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"The Boys" figures (Mafex, Figma, Neca)

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I did a search and only found a couple of mentions of The Boys on this site outside of the Last show you watched thread.  I'm starting this thread with a question.  I bought into Neca's line and that appears to have been silently canceled so I'm stuck with a Homelander, Starlight, and Black Noir and no one else.

I saw Mafex has Soldier Boy and the Deep coming out soon.  I assumed that Mafex figures were very small like Figuarts and definitely wouldn't scale with Neca's offerings but then I heard someone say that Mafex scaled large.  I can't seem to find any side by side pictures of the Neca Homelander beside the Mafex Homelander, only comparisons between the Figma one and Mafex one.

Does anyone know?  I'd really like to continue building the team but I don't want to have to rebuy those same three characters at Mafex prices.

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Afraid I can't speak to comparisons with the NECA ones but the Mafex ones are all around 6" (Starlight's a bit shorter, obvs). Medicom's 1:12 figures are usually bigger than any SHF equivalents (compare, say SHF Captain Phasma with the Mafex one - Mafex's is frickin' huge, practically Darth Vader sized).

All I would say is that if you like the show and want the team, Medicom look like the only folks looking likely to at least complete the Seven* as Homelander, Noir, Starlight are already out, The Deep and Soldier Boy are due next year(ish), and protos of Maive and A-Train were on show at a trade event last year. I doubt we'll get any other actual 'Boys' to join Butcher though, maybe Kimiko if we're lucky.

* Well, six most likely, given the running gag of there never being 7 in the Seven, plus Stormfront's likely off the table...

Justice reacted
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Thanks for the info! I didn't know they have announced A-Train and Maeve so that tells me Mafex is the way if I want to have a somewhat complete line.

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Mafex do seem to be the way to go 


Justice reacted
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Is Mafex better now?  I've only ever owned one and it was years ago.  A Batman figure that was very floppy and if you barely posed him his arms and legs would fall off.  I never bought another one.

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I only have two MAFEX, Hush Batman and Scarlet Spider, and neither are floppy. Only issue I had was Scarlet Spider was actually really tight in the hip joints, but I hit the joints with some lubricant and they're good now.

Justice reacted
Magneto Was Right
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MAFEX has made incredible progress over the last few years. They're the most consistently great toy line now, IMO.

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Knock on wood, I haven't had any BAD* issues with Mafex, and I have a LOT.

All the Hush figures except blue Batman (I have black) & skydiving Batman (but I have two Hushes, as I'm displaying one as Jason Todd, though I still need to find better arms to give him so he doesn't have to wear the coat), almost all the DCEU (my Supes & Bats** are the good ones - I've heard horror stories about the first Cavill & Batfleck releases), two Holland Spider-Men (Homecoming & Night Monkey), both TNBA, 3 Star Wars (a First Order ST, Capt. Phasma, and IG-11, and all The Boys so far.

*The only "issues" I've had have been the same as any other import figure, Figuarts, Figma, Revoltech, Dasin, and if I had to rank them all, Mafex has been the most consistently best out of all of them.

**My only problem with my Batfleck is because they sculpted the boot tread & he's got toe articulation, so standing him is difficult.

My only two problems with Butcher are I don't like softgoods & he needs a little poster tac or a LOT of patience to get him to hold laser baby, lol. I have zero issues with the rest. Homelander is probably my favorite figure (Butcher's my favorite character in the show lol).

Lemme see if I have a pic on my phone (because I'm currently at work lol)...

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@tenime so they are definitely smaller than a standard Neca figure then?

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Oh, 100%, but NECA are 1/10 scale (too tall for my liking, despite having a LOT of their products).

I'm going to my mom's after work, but when I get home, I can take a pic of NECA Starlight with Mafex Starlight, since I at least got her (I really liked her before Butcher wormed his way into my heart lol - though Kimiko is definitely giving him a run for his money, especially this season).

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@tenime that would be lovely and much appreciated. I FOMO'd hard when I saw BBTS only had 3 of the Deep left for preorder so put down the $11 deposit and preordered him.

TENIME reacted
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Hey, sorry, @justice we had tornados here in Chicago, so I didn't forget, I just wasn't able to snap a pic, because I was busy dealing with the weather.

My power's been out since 2am, and I'm really hoping it's back on by the time I get home (because AC), so if it is, and I have lights to turn on, I'll take the pic later today (I'm going straight home after work, so it won't be late - late afternoon/early evening).

Justice reacted
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I grabbed The Phantom's muzzle flashes, which were in the same bin, so NECA Annie could beam some light with MAFEX Annie lol

Justice reacted
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@tenime thanks! And wow she's at least a head taller. I was hoping I could fudge Homelander from Neca in temporarily since the Mafex seems to be sold out everywhere except eBay. Any good sources I could check for these besides BBTS?

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