes up too much room on the shelf to use.
Maybe one day - if we ever move again - I'll insist on a big basement where I'll get to triple my display space and get to spread out and feature dioramas and dynamic displays and all sorts of fun things... maybe.
I'm in a weird position right now where, thanks to getting a job where I run a makerspace, I've got access to all the tools I need (3d printers and scanners, a laser cutter, cricut machines, sewing machines, a foam cutter, a vacuum former) to make some really *really* cool dioramas. I've even got enough money coming in that if I spent a bit on materials I could make stuff that would look almost as legit as mass produced kits. The problem I'm having now is free time. Being the boss just means I have no free time to spend on design, and if I did want to do it, I' have to do all the work... at work... and who wants to stay at work after a 40+ hr week?
All that said, I've been mentally planning out some dios for a while now and I think this next year I'm going to make some of them happen. My big one is a large, multi-part Sentinel factory for my Marvel Legends X-men. I'm narrowing down all the rooms I want to build... next it'll be time to start drawing and measuring.
Figured I'd try here, since it made the most sense. Anyone have any base/diorama ideas for a 1:6 scale figure? Specifically the 1:6 scale Scarecrow from Batman Begins and 1:6 scale Davy Jones- so maybe either a street, sewer, or graveyard for the former, and either a ship or something watery for the latter? Nothing too big, but a little more intricate than just the plain black stand they come with? Thanks in advance!
@joshsquash729 Depends on how much you want to invest in your dio base, but BBTS has a lot of 1/6 scale options to choose from and they add more all the time.
Here's a pirate ship one:
And a Gargoyle one that might work for Scarecrow:
They have a bunch of others as well. Pricey, to be sure. The other way to go is do-it-yourself. You can make some really nice dio pieces with insulation foam and craft acrylic paint for ultra cheap.
@joshsquash729 I’m not sure if you’re a member of Collector Freaks (formerly Sideshow Freaks) but a member there, Cocoboloboy, makes great diorama stands and is a great guy. He’s got a lot of his work on his Etsy store but takes on the occasional custom piece if you’re not seeing something that would work for you: