Got Ben Ali Gator and Big Bad from EE using that sale that made them $45 I think? Anyway...
Big Bad: had a nice red paint rub mark on his chest. Wouldn't rub off, couldn't paint over it cause of the kind of plastic used. Tail twisted off. I'll accept blame for not being more careful there when testing that out. Y-hips suck, they're super tight, needed a hair dryer to get everything moving except for the wrists and the elbows. Chewed up neck near the peg...I guess technically not a big deal since it'd be up close enough to the so as not to be seen? Already contacted EE about a replacement. He might be fine if I can get one that isn't goofed up.
Mr. Gator: he is totally okay. He's lightweight plastic, so he feels cheap, but he'll stay standing unlike Prince John. Heads swap easily enough on him, if they were trying to get ball jointed torso joints in the two sections of his long body? They failed pretty badly. Barely any movement on them at all, they feel like they'll break if I twist them, and there's no shifting around that makes a difference. The articulation doesn't feel thought out.
Both figures had a lot of paint stray marks. Ben Ali's at least rubbed off for the most part. Wolf was boned from the start and I'm real sour about that.
I'm glad I bought them on sale, even though it was only like $10 off. These aren't worth the full price. The last Super7 figure I got IN HAND was Junkyard, and I think he felt much better than these two do.
Does Super7 generally produce multiple waves of ReAction figures for their different properties? I'm curious if they're likely to make a 3rd wave of their Who Framed Roger Rabbit figures to finish the last two Toon Patrol weasels. I'm also curious how many Sesame Street figures they are likely to make. I realize no one here can predict the future, or has inside knowledge they can share, but I'm still curious if there are generally trends. Have they made more than 2 waves of ReAction figures for any property? Thanks!
Does Super7 generally produce multiple waves of ReAction figures for their different properties? I'm curious if they're likely to make a 3rd wave of their Who Framed Roger Rabbit figures to finish the last two Toon Patrol weasels. I'm also curious how many Sesame Street figures they are likely to make. I realize no one here can predict the future, or has inside knowledge they can share, but I'm still curious if there are generally trends. Have they made more than 2 waves of ReAction figures for any property? Thanks!
Yes, they have made multiple waves for some lines
TMNT, Godzilla, Star Trek: TNG, Thundercats, Masters of The Universe and others all have multiple waves.
I wish they would get the rights to MOTU back.
@jediblood Thanks! Are those ReAction or Ultimates figures? I recognize several of the properties you listed as having Ultimates lines but didn't know there were long running ReAction lines, too. I'm specifically curious about ReAction figures. Sorry, I am not very familiar with Super7.
@bills-all-day As the above post said, they've done multiple (like 5-10) waves of Reaction for quite a few properties. GI Joe also has a bunch of figures. Just look on BBTS if you want to see how many figures they've made, there are quite a few for their bigger properties.
@mikeysee Thanks! I see bbts show many ReAction figures available for several brands. Sorry, I should have thought to do that initially. It's good to know there's hope they'll make more figures for the properties I'm interested in. At least, there's a precedent for multiple waves happening. Thanks again for the help!
For $100, I caved and got Pinocchio. He'll be a good addition to my "actual size" Disney shelf with young Simba, Cogsworth, Lumiere and Mrs Potts, and Tinkerbell.
@captaincracker Thanks! I’ve been keeping an eye on the price for Pinnochio. For that price, I had to go for it.
@jediblood Thanks! Are those ReAction or Ultimates figures? I recognize several of the properties you listed as having Ultimates lines but didn't know there were long running ReAction lines, too. I'm specifically curious about ReAction figures. Sorry, I am not very familiar with Super7.
These are all for the Reaction line.
Super7 just announced Bobby Newport, Jean Ralphio, and Perd Hapley for what I think is their third or fourth wave. Losing hope that they’ll ever make Tom Haverford, now that they’re getting into Parks and Rec recurring characters. He’s the last main cast member to not get a figure. Maybe Aziz Ansari wasn’t on board to use his likeness?
Got my replacement Big Bad Wolf in from EE. The base of the tail is chewed up and the red plastic is showing. So that's cool. I think I can paint over that and be okay with it since the rest of the figure seems fine. But boy that annoys the hell outta me anyway.
Bit of a bargain for anyone that wants them.
@normdapito BBTS has a preorder listing for Tom Haverford along with variants of Ron and Leslie - no pictures though - so maybe wires are crossed, or Tom, Ron and Leslie are Wave 4.
After Tom we need a standard Tammy, Chris, and I'd take a Jimmy Jam, Joan Callamezzo and (although I don't expect it) Mark.
For anyone curious about the Who Framed Roger Rabbit ReAction line, Brian said that Disney no longer has the distribution rights to the property. Even though Super7 has sculpted new figures, including Greasy, Wheezy, and Benny, but they can't make them yet.
I'm really hoping the rights issues get figured out and Super7 is able to finish of the Toon Patrol. I've wanted figures of the five of them since that movie first came out.