Epic HACKS! They aren’t 1/18th scale! Thread for them!
First wave of non-skellies/non-blanks looks like this:
Why does Epic HACKS sound so much like Ipecac?! Was it intentional?! If not, does no one love them enough to tell them what syrup of ipecac does?! MYSTERIES!
So we're moving this over here. Okily dokily then. I preordered the Spartan and the blue demon girl. They look pretty sweet. I would think about the space girl but I don't know, her outfit isn't doing it for me. Not sure why. The alien and the warrior dude I would consider on sale but not for the price they're charging. I did preorder the champaign girl as well to try and customize somehow, but I'd want actual armor to put on her instead of go the Hasbro route and and just paint the nude body. Like I'd paint, maybe the panties at the panty line, but I'd try to find like armor or some sort of plastic shirt that's raised to put on her. I got the champaign cause it's the closest to a neutral skin tone they made and I can maybe use the extra heads for something else. I just think these would look odd if they were just painted on clothes. Although, Hasbro doesn't do a bad job at it. Maybe if I were to try and make her a superhero of some kind it would work. But I really wanted to use it to make a warrior of some sort. Also wouldn't wanna paint the joints if I don't have to, cause paint rub. Although if I do a ninja, the painted on leotard type suit could work, but I would want wrinkles and maybe some detailing on that. I unno, I ordered it to mess around with it and see what I come up with.
I’m digging Delger Bat: the Beast Tamer Warlord, it’s always nice to see Asian representation in fantasy lines that doesn’t default to “mystic”, “kung-fun guy” or “panda”, Genghis Khan conquered the known world only stopped by his own death due to illness, so it’s nice when someone remembers “oh yeah, bad ass barbarian warriors come in other colors besides Conan, He-Man, and token black guy”
My worst buying toys for my toys instinct is to buy like a whole pile of Delgers and put them on my shelf with the Brutal Realms Great Khan as their leader, that would make a really impressive Mongol army.
but… I kind of want to wait to see the quality of the EPIC HACKS before I commit to this line, I know Boss Fight is an established company but the 1/12th scale is new to them. I wasn’t so terribly impressed with the one Neon Dinosaur I bought from them or the Bucky O’Hare figures that I trust them to “got this”, and fiddly warriors who’s parts are hard to swap (I’ve almost broken 1/18th scale HACKS trying to swap parts even though that’s their fucking point!) aren’t fun to pose around.
So hopefully once Red Sonja finally ships she’s awesome and I can put any fears to rest
You made me have to Google ipecac, thanks for that. I will say Epic HACKS is a pretty bad name for the line. Virtruvian HACKS is one thing, but Epic HACKS makes me think the figures are supposed to be purposely goofy or they're bad at what they're doing.
These aren't bad, but they're nothing special either. Preordered the space woman, really like the vibe and the human head a lot.
Was leaning toward the Amazon warrior but I think the helmet looks too big. If you're gonna include two heads, why not make one of them with the helmet sculpted on? It always looks better ... And especially when the two included heads look so damn similar.
The Warlord does nothing for me at all and I'm usually all over reptile people but this one just seems kind of lazy with the head choices. Especially the human head. Thanks for painting some green on there but it still seems way off on the lizard-armed body. The mutant head's OK.
The lizard head makes me think of the gecko creatures from Fallout Vegas, though. I guess that's a good thing. I may pick him up in the future.
I don't have the space to start another line, but I do kind of like what I'm seeing.
Delgar looks like a great companion for Red Sonja and I could've felt tempted by Roxy and some space pirates before I noticed the human head wouldn't really work like GrumpyMatt said.
Other than Sonja, I POed Delger Bat. Love the masked look. Not sold on the Hacks face sculpts/decos just yet.
I'm not sure about the face paints, but like with early Black Series stuff, monsters, robots, and masked faces seem to work fine and I dig those. I'm grabbing the space pirate (for that not a Metaluna Mutant head) and Roxy London (for the robot head) and still on the fence about the warlord dude. He'd look pretty good going after Xanathar on my D&D shelf though... good general D&D fighter/barbarian look, I think. I like the variety the line's offering and I'm excited to see what they're like in hand. I have a skeleton form the previous epic hacks wave and it looks lovely even though the joints are a bit wibbly wobbly (though I think that's just because it's a skeleton and they committed to the thinner joints).
Yeah couldn't resist Roxy, had to pre-order that one. Pulled the trigger on Delger Bat too... thought he looked kind of fun.
I wanted to like the Pride of Ares figure, but just something off about it - like no muscle definition for a warrior maiden not wearing any clothes. That works fine for space suit lady, not so much for a grecian warrior chick.
The two for now is probably plenty. There's too many fun 6 inch projects going. I'm going to have to be judicious or go broke in a hurry.
There's too many fun 6 inch projects going. I'm going to have to be judicious or go broke in a hurry.
I love/hate this fact. It really makes me examine my shopping tendencies and ask myself....
"What will be the bigger regret, buying this or not buying this."
I'm looking at those Space Pirates and thinking that, with an extra Bossk and a splash of paint, I can kitbash a generic trandoshan.
The Amazon Warrior is perfect for backing up Wonder Woman.
Beast Tamer would make a good human foil for Conan.
I do like the looks off all of these.
I'm thinking the Amazon has two heads because the one with smooth hair is for the helmet to fit over. As mentioned, they probably could have just make the helmet part of the sculpt, since the helmet would look better. As is, it looks a bit large. As is, I do like the idea of having some 1/12 Amazons. And even just two to accompany Wonder Woman would be cool.
I'm surprised at how much I like the spacegirl. I wasn't clamoring for the 1/18 space stuff from BFS, but I like this figure. The army builder head also looks cool and makes me realize more Flash Gordon-y figures could be cool.
The Asian warrior is neat, but he's too pricey to army build. I do like that we're not just getting more samurai or ninja and instead something else from Asian history.
I like the lizard and the big-brain alien/mutant head. The human head for that body just doesn't work and is un-needed.
I'm not super eager for any of these. Maybe I'll try some once they're on sale somewhere.
I think they kept the helmet seperate since these are supposed to use their HACKS system which makes most of the armor and helmets and even maybe arms and legs interchangeable. I'm not sure about the actual body parts, cause I don't have any, but I read the skeletons all come apart easy so if you buy a bunch you can just go wild. The Red Sonja figure looks like everything is removable and interchangeable. I would guess she has some paint under the chain mail bottoms painted on, but as a whole it looks like everything comes off. If I had to guess, this new Spartan girl looks like most of, if not all, her armor bits come off too. So you can mix and match. If you wanna try and paint a face or match the skintone, you could even try popping a different head on there, but you probably won't be able to use the helmet because of whatever hair the other head has. Honestly it would be cool if I could do a bunch of swapping between the blank body and the Spartan girl. Swap a head and maybe try to paint it. Throw on the legs of the blank and paint them a different color, give her close toed boots or thigh highs or something. If that's how the system works, it could be really fun to fuck around with moving parts about.
The Amazon heads look a ot like Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft to me. That alone sells me on this one!
Regarding the Epic HACKS skeletons. I have a few and would like to strip them down. What's the best way to remove loin cloths off the figures? Separate the spine where it goes into the hips? Or take the legs off at the hips?