If i remember when i did it to do my ROTLD custom, the cloth is flexible so it should budge when you take it off in a downward action.
If i remember when i did it to do my ROTLD custom, the cloth is flexible so it should budge when you take it off in a downward action.
You could not make it sound any less sexy.
That Sonja looks shitty. The fact that they even released those promo shots looking like that tells me all I need to know about how far BFS has fallen since the hostile takeover.
Yeah... the open mouth head sculpt is nightmare fuel. The closed mouth head is a bit better at least, but the rosy cheeks are stupid I'm going to have to rub those off or paint over them or something. And I dislike the look of the articulation at the elbows and knees. I'm hoping that's a painted proto assembly issue and won't look quite like that on the factory product. But overall not the best effort for sure. Now got me wondering about these others they've shown.
@panthercult I'm pretty sure that's a factory sample, right? Or was it a painted prototype? I feel like if it's a painted prototype that's even worse because someone at BFS chose to make it look so shit, rather than the factory messing it up and overdoing the rouge.
That being said - BFS quality is in the toilet, in my opinion. The most recent waves of Zorro, The Phantom, HACKS 10th Ann. knights, AND 1:18 Court of the Dead were actually some of the worst figures BFS has ever produced, purely in terms of actual build and paint quality.
And now they're bragging on fucking Instagram about adding proper wrist hinges to the upcoming knights/soldiers -- wrist articulation that ALL the previous HACKS figures had already had prior to the aforementioned shitty waves someone at BFS dearly fucked up on.
What I'm saying as someone maybe more familiar with their current product is this: Don't expect Sonja to be a product warranting the kind of praise BFS had been getting from some of us die-hards for 5 or 6 years. This BFS isn't the same BFS and the jury is still out on whether or not the guy in charge, after forcing out his partners, can mount a come back.
No, you're right - it's a factory sample. I think what I meant to say was 'finished product' - but we know how that goes. Some companies get wonky samples and get corrections done so the final product looks better, and some companies get wonky samples (ahem *super7* cough) say they'll fix it and then do nothing to make it better, so who knows.
The pictures on that Roxy London figure look really good, so I want that one to turn out well. The Athena preview pictures look less good, honestly and so these Sonja pics have me concerned about how those end up.
But the in hand review pics I saw of La Borinquena looked nice. I was super tempted by that entire line up of figures even though I have zero familiarity with that comic book. They just looked like fun 6 inch super heroes. If I scare up an extra few dollars I may still buy in on those - but they didn't look to have quality issues in the reviews I've seen. Of course, they may have been completed before the change in the company as well - so...?
But I do understand the distaste for the company in it's current state and what's gone on with it, so I totally get the skepticism.
I've got Roxy London and the dead Pope guy on pre-order. I think the dead Pope comes in first. If he sucks, I'll cancel Roxy. I've never purchased a BFS figure before.
That Sonja...oof! Really fugly! If that is how they are going to look, I'll be canceling mine.
Except the figure is almost a 1 for 1 recreation of what she actually looks like on that comic cover that the figure is based on. That's how she looks... they just translated it to plastic. As for quality, I have no idea, I don't have any Boss Fight figures. She will be my first. And the Ares chosen girl is the other one i have preordered. I'll see how Sonja turns out before I decide on keeping the preorder or not. I cancelled the court of the dead chick, but I may get her later if I like what they do with Sonja. I will also be removing or at least thinning the makeup. I still think it looks badass. The Loose Collector Sonja has become one of my fave figures I own, especially after I got a cape for her. She would be hard to dethrone anyway for me at this point. But I love Sonja so, I'll get a few of her. I even preordered the small scale one.
Also, here's the art she's based on.
Hmmm... I fail to see the big red splotches on the cheeks in the drawing you posted. The drawing also doesn't feature the weirdly distorted open mouthed screaming head - but I concede some interior art might look just like it. Additionally the artwork does not depict the fairly unattractive joint assembly at the elbows and knees that the figure sample features.
So, I disagree that the figure looks exactly like the artwork... but if it's close enough for you that's awesome.
Hmmm... I fail to see the big red splotches on the cheeks in the drawing you posted. The drawing also doesn't feature the weirdly distorted open mouthed screaming head - but I concede some interior art might look just like it. Additionally the artwork does not depict the fairly unattractive joint assembly at the elbows and knees that the figure sample features.
So, I disagree that the figure looks exactly like the artwork... but if it's close enough for you that's awesome.
Bingo bango.
I mean, it's just a bad faith argument, right? No one is arguing, as far as I'm aware, that the figure looks bad because of things that are elements of the -design-. Like that she should have more clothes on, or that she has dumb boots, or silly armor, or whatever.
The criticism is in the interpretation of the design, not in the design itself. So pointing out that the design comes from the comic is irrelevant to the discussion. Unless I'm missing something.
They did take some liberties i suppose. But it looks pretty close to my eyes. And you can't see the joints on a comic. Plus, the body she's on is most likely gonna be pinless when she's released. The smaller one probably will have the pins showing.
I think it's super generous to suppose that the factory sample they showed off that shows the jointed elbows and knees is NOT going to be the joint structure they go with for the full production run.
That wasn't a sculpted prototype, I'm pretty sure that was a sample sent from the factory for quality check, to tweak things. I don't think fully replacing the joint assembly is likely on the table anymore at that stage.
I would be stunned if the figure we get has a joint assembly that is dramatically different than what was pictured - perhaps more tightly assembled but probably not differently constructed.
This, to me, looks like the exact same body. I can't imagine they would tool an all new one when the Sonja one is right there. If you look at this one, it has pinless knees. So I'm hoping, that's how she comes out. But, you could be right. She could still have the pins. But I've seen the pins my whole life, it was never a deal breaker. Even with the pins, to me, she looks alot better then some of the other figures I own.