Just starting the catch all thread for Jerry Macaluso/ToyNK's new venture.
Looks promising. I loved SOTA back in the day, so I'm really hoping this sticks, as they have some pretty wicked licenses, and the figures themselves look incredible.
Licenses include:
Army of Darknesss, Ghoulies, Pumpkinhead, Double Dragon, Dragon's Lair, True Romance, Bloodsport, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, and more.
I asked, by the way, being the massive Evil Dead fan I am, and yes...figures for AoD are on the table.
I'm excited for Double Dragon! I'd be more excited if it was Rage of the Dragons, but Double Dragon is still pretty cool.
Interesting group of licenses. I don't actually own any Evil Dead figures even though the first movie is one of my two or three favorite horror movies. The NECA stuff was never articulated enough for me.
I'm interested Ghoulies for sure. I would love Double Dragon but I didn't care for the sculpts shown. Those characters are are so hard to nail down since they look so different from game sprites to box art to different sequels.I fully expect these to be close to Storm Collectibles in pricing.
I completely forgot these were the guys who showed off Ghoulies at SDCC, but I love all the designs from that film. I'm all in for those, and if they make a figure of Malcolm I will cheer. One of my favorite theatrical costumes ever.
This should be interesting... but honestly the only one of those licenses from which I would buy anything is Dragon's Lair. I do hope he gets to that one sooner rather than later 'cause that would be fun.
I'm surprised we haven't seen anything from these guys at NYTF.
@blankslate Any mention of Ash vs Evil Dead figures? I'd shit bricks if anybody had the balls to make a figure of Ash in the morgue scene. And Pablo and Kelly too, of course.
There's been a lot about licenses and not a lot about product. Are these guys actually going to produce figures? When should we anticipate seeing some prototypes... or even renders?
They've got the Pumpkinhead and Ghoulies statues up for preorder right now, and a number of, um...puppets available? Like, not Puppet Master, but just boxing movie character puppets.
I'm curious to see figures show up, though. Especially those Bloodsport and Double Dragon ones.
Looks like mostly statues. There are figures from The Howling, Pumpkinhead, Blood Sport (I think we've seen these before), and my favorite of the bunch, Futurama. Bender has an estimated release of Winter 2025. Is this company a money laundering scheme? I haven't heard anything of their True Romance figures from last year, either.
Preorders are live for the Double Dragon figures and I gotta say, they look pretty shitty. Especially for 50 a pop.
Yeah, $50 is too much. I was hoping to get some of these as background goons. But not at that price point. Makes me worried about the "True Romance" figures, if they ever happen. I was hoping to buy multiples of those for customs. But $50 is too far, even for a boutique manufacturer.
I was hoping for the best here, but $50 is nuts. I can absolutely see getting them on sale if they went down to $30-35.
I don't really know why these had to be 7" -- would that put them in scale with Storm's stuff? I don't have any of their figures, but the pictures make them look bulky.
They don't look good. I doubt the True Romance figures ever happen, either. It's been like two years since we saw them.